Strategy: Goals and Results

Considering the aforesaid, the creation of the Early Intervention System in Ukraine requires the solution of the following problems:

Support of the Creation of the Legal Field for the Early Intervention (EI) Development

It is necessary to create laws setting EI main objects and principles and regulating EI development issues (including financing) in Ukraine.
These documents should define who is entitled to help within the EI System.
It is essential to insure that not only disabled children, but also children at risk and children with developmental delays are users of EI, family-centralized service that is territorially close to the family and the child.
The EI system should be developed at all levels: local, regional, national. The EI principles should be adhered to at all levels, specific forms of implementing these principles may differ depending on regional and local conditions.
The participation of Ukrainian specialists in meetings with foreign partners should be supported so that they can familiarize themselves with the EI legal regulation system in different countries. Use of other countries’ experience in this sphere will be surely helpful for implementing an effective and civilized process in Ukraine.

 Support of the Formation of the Association of Professionals for Work in EI

It is necessary to define what kind of specialists may work in the EI system. It should be borne in mind that it is possible to use the potential of existing professionals, working under Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social Protection (teachers-defectologists, doctors, psychologists, social workers), but only after they have received special training for work in EI. A team of trainers out of Ukrainian specialists should give such retraining and basic professional instruction for EI. In future EI may be studied as a discipline in higher educational establishments.
Special attention should be given to the information and methodological provision of specialists, publishing literature on EI (there is practically none at the moment), gaining access to the Internet, and establishing diagnostic procedures.
Criteria for quality of professional help should be established. Interaction between parents and specialists should be developed within the transdisciplinary approach using the service-coordinator model.
EI is a practical help system (service) and research. Therefore, it is necessary to support research into working out approaches that take local conditions, a cultural context into account to a maximum degree.

Support of Enlightenment Work with Public

Information campaigns in mass media should show potential of disabled children, gradually eliminate the division of society on the basis of disability and develop mutual trust between various sections of society.
In enlightenment work programs demonstrating the EI potential for prevention of disability, reduction of consequences of disability and expansion of children’s integration should be singled out.
It is necessary to support publication of brochures, information bulletins, popular literature on these issues for the general public.

 Support of Parents’ Organizations

Interaction with parents’ organizations on a partnership basis means that parents should be encouraged to actively participate in any activity connected with their children’s needs, from forming a policy in relation to disabled children to evaluating specific programs. In the EI system parents are equal members of a team. They should be taught new models of interaction both with professionals and their children. It is necessary to provide educational training, orienting parents to the maximum development of individual abilities of their children.

 Support of the Creation of the Early Intervention Centers and Early Intervention Network

The creation of the Early Intervention Centers and Network requires taking the existing system of help to disabled children into account and insuring interaction (including financial) with state and non-state organizations that operate in this sphere.
The Early Intervention Centers’ employees should visit homes, the object of these visits should be not only evaluation of the child, but their development. The centers should carry out programs of mass children development screening diagnostics to reveal those needing help in good time.
The Early Intervention Centers should be information and service ones for children and parents, and resource and coordination ones for specialists.