Permanent address:
12 Geroev Truda, ap.458
Kharkov  310168 Ukraine
Phone/Fax: +380 44 2699670
Mobile + 38 (067) 5703971


January 2000 - present
Project Manager
Project" Informational Support for Land Reform in Ukraine"
Informational consulting on land reform in Ukraine. Coordination and liaison of  initiatives  of different organizations to provide informational campaign supporting  the land property transformation in Ukraine  by raising public awareness on land reform-related issues, creating comprehensive  on-line resource on land reform in Ukraine Working closely with  Presidentional Committee on Agricultural Policy,  Ministry of Agricultural Policy, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, international projects funded by British Know-How Fund, SIDA, USAID and different Ukrainian NGOs.

2000 -2001
Fellow, Center for Policy Studies, Open Society Institute
Producing policy products for Open Society Institute in the field of land reform, public participation  encouraging the development of program strategies for the Soros foundations network

1998 -1999
Project Manager
Project “Establishing an electronic networking system to  encourage land privatization and development in Kharkov Region, Ukraine”
Providing detailed assistance, knowledge and resources encouraging the implementation of land reform in Ukraine. Information support given to the land privatization issues.
Project management including project planning, budgeting, evaluation and monitoring and community outreach.

1998 FSA Fellow
April -June
Loyola Marymount  University
School of Business Administration
Research on the  support  to SME by governmental and non- governmental organizations, visiting different organizations promoting small  business. Special attention is given to real estate in regards to land issues.Participating in Real Estate Finance Conference, visiting real estate companies, collecting and developing materials on land reforming issues

December 1997 April 1998
Consultant,  for USAID-contractor, Ukraine
Project "Land Sales to Enterprises in Ukraine"
Assistance with land sales to enterprises, creating and maintaining
database, consulting to enterprises, organizing seminars, meeting
local officials, managers, mass media.
Responsible for all financial reports, worked as a liaison between American management and local executives.

October 1997  December 1997
Project Assistant, Newbiznet USAID, Ukraine
Assisted with publication and implementation of a new finance reporting system, accounting software and the conversion of the Ukrainian Accounting System to International Accounting Standards, editing and personal assistance to the Project Manager.


2000 International Policy Fellowship Open Society Institute, East-European headquarters of Soros Foundation,  Hungary
1999 International Policy Fellowship Open Society Institute, East-European headquarters of Soros Foundation,  Hungary
1999 Grant for Professional Development International Research&Echange Board
1998 Award for Entrepreneurial Excellence  Loyola Marymount University, USA
1998 Freedom Support Act Fellowship in Contemporary Issues Sponsored by the United States Information Agency and administered
          by the International Research&Exchange Board


Academie de Lyon, Universite Claude Bernard -Lyon 1
Diplome d'Universite de 3eme cycle  en Gestion de l'Environnement avec mention bien
(Postgraduate Degree in Environmental Management from Claude Bernard University)

Kharkov Municipal Academy
Postgraduate Study in mechanical engineering
Certificate of Completion with all excellent notes

Kharkov Polytechnic University
Honors Diploma in Mechanical Engineering.Diploma was presented in English


Nobember 2000 & January 2001 Budapest, Hungary
World Bank Seminar on Urban Planning and City Management Certificate of Completion

October 2000, Budapest, Hungary
Marketing for Nonprofit/Advocacy Organizations
Seminar organized by the International Management Center, Budapest

June 2000 Budapest, Hungary
Public Policy Paper Development Course, Hungary with Canadian professional trainers/professors in policy issues

June 2000 Koszeg, Hungary
Summer School in European Studies led by prominent Western academicians

July 2000, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Summer School in Organizational Development organized by Consortium for Enhancement Management Education with participation of  Polish, American and Ukrainian trainers
Diploma of competion

April 2000, Kharkov,  Ukraine
Seminar in Marketing Consortium for Enhancement Management Education, Polish and Ukrainian trainers

March 2000 Warsaw, Poland Diploma
Training Course in Sociology organized by Public Opinion Research Center, the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology and thhe Polish Academy of Sciences

1999 Kyiv, Ukraine
Course in Land Appraisal in Ukrainian context organized by International Center of Privatization,
Investment and Management,  State Committee on Land Resources of Ukraine,
Certificate of Land Appraiser

1999  Budapest, Hungary  4 workshops on Internet and Web Design

1997 Los-Angeles, USA
Real Estate Finance Course from Loyola Marymount University, USA


GIS-Association of Ukraine
League of Professional Women, Ukraine
All-Ukrainian Union of Informational Specialists of Agro-Industrial Sector


Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English, French
Computer literacy- excellent

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