Your name, position Dr Peter Anderson; Independent Consultant in Public Health, Honorary Fellow, University of Oxford, England

Name of Fellow you have assisted Konstain Krasovsky

1. What, in your opinion, have you and your Fellow/program/project gained from your cooperation thus far?

Dr Krasovsky has made an analysis of passing tobacco control legislation in Ukraine. It is an exceptional analysis identifying what worked and what did not work. I have learnt the difficulty of passing new legislation in a country of the former Soviet Union. I have also learnt that there are many similarities in passing legislation in all European countries.  The analysis provides a good case study and example that is of relevance to the tobacco control community throughout the world. The policy making process is well summarized by Dr Krasovsky as science, art, sport and ethics. I have gained a deeper understanding of the policy making process and the barriers and facilitators to new policy in Ukraine. I hope that Dr. Krasovsky has gained a more mature and balanced approach to policy making through his international contacts and some of my own experience.

2. Do certain areas of this Fellow’s work need improvement? Which areas?

In my previous report, I wrote the following:
“ I have worked with and known the fellow at a national and international level since 1992. Over this time I have seen considerable growth in his maturity, understanding of the topic and becoming an experienced scientist and policy advocate in the field of tobacco. He has learnt to balance enthusiasm and expertise with the appropriate modesty. His personal and analytical skills are very well developed. I have learnt more from him than he has probably learnt from me. He would benefit from having a wider range of international publications. He could develop an advocacy training manual and course for use in countries of the former Soviet Union.”

Everything that I wrote still stands. I find that through this fellowship, Dr Krasovsky has become a more mature and well rounded policy analyst and advocate. I think that he should write up his report for publication in an international journal. The report can also be used as a component of an advocacy manual or tool for use in European countries, particularly the countries from the former Soviet Union. The present report will be strengthened by the following:
Some language editing.
Adding a methodology section - that is how did he go about collecting the material on which his report is based (analyzing documents, personal observation through attendance at meetings etc, interviews with key stakeholders etc).
A very brief review of what has happened since the dates considered in the report.
If possible, references to key documents referred to in the report.

3. In your opinion, does your Fellow’s project make a significant contribution to the field?

Yes, his work and the report that he has produced is a very nice case study and summary of the law making process in Ukraine as it applies to tobacco control. This will help many advocates and NGOs in their work in their own countries. It would be a very good case study to use in an advocacy course for the course participants to discuss how they might have handled the situation.  

4. Would the project be important to other countries in the CEE/fSU region?

Undoubtedly yes. It is important not only for countries in the CEE.FSU region, but in fact, other European and indeed all countries that are in the process of making tobacco control law. There are many commonalities with other countries, and the case study should not be seen as an isolated action in one country or one type of country (i.e. FSU).

5. Could the proposed policy research make an impact on the policy environment in specific countries or regions? (Policy makers, experts and policy research community)

Undoubtedly yes. See my answer to 4 above. I believe that the lessons learnt and the issues raised are global in their implication.

6. Is the timetable for the project realistic?


7. Could the project benefit a large number of people?

Yes. The project benefits the public health and scientific communities working on tobacco control policy at governmental and non-governmental levels. If improved law making results as an outcome of this project (which it should), then the project has implications for global public health, considering that cigarettes lead to at least 4 million deaths each year, increasing to 10 million in the next 15 years. It is very important that the report is edited and published in a scientific journal (for example Tobacco control).

8. Does the Fellow show evidence that he/she can think strategically about the relevant project and/or field?

Yes. He is very experienced strategically and politically.

9. If the Fellow were to re-apply for continued OSI funding for follow-up work associated with the project, would you support continued funding?

Yes, undoubtedly. Any such funding would be a very good investment. Dr Krasovsky is exceptional in delivering high quality work on time.

10. Are there other appropriate funders that may support the project?

Yes.  Applications could be made to bilateral donors, such as foreign affairs countries of European Union countries

Recommendations for other potential senior contacts for this Fellow:

Dr. Konstantin Krasovsky is a talented fellow who should be listened to, and who deserves continued support

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