conference presentations                                         

        Turning Dirt Roads into Information Highways:
        The Conceptual Misformation of the Internet Diffusion
        World Information Access Project Working Paper  #2009.2
        Seattle: University of Washington
        Read the paper

        E-Government in Europe: Re-booting the State
        Paul Nixon and Vassiliki Koutrakou (Eds.)
        London: Routledge 2007
        Journal of Information Technology and Politics (4(3) 2007)
        Read the review

         Explaining E-Government Success in Estonia
       Politcheskaya Nauka (Political Science), No. 4, 2007. 
Special Issue of E-Government and Democracy
       Russian Academy of Sciences

       read the abstract in english and article in russian

       The Impact of  Economic Openness on Internet
         Diffusion in Estonia and Slovenia

         Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy Thesis
at the Fletcher School of Tufts University  2004 

        click here to download the thesis

        policy paper of international policy fellowship 2002-2003
        Encouraging Internet Diffusion:
      Lessons from and for Transition Economies

   click here to read the abstract and the policy paper

        a summary of thesis at london school of economics
        Political Economy of Internet Penetration in Finland and Sweden
        (1995-2000), EBS Review, Winter 2002

        click here to access the journal issue and read the article