Early Intervention Center (basic ideas)

Mission of the Early Intervention Center

To be a resource of help and support for both children and their parents and the one of professional training for specialists working with children with disability.

The Main Goals of the Center

For children: to give children with disability and developmental delays an opportunity to overcome difficulties in their development, maximally develop their abilities in order to integrate into the society life either completely or partially.
For parents: to give them an opportunity to understand the essence of their children’s problems, to see each child’s resources, and become an active and equal participant in the rehabilitation process.
For society: to show it the disabled children’s capabilities, their ability to develop, to prove a necessity of creating the system of assistance starting from the earliest age.
For professionals: to learn the new technology of helping children with disability, developmental delays and support of such families.

The main direction of the Center

Dissemination of Information and Education on the Early Intervention:



The Center exists to: