


The Roger Fisher House
9 Waterhouse Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel: 617 354-5444 ext 161
Fax: 617 354-8467

EDUCATION Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Master’s Degree in International Relations (May, 1994)
Concentration: Conflicts in the Former Soviet Union
Yale Fellowship; Henry Hart Rice Stipend
St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Master’s Degree with Honors (June, 1989)
Major in English Language and American Literature
Minor in Linguistics and Translation Techniques
Lermontov Honorary Stipend (1987 –1989)

EXPERIENCE Conflict Management Group Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts
1994 – Present FSU Program Manager and Momentum Program Director
Designed and successfully implemented a series of strategic assistance interventions in some of the most complex ethno-political conflicts in the FSU, including, Chechnya (Russian Federation), South Ossetia and Abkhazia (Georgia). As Co-Director of the Network of Early Warning and Ethnological Monitoring of Conflict in the FSU, authored a number of analytical articles on the status of conflicts and negotiation processes in the Caucasus region. Developed an innovative approach to studying implications of stereotyping for negotiations
1994 –1997 Strengthening Democratic Institutions, Harvard University
Research Associate
Participated in several research projects. Contributed analytical materials for studies in ethno-political developments in Northern Caucasus. In collaboration with SDI Director, Fiona Hill, organized a conference on Eurasia Corridor and implications for economic development, security and post-conflict rehabilitation of the region.
1995 Davis Center for Russian Studies, Harvard University
Project Manager
Organized a large-scale political opinion survey project (N=1,200) on July 5, 1995 Parliamentary Elections in Armenia funded by Eurasia Foundation. Conducted statistical analyses of the survey data to identify variables influencing voter preferences in a post-Soviet political environment.
1993-1994 Department of Political Science, Yale University
Research Assistant to Professor Juan Linz
Selected and analyzed media reports on political parties and factions in the Parliament (State Duma) of the Russian Federation.
1990-1991 TechPort Building Systems Inc., Yerevan, Armenia
Chief Interpreter and Translator
Interpreted a series of negotiations between Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia and Kidder&Peabody investment company.

LANGUAGES Armenian, Russian – native, English – fluent, Georgian – conversational, German, French – working knowledge.