Enhancing the Quality of Public Service Delivery through Implementing Quality Management in Public Administration                             

Implementation Plan  
  Activities mar apr may june july aug sept oct nov dec jan feb  
  Continuous research activities                          
1 Studying the quality management theory and international practice                          
2 Communication with mentors, local and international experts                          
  Research related trips and study tours                          
3 Participation in Ukrainian Quality Association Conference                          
4 Study trip to Latvia
5 Study trip to Poland
  Problem statement                          
6 Developing a policy paper (green paper)                          
  Implementation guidelines for a ministry                          
7 Developing a typical regulation for internal organization of a ministry work                          
8 Developing a typical methodology of document management for a ministry                           
9 Developing performance and quality indicators for a ministry                          
10 Developing of methodology to assess organizational capacity to introduce quality management and identify related problem areas                           
11 Developing strategy and concrete steps to introduce quality management                           
12 Developing guidelines for policy makers when planning and undertaking quality initiatives in the public administration                          
13 Defining the management framework for quality management introduction                          
14 Assessing the costs for introduction of standards in one ministry or sector                          
  Communications activities                          
15 "Policy formulation and introduction to quality management" seminar with top officials                          
16 Training for interested top civil servants in quality management                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
17 Policy campaign on quality management                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
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