

address: apt. 26, Sundukyan street 15/1, Yerevan, 375012, Armenia
(3741) 26 74 41 (h), 58 16 43 (o), 41 37 21 (mobile)

Professional experience

1994 – till now Yerevan State National Institute of Economy
Department of Management
Position: Head of department

1993 – 1998 United Nations
Position: Business consultant
Responsibilities: Participation in different programmes aimed at development of entrepreneurial skills, consultancy for business initiation, set-up, planning and management. Organised courses for business plan writing and financial analysis.

1992 – 1993 Government of the Republic of Armenia
Position: Economic advisor to Prime Minister
Responsibilities: Participation in development and implementation of economic strategy of Republic of Armenia. Review of existing structure of government executive bodies and development of strategy for its improvement.

1987 – 1994 Yerevan State Institute of National Economy
Position: Pro-rector, division of science and research
Responsibilities: Review of scientific papers, articles
and research papers, head of Scientific degree granting committee, formulation and development of strategy for scientific research, preparation of study plans

1983 – 1987 Yerevan State Institute of National Economy
Department of Planning
Position: Professor
Responsibilities: Lecturing in management studies and
macroeconomics, scientific work, scientific mentor of 17 post graduate students

1970 – 1983 Yerevan State University / Yerevan Institute of National Economy
Department of Planning
Position: Associate Professor
Responsibilities: Lecturing in management studies and
macroeconomics, scientific work

01/1996 – 02/1996 Chamber of Commerce of Lioness, France
Courses of “Business management in transitional economies” for senior staff of Yerevan State Institute of National Economy

1983 Yerevan Institute of National Economy
Received degree of Doctor of Economics
Thesis subject: Management of productivity growth in the Armenian industry.

1970 Yerevan State University
Received degree of Candidate of Economic Science
Thesis subject: Interrelation of growth rate of wages and productivity in the Armenian industry.

1965 – 1968 Yerevan State University
Post graduate studies
Major: Economics

1960 – 1965 Yerevan State University
Department of Economics
Major: Macroeconomics

1999 - till now Member of “Committee for Public Sector Reform”
Review of draft laws on Civil service, review of current public sector system, structure of executive, directions towards new principles of public administration, job descriptions and grading system.

Publications: Published 162 articles and 15 books
During last five years published 10 articles related to productivity of public sector management and poverty issues.

Awards: “Anania Shitakatsi” Medal, 2000

Hobbies: Volleyball, reading, music, research, travel

Languages: Armenian and Russian – fluent
German – intermediate