Curriculum Vitae

Erika Kurucz                 

 Work experience

07/2003-03/2004                   Maholnap Hungarian Welfare Foundation, Budapest

Working as a Project Manager, I was responsible to provide civil organisations working for disadvantaged groups (e.g. Romani, elderly, handicapped, youth, addicts) with professional advices and financial sources to implement their grass-root civil initiatives.I am also responsible to monitor social projects, to develop grant-making procedure, to develop strategic plans, to implement new fund-raising methods

01/2003–present                  Tiny Chestnuts European Youth Project, Budapest

As a project leader and trainer I hold an intercultural training for Romani children, and organise international youth projects, European Voluntary Service and ex-change programs for them

08/2002–06/2003                  European Roma Rights Center, Budapest (research fellow)

Conducting a research on “Segregation of Romani children in the Hungarian education system” in Hungary

01/2000–06/2003                  Jozsefvaros Tanoda Foundation, Budapest

Preparing international grant applications, organising international youth projects, teaching English for Romani students in a Phare project; promoting participation of Romani students in European Voluntary Service network; representing Tanoda in international seminars

12/2001–3/2002                    Phare Office, Office for National and Ethnic Minorities, Budapest

                                                    Program assistant in the Roma Social Integration Phare Program
                                                    Assisting for projects, responsible for supporting the management work, general administration tasks, re-writing and re-editing reports and documents

10/2000–2/2001                    Centre for Publishing Development of St. Petersburg, Budapest (research fellow)

                                                Research assistant of a conducted research
                                                Responsible for conducting in-depth interviews, writing summary in English

8/1999 – 10/1999                  Institute for Research on Labour, Budapest (research fellow)

                                                 Research assistant of a conducted research on “Expectations of changing wages and lobby intentions of trade and employer unions of public service, concerning the EU    
                                                Responsible for gathering information, conducting interviews, writing research report

4/1999–5/1999                       Institute for Research on Labour, Budapest (research fellow)

                                                 Research assistant of a conducted research on “The professional judgement of the trade and employer unions concerning the connection to the European Union”
                                                 Responsible for gathering information, conducting interviews, writing research report

1/1998–3/1998                       Institute for Research on Labour, Budapest (research fellow)

                                                Research assistant of a conducted research on “Labour relations within companies after the demolition of the communism”
                                                Responsible for gathering information, conducting interviews, writing research report


9/1996–1/1997                       Child–Welfare Service in the 9th district, Budapest

                                                Social worker in a school for mentally handicapped children, organising a Romani youth club


9/2000 – 6/2001                     Central European University (CEU), Budapest, Hungary

                                                    Masters Program in English, Faculty of Political Science
                                                    MA in Politics and the Political Economy of the Post-Communist Transition

9/1995 - 6/2000                      Eotvos Lorand University of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
                                                    Masters Program, Faculty of Sciences, Mathematics Department

                                                    MA in Mathematics

9/1994 - 6/1999                      Eotvos Lorand University of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary

                                                      Masters Program, Faculty of Sociology
                                                      MA in Sociology, Management of Changes

3/1998 - 6/1998                      Universiteit Maastricht, Maastricht, The Netherlands
                                                      Research Internship Award on the Situation of immigrants and asylum seekers in the Netherlands

9/1994 - 6/1999                      Eotvos Lorand University of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary

                                                    Masters Program, Faculty of Social Policy
                                                    MA in Social Work


International conferences and specialty courses

09/2003                                   Training by the Co-operating Netherlands Foundation, Hilversum, The Netherlands

                                                    Training on grant-making procedure, strategic planning and fund-raising methods

06/2002                                   Coordinator Conference, Foundation for Democratic Youth, Budapest

                                                    Conference on Service-learning, voluntary youth work and project management

05/2002                                   Conference on European Voluntary Service, London, Great-Britain

                                                    Organising international EVS youth projects

02/2002                                   Conference on Disadvantaged Youth, Dublin, Ireland

Seminar on project development and management, and on organising international youth projects

07/2002                                   Contact - making Seminar, Naples, Italy

                                                    Preparing international youth projects

11/2001                                   Seminar on Youth 2000-2006 Programme, Budapest

                                                    Seminar on organising international youth projects

7/2000                                      International Antiracist Meeting, Cecina, Italy

                                                    Seminar on Immigration and asylum in the European Union and on Rights and equal opportunities

1/2000                                      Eotvos Lorand University, Centre of European Studies, Budapest

                                                    Seminar on the Economic and social issues of European Integration, and on Civil society and minorities

7/ 1999                                     Central European University (CEU), SUN, Budapest

                                                    Seminar on Plight of the Roma  

11/1998                                   Mobile Team Training, Hainburg, Austria

                                                    Preparation of a conflict resolution training, participation in a seminar on Confidence building in the Carpathian Basin regarding minority groups


Languages:                            Native Hungarian, advanced English, intermediate Italian, basic German

Computer skills:                    MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Internet, SPSS

Hobbies:                                  Psychology, Romani culture, languages, travelling, youth work

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