Basic Philosophy

The main idea of the Project is the creation of the Early Intervention Center concept for children with physical and mental disabilities: prevention of their disabilities, early rehabilitation of such children, and their integration as well as incorporation into social life.

According to the project idea, we set ourselves two main questions.
1. What do the newness and attractiveness of Early Intervention system in Ukraine lie in?
2. In what way can we use the world’s experience in order to create in Kharkiv the effective and humane helping system?

 In the traditional approach the help is more focused on the “correction” and the try to make a child “normal”, than on the adaptation of an ill child to the environment or the adaptation of the environment to the handicapped children’s needs. It is the principles of the Early Intervention, that let us see in each child his or her individual potential, give the children with developmental delays and children with disability the opportunity to overcome difficulties, maximally developing their abilities. They let us give such children a chance of complete or partial adaptation to the Society and show to normal or usual people the potential of such children.

Traditionally a child and a family are looked upon as an object of professional effect. The Early Intervention lets us use the family’s own potential and energy, gives the parents an opportunity to be competent and equal participants of the rehabilitation process and to unite the efforts of all the interested sides – children, parents, specialists and the society on the whole.

A special interest in the early Intervention system represents the work with children at risk. This interest is caused by moral, ethic character as well as by social and economic ones.

Thus, the most important positions in the Early Intervention are as follows:
- Main goal of professional work is the complete or partial adaptation to the Society
- Principle of working in a team and involving the family into the team.
- Development of each child’s potential and the usage of each family’s resources
- Work with children with disability as well as children at risk.
- Work, starting from the earliest age.