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 ADDRESS:   Furmanova str., home 42, apt. 33, 

                          480004, Almaty,   Kazakhstan.  

 Tel:  +7(3272) 738 255 (home) Fax: +7(3272) 919 323   

 E-mail: <>, <>.


- HEC School of Management (École des Hautes Études Commerciales, Paris, France). The program is administrated by Almaty School of Management, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Executive Master in Advanced Management (2000/2001).

- US Department of State/IREX Contemporary Issues Fellowship Programme,  University of Idaho and George Washington University, USA, February 21 – June 22, 2000;  

- Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Diploma in Engineering. Specialization: Metallurgic Automation, September 01, 1972- June 20, 1977.


Country Director, International Research and Exchange Board (IREX), Almaty. Since August 1, 2002. 

- Provides office management, logistical and administrative support;

- Maintains monthly expense and substantive reports;

-  Provides walk-in consultations on IREX/Almaty programs, activities;

-  Manages of the IREX operations in Kazakhstan;

-  Trains and supervises IREX/Almaty staff;

-  Outreaches to Kazakhstan non-governmental counterparts;

-  On-site implementation of IREX academic, policy and professional training;

-  Manage Contemporary Issues  and other programs in Kazakhstan and upon IREX request as practicable in the surrounding region including publicity, recruitment, selection and orientations, and tracking alumni and developing alumni activities;

-  Exploration, development and promotion of new IREX program directives in Kazakhstan.

Director,  'Gender in Development Bureau', United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Office in Kazakhstan, 1996 – 2000.

- Establish close liaison with the government to ensure the implementation of  the UN policy on gender  mainstreaming;

- organize training for the UNDP staff, Government and NGOs to expand and improve awareness of gender  issues;

- facilitate the establishment of policy and legal frameworks to promote and ensure gender equality;

- publish articles on current status of women in Kazakhstan;

- establish informational network among women's NGOs in Kazakhstan and Central Asia;

- participate in development of national strategies, programmes, reports to UN, and other relevant papers.

Program Manager, ISAR (Initiative for Social Action and Renewal in Eurasia), Central Asian Office in Almaty, Kazakhstan, 1994-1996.

- Facilitate information exchange among Central Asian environmental NGOs;

- organize official meetings and seminars;

- plan and coordinate information outreach on the USAID/ISAR program "Seeds of      Democracy" on support of small environmental projects;

- identify and consult new groups on grant writing;

- design program materials.

- preparation press releases, publication articles on the program implementation

- office supply & accounting

 Director, “AYAN” Ltd (Small Business Enterprise), Almaty, 1993-1994

- Commercial activity in Kazakhstan (trade of construction materials and furniture).

  Leading Specialist, Marketing Service, Joint Stock Venture “Asia-IMM”, 1992-1993

- Market research for the company

- advertising for the company production

- establishment of partnership

- publication of the company information booklets

  Senior Assistant of the Executive Director, "TTY" (Tuva-System & Termovent- Yugoslavia) Joint Stock Venture, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1990-1992.

- organization and conduction of negotiations with partners

- preparation of the office documentation, accounting, staff management;

- development and negotiation of contracts;

- support and maintenance of exhibitions at the Trade Fairs;

Senior Engineer, Senior Project Designer, Department Head. Ministry of Agriculture, Main Directorate of  Supplying, Project & Technological Bureau, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 1983-1990.

- develop and implement  projects on Automated System of Management and Supply;

- train specialists in the field of Agriculture on the new information technologies;

- staff management 

 Engineer, Aluminum Factory, Central Laboratory of Automation and Measuring Devices.  Pavlodar, Kazakhstan, 1980-1983.

- Develop and implement automated system of managing grinding block in the Hydrometallurgic section.

Engineer- Researcher, Scientific and Research Department of Kazak State Polytechnic Institute, Almaty, Kazakstan, 1977-1980. 

- development and implementation of the system for automated control on cleansing the industrial wastes in Zhezkazgan Metallurgic Factory.


- Open Society Institute/International Policy Fellowship (OSI/IPF), CEU, Budapest, January 2001 - October 2003.

- Freedom Support Act: Contemporary Issues Fellowship Program, IREX/USA Government of State, Idaho University, Political Science Department, February2000 - June 2000.

