Enhancing the Quality of Public Service Delivery through Quality Management in Public Administration

Work and Advocacy Plan


Aim of the Project

The aim of this project is twofold: Programs and projects that may serve as partners

OSI network


Related policy institutions and programs






April 2005

Policy and IT training at Open Society Institute (OSI), Budapest

Studying quality management theory and international practice

Development of project web-site

Making initial contacts on the study


May 2005

Functional analysis of the Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine to identify organizational challenges and problem areas to be addressed by quality management

Participation at the international conference on quality management in Crimea

Establishing contacts and interviews with quality management experts

Developing a policy paper as a policy campaign and public consultation tool


June 2005

Developing questionnaires for MDCS personnel and external customers

Establishing contacts and interviews with quality management experts

Developing a policy paper as a policy campaign and public consultation tool

July 2005

Carrying out surveys for personnel and external customers

Study visit to Poland

Establishing contacts and interviews with quality management experts

Developing a policy paper as a policy campaign and public consultation tool


August 2005

Establishing contacts and interviews with quality management experts

Developing a policy paper as a policy campaign and public consultation tool

Study trip to Latvia

September 2005

Establishing contacts and interviews with quality management experts

Developing a typical regulation for internal organization of a ministry work

Developing a typical methodology of document management for a ministry

"Policy formulation and introduction to quality management" seminar with top officials

October 2005

Establishing contacts and interviews with quality management experts

Developing a typical regulation for internal organization of a ministry work

Developing a typical methodology of document management for a ministry


November 2005

Establishing contacts and interviews with quality management experts

Developing a typical methodology of document management for a ministry


December 2005

Finalizing a policy paper

Submitting narrative project and financial report

Establishing contacts and interviews with quality management experts

Developing a strategy to introduce quality management


January 2006

Submitting a 20-page policy  paper

Study visit to Estonia (e-governance academy)

Establishing contacts and interviews with quality management experts

Developing a strategy for introducing a quality management system into the ministry’s activity

Training for interested top civil servants in quality management

February 2006

Training for civil servants in quality management

Policy campaign planning and consultations with stakeholders

March 2006

Finalizing activity report

Policy campaign on benefits of quality management and consultations with stakeholders

April 2006

Finalizing research paper

Policy campaign on benefits of quality management in public administration


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