Interim Research Report

For example, according to the 1999 national survey by the Socis-Gallup Ukraine, 38,7% of the respondents were rather against land privatization and 37,3% rather favored it. What is more telling, is that the share of those undecided remained almost the same during 7 years of transition – 26,7% in 1993 and 23,3% in 1999  

2. The TV channel "Inter" is controlled by the Social-Democratic Party of Ukraine (United) (SDPU (o) which has been set up by the financial-oligarchic group headed by Mr. Surkis, the owner of the football club 'Dinamo-Kyiv' and, reportedly, the semi-criminal 'oligarch', and Mr. Medvedchuk, the current first vice-speaker of the Ukrainian parliament. The latter is misfamous  for his defence of the Ukrainian dissident during Soviet times - the poet Vasyl Stus. Mr. Medvedchuk worked as an attorney and he was appointed by the Soviet court to be Stus's attorney. All Ukrainian dissidents whom I heard speaking about this case insist that Mr. Medvedchuk betrayed his client and Vasyl Stus has been imprisoned for 20 years or something like that. He died in the camp. The term has been obviously too long, as Ukrainian dissidents claim.

The general director of "Inter" is Mr. Zinchenko, the head of the parliamentary committee on the freedom of speech and information.  The respondent said the 'Inter' has been so attentive to the issues of the land reform because the President and the SDPU (o) 'were friends' at that time and the TV channel backed up this 'friendship' by highlighting the land reform pushed forward personally by the President.

3. The program has been launched by SDPU (o). One of the party's declared tasks is the legal education of the Ukrainian citizens. Mr. Medvedchuk, the head of the Union of Attorneys of Ukraine, is especially proud for this program being initiated by him personally. 

4. Source: Silski visti, 02.08.01. As a rule, the subscription or circulation figures indicated by newspapers or journals themselves are false, for different reasons.

5. To be true, there is another national newspaper covering large segment of rural population. It is called "Poradnytsja" and it is neither the so-called socio-political newspaper nor business-oriented. It falls into the category of entertaining outlets for housewives and dacha holders. There are a lot of regional editions of such a type called "Your/My dacha", "Your land", "Your householding", etc. "Poradnytsja" is the mixture of house holding advices, horoscopes, agricultural consultations (how to grow cranberries and the like), entertainment news, etc. As I have been told by the manager of media-research of the SOCIS-Gallup company, its rural popularity rivals that of "Silski visti".  

6. Interview with the former editor (2000-01) of the regional/national private newspaper targeting private farmers and owners of large house holdings (Eastern Ukraine):

...Moreover, the former head of the human resources division of the oblast state department of agriculture became the head of the oblast Association of the farmers...

...When they discovered that there is our newspaper and it is more or less popular, they decided to use us as their information resource. They came and asked, "Guys, why you don’t write that private farmers must pay taxes to the state, the state needs taxes...?" I said, "So, you came on behalf of the private farmers or on behalf of whom?"

OK, it has been just a beginning. I agreed that we might cooperate. "We will build our cooperation on the following principles: I’ve got the letter from the farmer who says that his right to get his property parcel from the former collective has been abused. As you are here, please, help him. What’s the difference – he is the member of your Association or not? You’ve got an opportunity to intervene and to gain the prestige..." So, he left, went to the village and in a day he comes back and says, "Do not make the publication about this farmer! He is bullshit, the former head of the collective gives him everything, the head is for the well-being of his peasants!" He said he spoke with the farmer and the head... We asked him, "On what grounds did you decide that the head is right in this affair? – He’s got two children!" I say, "So, the farmer does not have children? The children are the guarantee of truth?"

After this meeting he started complaining to Janukovich (the governor of Donetsk oblast – A.M.) and Gurbich (the head of the oblast state department of mass media and information – A.M.) and claiming that the newspaper should be closed or the editor should be fired. But the owner of our newspaper fucked him because the newspaper became profitable and all the rest was OK...

7. Interview # 1. The journalist of the national newspaper (he has friends in raion newspaper)
... For example, the raion newspaper is being read by ... I will now say ... 15% of the raion population. The circulation of the newspaper is 5 000 copies, the population of raion is 38 000. It is very simple in those newspapers. They are owned by local state administrations, and the head of raion or oblast state department of agriculture (or head of raion state administration) comes to the editor, or the editor comes to him... And the head tells him that this and that should be covered in the newspaper. The newspaper agrees and writes songs of praise.
How often do raion newspapers publish information materials for average peasants? For example, what to do with the land title, how to get it in kind, etc.?
They publish what the local authorities need. That is to say, if the local authority wants to keep the collective intact or keep the same farm directors, then the information given to peasants is minimum: they gather people and tell them, "So, give your land certificates to the farm director and that’s all". They do not focus on the alternative paths of the land reform because the competition in agricultural production, emergence of alternative agricultural producers is not welcome by the local authorities. Everything and everybody is interconnected at the raion level... The oblast department of agriculture, the raion state administration....
How much money does the raion state administration spend to support the raion newspaper?
I will find out and tell you. But the question is not about money, it is about whether the local authorities would like to inform about radical market reforms. If the co-founder of the newspaper is the state administration, then, probably, the editor  would let one radical material publish for pay. But after the publication the head of raion administration will call the editor and strongly order him not to publish such materials! Perhaps, only the following neutral materials could get through: simple information about main principles of the reform, without concrete exapmles, without telling that if you do not want to give your land to the former director, you can do this and that.

8. See, for example, an article "The letters from the village-2001" by Nikolai Kozyrev, the head of Luhansk committee for defence of human rights in Svoboda, # 28, July 24-31, 2001 
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