- Reporting to the United Nations on Women’s Status, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Workshop, Stockholm, April 14-24, 1999

- Regional Seminar on Multiple Feminism, OSI, Budapest, Hungary, 1999

- UN ECE Sub-Regional Seminar on Engendering Statistics, Almaty, 1999

- World Women's Summit on Women and Global Market, London, UK, 1998

- Advancement of Asian Women in International Affairs, Workshops, Hong Kong, 1997; New Delhi, 1999;

- Making Democracy Work: Seminar in Grassroots Activism, presented by the League of Women Voters of Colorado, USA, September, 1998

- Women in Business (Training of Trainers), UN Regional Programme for SME, Almaty, May 12-22, 1997

- Women's Political Leadership, Training, Almaty, Kazakstan, February 13-15, 1997

- Consultation Briefing for UNDP Gender Focal Points, New York, USA, February 3-9, 1997.

- Election Supervision (OSCE), training with further working in election polling stations in Sarajevo (September 02-23, 1996), and Prijedor, (September 4-15, 1997), Bosnia

- Gender Mainstreaming, UNDP Training, Vilnius, Lithuania, November 2-9, 1996.

- NGO-Management, Workshop (trainers from Johns Hopkins University), conducted by INTRAC (UK) in Bishkek, April 1995.

  OTHER SKILLS:        

- Languages: Kazak (native), Russian (excellent), English (fluent), German (fair), Serbo-Croatian  (fair), French (poor)

- Computer: MS Windows, MS Word-2000, Microsoft Excel-5.0, Power Point.

- Driving : Valid License of "B" category (light vehicles).


1.       Factors of Women’s Political Socialization// Sayasat. Public & Political Journal. – 2001. - # 10-11. – P. 85-90.

2.       Political Behaviour of Women’s Electorate // Materials of International Round Table on Gender Studies. October 30, 2001. Almaty, Kazakhstan. - p. 95-99.

3.        Gender Analysis of Political Participation //Sayasat. Public & Political Journal - 2001 - # 9. - P. 82-89.

4.       Political Conception of  Gender Equality//Eurasian Commonwealth, Public & Political Journal, # 3, 2001. – P.16-31.

5.       Woman: the Political Leader //Materials of the National Scientific and Practical conference “Women in Kazakhstan: 10 years of Country Independence, towards 21st Century” – Almaty, May 23, 2001

6.       On the Way To Democracy: Women’s Activism in Kazakhstan //Demokratizatsiya Journal. 2000.Volume 8, - № 3, - Washington, DC, USA. – p.385-395.

7.       Empowerment of Women in the Rebuilding Process //Alleviating the Consequences of the Ecological Catastrophe, Swedish UNIFEM Committee, - Stockholm, 1999. – P. 87-95.

8.       With Hope and Optimism //Women: East and West. Special Issue. July 1999, - P. 22-23. 

9.       Role of the United Nations in Improving the Status of Women //Introduction to Gender Theory. Manual for University Students. Institute of Philosophy Press, Akyl Kitabi Press, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 1999; 6th Issue. - 43 p.

10.    International Instruments on Women's Human Rights Advocacy, Introduction to Gender Theory. Manual for University Students. Institute of Philosophy Press, Akyl Kitabi Press, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 1999; 7th Issue. - 47 p.

11.    Information Bulletin: Gender and Development.. - Almaty. UNDP. 4 issues, 1998. Total: 120 pages.

12.    National Action Plan on Increasing the Status of Women in Kazakhstan. National Commission on Family and Women Affairs. Astana, 1999. – 123 p. (Member of the authors group)

13.    Kazakhstan: for Equal Rights and Opportunities. Initial Report on CEDAW Implementation. National Commission on Family and Women Affairs. Astana, – 2000. – 164 с. (member of editorial group).

14.    Strategy of women’s Political Leadership in Democratic Society. Trainer’s Manual. – Almaty. US Information Agency (USIA), – 1998. – 132 p. (member of the authors group).


- Women Initiatives in International Affairs in Asia (WIIAA), Washington, DC, the USA, since November 1998;

- National Commission on Family and Women Affairs under the President of Kazakhstan, (Member of the Board), since March 1999;

- International Federation of University Women, Geneva, Switzerland, since May 2000.  

- Association of Women in International Development (AWID), Toronto, Canada, since November 2002.

 Date: April, 2003.

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