Plamen Makariev, PhD, Associate Professor
Faculty of Philosophy, Sofia University, Boul.Tsar Osvoboditel 15, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
tel.00359 2/ 9871 046, fax 00359 2/ 973 3338
Home address: 1303 Sofia, 69 Al.Stamboliiski Blvd. Ap.6
tel. 00359 2/ 986 55 79

Born May 17, 1955, Sofia, Bulgarian citizenship, married, one child.
1978 - Graduated the Faculty of Philosophy, Sofia University.
1980 - Assistant Professor, the Faculty of Philosophy
1983 - Senior Assistant Professor
1987 - Major Assistant Professor
1988 - PhD, Sofia University.
  Dissertation: Necessity and Individuals
1995 - Associate Professor

1986 - One semester specialization in Vienna University.
  Seminar with Karl Popper.
1989,1990,1991 - Participation in seminars at the Inter-University
  Center, Dubrovnik
1992 - Participation in the international conference "Nationalism on the
  Balkans", Sofia.
1993 - Participation in the international conference "Group Identity and
  Nationalism", Sofia.
1994,1995,1996,1997, 1998, 2000 - Visits to the University of Saarland, associated
  with the joint project "Philosophical Problems of
  Intercultural Dialogue".
1993,1994 - Participations in the annual conferences of the
  Austrian Society for Philosophical East-West Dialogue
  (Ottertal, Austria).
1994 - Participation in The Salzburg Seminar (Session
  "Religion, Ethnicity and Self-Identity", the working
   group of prof.Nathan Glazer)
1996, 1997, 1998 - visits to the Universities of Bologna and Amsterdam within
 the Bulgamin TEMPUS Project
1996 - participation in the conference Ethnic and National Tensions - Brno
1997 - participation in the conference Civil Society as the Emergence of Freedom - Lviv
1998 - participation in the Summer University at the CEU, Budapest, course "Plight of the Gypsies"
1998 - coordinator of the conference Islamic and Christian Cultures - Conflict or Dialogue - Sofia (financed by the OSF - Sofia)
1999 - participation in the conference Dialogue of Civilizations: East - West, Moscow
2000 - participation in the seminar Globalization, Cultural Identities and Pluralism at the Catholic University of America, Washington D.C.
2001 – participation in the conference Human Rights and the Dialogue of Civilizations, Teheran

1991 - Member of the Board of Minerva Foundation.
1993 - Coordinator of the project "Ethnicity and National
  Identity", supported financially by the
  Ministry of Science and Education.
1993 - Contact person for the Faculty of Philosophy, Sofia
  University, in the international project
  "Philosophical Problems of Intercultural Dialogue".
1994 - Director of the MA program "Intercultural
  Dialogue" at the Faculty of Philosophy.
1995 - Coordinator of the international Phare Democracy Project
 “Interactive Educational Programme for Minority Groups in
1996 - Member of the team at the Ministry of Education and
Science on working out the first national curriculum on Civic
1997 - Member of the working group at the Ministry of Education and
Science on teaching the mother tongue of minorities
1997 - Coordinator of the international Phare Democracy Project
 “Elaborating Methods of Communication between Minority Groups
and Civil Society in Bulgaria”
1998 - Member of the Board of the Journal Strategies of Educational and
Research Policy
1999 - Head of the Department of Philosophy at Sofia University
1999 - Member of the Commission at the Ministry of Education and Science
for working out the National Standards for Philosophy and Civic
Education at secondary schools
2000 – Member of the Commission at the Ministry of Education and Science
for working out the National Curriculum for Philosophy education at secondary schools
2001 – International Policy Fellow at the Open Society Institute, Budapest

Foreign Languages: English, German, Russian


1. Cultural Identity and Dialogue, Filosofski Alternativi, 1994/4 (in Bulgarian)
2. Dialogue as a Prospect for the Ethno-Cultural Situation in Bulgaria (in: "Aspects of the Etno-Cultural Situation in Bulgaria", Sofia, 1994) (in Bulgarian)
3. Identities, Sofia, 1995 (with A.Krasteva, N.Bogomilova and I.Katsarski) (in Bulgarian)
4. We & Them, A Concise Ethnopolitical Dictionary, Sofia, 1995, 1998 (with V.Roussanov, D.Kjuranov, L.Alexandrieva and R.Ianovski) (in Bulgarian)
5. Intercultural Education and Cultural Communities (in: R. Jordanova, ed. Intercultural Education, Varna, IPKU Dr. Petar Beron, 1996) (in Bulgarian)
6. Intercultural Education. Studies and Exercises, Sofia, Minerva, 1997 (with Al.Andonov, eds.)
7.Philosophical Problems of Intercultural Education (in: Europa Forum Philosophie, Minden, 1997)
8. Dialogue of Cultures and Communicative Rationality (in Anna Krasteva, ed. Communities and Identities, Sofia, Pentexton, 1998)
9. The Role of the University in the Dialogue of Cultures - Bulgarian Perspectives (in Higher Education in Europe, vol XXIII, No 1, 1998)
10. Multiculturality and Power Relations in the Balkans (in: National, Cultural and Ethnic Identities: Harmony beyond Conflict, Washington D.C. CRVPh, 1998)
11. Tolerance towards the Intolerant? (in: Tolerance Today, Yearbook in Germanic Studies 5/1998, Sofia, 1998) (in German)
12. Cultural Identity and Minority Rights in Bulgaria (in Communities and Identities in Bulgaria, Ravena, Longo Editore, 1998)
13. Bulgaria - Facing Cultural Diversity (with G. De Keersmaker, eds.), Antwerp, IPIS, 1999
14. Intercultural Education in Bulgaria - Ideal and Reality (ed.), Sofia. ACCESS, 1999 (in Bulgarian)
15. Creating Democratic Societies. Values and Norms. Bulgarian Philosophical Studies II (ed. with A. Blasco and A. Davidov), Washington D.C., CRVPh, 1999
16. Intercultural Communication and Civil Society (ed.), Sofia, Minerva, 2000
17. The Complexity of Cultural Conflict (in Intercultural Communication and Civil Society, Sofia, Minerva, 2000)
18. The Intercultural Relations in the Balkans at the Turn of the Millennium, (in Dialogue of Civilizations: East - West, Moscow, People's Friendship University Press, 2000)
19. The Stumbling Blocks to the Dialogue of Cultures (in: Valeri Roussanov, ed. Aspects of the Etnnocultural Situation, Sofia, ACCESS, 2000) (in Bulgarian)
20. Cultural Awareness through Self-Reflection (in: J. Lambert, S. Myers, G. Simons, eds. Amherst, Mass. HRD Press, 2000)
21. Frameworks of Intercultural Understanding. Islam as a Challenge (in Islamic and Christian Cultures. Conflict or Dialogue, Washington D.C., CRVPh, 2001)
22. Islamic and Christian Cultures. Conflict or Dialogue, (ed.) Washington D.C., CRVPh, 2001