Elena V. Klitsounova



Professional Experience  


·          Program Director, Center for Integration Research and Projects (CIRP), Russia, 2000- present

·          Lecturer, North-West Academy of State Service, St.Petersburg, Russia, 2005 - present

·          Part-time Interpreter, CEU Conference Center, 1999-2001

·          Research Assistant, Center for Newly Independent States Studies, St.Petersburg State University, 1996-1998

·          Program Coordinator, International Cooperation and International Student Office, School of International Relations, St.Petersburg State University, 1996 – 1998

·          Editor and Research Assistant, International News Agency, St.Petersburg, Russia, 1993-1995

·          Lecturer, School of History and Arts, Russian Museum, St.Petersburg,  Russia, 1992-1993

·          Research Assistant, Research Institute for Economics and Management Systems, St.Petersburg, 1991-1993




·          MPhil in International Relations (major track – International Relations, minor track – Public Policy, Central European University, 1999-2000)

·          Master of Arts in International Relations and European Studies (Central European University, 1998-1999)

·          Specialist Diploma  in Russian-Soviet Studies, Department of History (St.Petersburg State University, Russia, 1989-1993)


Courses Attended


·          Training Course “Legal and Financial Aspects of NGO Management”, Center for NGO Development, St.Petersburg,  Russia, February 2005;

·          Exchange Program at the Lithuanian Free Market Institute, Freedomhouse Regional Project Grant, 2002

·          International Summer Academy “Political Sciences and International Relations”,  Eberhard-Karls University, Tuebingen, Germany, July-August 2000;

·          Summer School in International Relations and Political Science, Stefan Batory Foundation, Poland, July-August 1998;

·          Summer Course on International Security, Christian-Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany, July-August 1997;

·          Post-graduate Course in Political Science and International Relations, School of International Relations, St.Petersburg University, Russia, 1996-1998.


Awards / Fellowships

 Columbia University Visiting Scholar, US-Russia Expert Forum, IREX, 2006

Freedomhouse Regional Project Grant, 2002

Volkswagen Foundation Research Fellowship, Institute for Political Science, Ederhard-Karls-University, Tuebingen, Germany, 2001    

International Institute of Human Rights Conference Grant, 31st Annual Study Session, Strasbourg, France, 2000

Soros Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 1998-1999

Research Fellowship, Swedish Institute of International Relations (Utrikespoliteska Institut), Stockholm, Sweden, 1996

Tempus Fellowship,  Department of Government and Society, University of Limerick, Ireland, 1996

Scholarship par excellence for the highest academic rank group, St.Petersburg State University, 1989-1993


Selected Publications


·           “EU-Russian Relations:  the Russian Perspective”, in Perspectives on EU-Russia Relations,, Debra Johnson & Paul Robinson (eds.) Routledge, London, NY, 2005: 35-54;

·          Think Tanks & Policy Transfer” / «Фабрики мысли и политический трансферт», в сб. Публичная политика – 2004, Сунгуров А.Ю. (ред.), Норма, СПб, 2004: 36-44;

·           “EU-Russian Relations after the Enlargement: Problems & Prospects”, in Economic and Political Relations after the EU Enlargement: The Visegrad Countries and Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova, K.Dezseri & P.Gaspar (eds.) Institute for World Economies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Working Papers, No. 147, November 2004.  http://www.vki.hu/workingpapers/wp-147.pdf

·          “Baltic Region-Building: the Role and Strategies of Independent Policy Institutes” / «Развитие региона Балтийского моря: роль фабрик мысли», в сб. Публичная политика: вопросы мягкой безопасности в Балтийском регионе, Норма, СПб, 2003: 117 – 127.

·          «Russian-Baltic Relations - Challenges & Perspectives”, in Atis Lejiņš (Ed.) Russian Foreign and Domestic Policies: in Harmony or at Odds? Conference proceedings. Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 2003. http://www.lai.lv/Kopaa_ANG.html      




Russian (mother tongue), English (fluent), French (working level)

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