Viktor Nikolaevich Monakhov




Associate Professor and Candidate of Legal Studies; Justice Advisor, Class I; Professor, Department of Information Journalism, Moscow State Linguistics University; Professor, Department of UNESCO, Copyright and Intellectual Property, Moscow; Judicial Advisor, Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.Education


1980-1983                  Postgraduate program, All-Soviet National Institute of Research on Soviet Legislation (VNIISZ), Ministry of Justice, USSR.


1970-1975                  Law Department, Moscow State University.


Professional and Political Experience


2000-2001                  Judicial Advisor, Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.

1999-2000         Acting Chairman of the Judicial Chamber on Information Cases under the Russian President.

1994-2000                  Member, Judicial Chamber on Information Cases under the Russian President.

1993                                  Member, Third Federal Information Court

1992-1994                  Director, State Regional Inspection for the Defense of Free Press and Mass Media, Ministry of Information and Press, Russian Federation (for the seven regions of Northwest Russia).

1990-1993                  Deputy, Leningrad City Council of National Deputies; Assistant to the Representative of the Standing Deputy Commission on Glasnost’ and Mass Media.

1983-1990                  Associate Professor, Leningrad Togliatti Institute of Engineering Economics.

1980-1983         Head of Judicial Service, Leningrad Motor Transport Administration

1987-1990                  One of the founders and directors of the Inter-professional Club “Perestroika,” Moscow and Leningrad. The club played a serious role in the social reformation of the USSR and Russia  in the 1980s and 1990s.

1992-2001                  Member, Board of Directors, Internews Moscow.

1995-2001         One of the founders and directors of the Moscow Lawyers Club. The club is one of the most active centers of the legal profession in Moscow and Russia, and the organizer of the annual distribution of the higher law award “Themis” (whose laureates include Representative of the Supreme Court of Russia, V. Lebed’; Representative of the Constitutional Court of Kyrgyzstan, Ch. Baekov; Professor of the Sorbonne, M. Lesage; President of Bulgaria, P. Stoyanov; Assistant to the General Secretary of the Council of Europe, H-C.  Kruger; and others).

1999-2000         Member, Organizational Committee, “Law and Internet” Annual Scientific Conference

Specialist in the area of mass media rights, citizens’ information rights, and legal questions of new information technologies.


Further Achievements/ Awards


In 1983, I defended in Moscow the first law dissertation in the USSR that was based on the necessity of consolidating the constitutional basic information rights of citizens. Such rights include the right to information and the right to defend one’s personal information (now granted in articles 29 and 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).


I have considerable experience in legislative work. and have participated in drafting laws On Glasnost’, 1987; On Press and Other Mass Media, 1988; On Television/ Radio Broadcasting, concerning laws of Russia, Tajikistan, and Armenia, 1990s; Federal Laws of the Russian Federation, On Personal Information, 1988; On the Right of Access to Information, 1996-1999; co-authorship with M. Fedotov on model laws of subjects of the Russian Federation, On Mass Media, 2000, reflecting the modern regime of regulatory rights concerning information relations, with regard to the Internet.


I have authored numerous articles on questions of rights in mass media and citizens’ information rights.


I am the co-author, with V. Hoffman-Rim, of the German-Russian publication Rights of Radio and Television in Russia: On the Road to New Organization of the Electronic Press. Saint Petersburg-Hamburg: 1994, 634 pgs.


I am the academic director of international research and editor of the publication Law and Practice in Mass Media in Countries of the CIS and Baltic States (a comparative analysis), GDF, Moscow: Galeriya, 1999, 223 pgs.


I am academic director of the project “Commission on the Free Access to Information” (KSDI) on behalf of the Dzyaloshinkskii non-governmental organization, and co-editor of the publication Russian and Foreign Experience in Legal Regulation of Citizen’s Access to Government Information,  Moscow: KSDI, 1999, 248 pgs.


I am also director of the initiative project for the publication in Russian of the fundamental rulings of the Federal Constitutional Court, FRG, concerning the legal regulation of activities of television and radio broadcasting in Germany. The collection will be published by Russkii Mir in 2001.


I am a member of the Expert Council to the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for Information Policies, and expert of the Soros Open Society Institute, Moscow.



Contact Information


Phone: 007 (095) 206-16-32

Fax: 007 (095) 206-75 -84





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