Translation and Publishing

One of the end goals of the fellowship is to publish its final products, which include instructor's manuals for the Mass Media and Society and Theories of Mass Communication courses, as well as translation of Denis McQuail's Mass Communciaton Theory into Russian. To make the publication possible, it requires all the proper copy right and other agreements. If you had successful experiences in dealing with authors and publishers, please write to me at or at the address below.

We will also be happy to share the materials translated into Russian to be used as additional readings for the course Theories of Mass Communications, mostly abstracts from the following books:

One of the most serious problems encountered in the process of translation was the lack of appropriate and adequate terms in Russian. If you would like to participate in the exciting process of developing new terminology or have some experience that you would like to share, please get in touch with me by e-mail or the following address:

720001 Kyrgyzstan
Erkindik Blvd. 52
American University in Kyrgyzstan
Tel: +996 312 66-29-87