Mass Communication Library

The fellowship provides funding to create a mass communication library for the American University in Kyrgyzstan. As of June 1, 99 the AUK library has acquired through the fellowship 86 titles of textbooks and other works in various fields relating to mass communication, such as the following:

Most of these books are in English, so I would appreciate any information about sources in Russian and how and where they may be obtained. For the complete list of books or to share the experience of purchasing books, please write to and I will gladly respond to any queries or advice. I would also appreciate information about other communication-related topics and books that would be useful or interesting for mass media specialists and students.

The AUK is constantly looking for opportunities to expand its library. Because the University's funding capacity is limited, we particularly appreciate donations. If you have any books that you do not use any more or would be willing to donate not only in mass communications, but also in any area of humanities, business and law, both in English and Russian, please send them to the address below or write to me to discuss shipment options.

720001 Kyrgyzstan
Erkindik Blvd. 52
AUK Library