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   Political life of post-soviet Kazakhstan undergoes a complex process of transformation and modernization. At soviet system quota conditions per elected posts of different levels was Government guaranteed in minimum 30 % of representation  (the so-called “critical mass”) to women, national minorities and other socially vulnerable categories of populace. The forming of political elite was made on the basis of thorough selection, taking into consideration sex, age, education, nationality, occupation, etc. The conditions of the state paternalism in the former Soviet Union established the factor of dependence and “getting accustomed ”  of women to “special” position and that became the major reason of political experience absence, leaders skills and habits, possibility to conduct political election campaigns.  Though men were also recruited by party bodies, the lack of women was obvious. That is, the political process of elections in Soviet State wasn’t democratic even de-jure.

When Kazakhstan gained independence in 1991, the state was formed its own legislature system and election system as well. Quotas, guaranteeing to women political representation in power structures were eliminated. As a result during 1991 elections to the supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) women got only 26 out of 360 seats (7,2 %).

The sharp decrease of women quantity at all levels of governing structures despite the presence majority of women among specialists of secondary  level  lessen their role on democratization process in the society and conducting reforms in Kazakhstan. And though during the years of soviet power women occupied minor positions after coup d’ etat of the Soviet Union (the USSR) they were pushed out of governing organs even from such traditional for women sphere as social.

Low women’s representativity at the level of decision adoption led to political marginization of women’s problems. The typical manifestation of women’s discrimination in poverty, women’s health became worth and demographic crisis started. The growth of violence to women was obvious and one may see social tension in the society. There is direct dependence between policy of state towards women and the degree of social stability and that means the national security of the country. That’s why working out of mechanisms which support political and social-economic stability of the state is fundamental scientific task of theoretical and applied science in RK.

During last years, especially after the Republic of Kazakhstan joining the United Nations Organization and participation of the Republic at the IV World Conference on women’s position (Beijing, 1995) based on the theme of increasing the women’s level of participation in the public life, politicians invented a new notion- “gender”. Under the international organizations pressing special state structures were created to advance women. Women’s movement started to develop intensively. However in reality the state powers simply tried “to build – in” women’s problems into already worked out plans, programs and long-termed strategies. As a rule, to women all existing social problems in the society are referred: women’s problems, disabled people, old generation and kids. The discrimination existence that is the absence of real equality in society is not fully understood because it isn’t taken into account. It’s considered that the settling of all economic problems will settle all other problems.

The United Nations Organization connects these problems with violating human beings’ rights sticking to a major principle: without full participation and allotment of women with power potential the stable decisions in society which is threatened with social and economic difficulties cannot be found. The establishing of legal society in Kazakhstan supposes practical realization of its basic principle - equality of all citizens in front of the law in all spheres of the society. In connection with this the problem or women’s rights violation must become an object of wide public and political elite attention in the country.

If the problem connected with human beings’ rights in the society will be risen then the point of view of women’s destination will be changed as well as her role in the society, her status which while traditional attitude is connected only with one function- “maternity for producing further generations”.

Consequently, the women’s right problem is the problem of creating absolutely new political culture. Thus with women’s appearance in power the process of stable consolidating democratic base will be performed. 

The scientific study of gender problems reflects the processes of women’s international movement process and is contained in a number of feminist and gender conceptions the appearance of which is connected with such factors as:  activization  of liberal philosophical tradition (D. Lokk, J.J. Russo, D.S. Mill), in the frames of which such  theories of mankind   equality were developed: strong influence of  utopian socialism (Sh. Furier, A. Sen-Simon, R. Ouen) where the notion of “feminism” was established.

Up to the middle of the XX century appeared a number of theories  which emphasize the feminism essence:  (Zila Eisenstein, Valery Bryson, Chris Weedon, Christine Delphy, Ethel Cline, Kate Millett , Joan Scott, Betty Friedan, bell hooks, etc.) /1/.

On post-soviet space the most significant researchers were made in the field of political gender investigations in the frames of Russia School (N. Ajgikina, Andreenkova, E. Belova, O. Voronina, E. Zdravomyslova, T.A.Rubuntseva, N.Shvedova, T.Klimenkova, E.Kochkina, O. Lipovckaya, G. Sillaste, G. Shevchuk, A.Temkina, S.Ushakin, Z.Hotkine, etc.) /2/, and also with Belorussian (E. Gapova, I. Chikalova, G. Shaton) /3/ and Ukrainian (L. Zherbkina, S. Kupriyashkina) /4/ schools.

The problem of gender equality being the subject of intensive foreign investigations is not worked out in domestic politology.

The most prominent investigations in the sphere of politics are connected with investigations made by G.Altynbekova, L.Ahmetova, B.Becturganova, M.Mekebaeyeva, A. Mukhtarova, S. Konovalov /5/. The basic researches made by R. Jalimbetova and N.Shedenova are dedicated to social-economic position of women /6/. N.Nurtazina conducted an investigation in the sphere of women’s inequality historic roots in traditional Kazakh society /7/. G.Zakumbaeva published first in the history of sovereign Kazakhstan book of domestic authors on gender investigations /8/. G.Tlenchiyeva published a number of papers on women’s rights and development of non-governmental organizations where specific attitude is accepted of legislative aspects of women’s equality /9/. N.Ussacheva wrote a monograph in the field of cultural sources of suppressed women in different countries of different epoch /10/. A.Abikenova, G.Zakayeva, Z.Sarsenbaeva, M.Seyitova, G.Solovijeva, S.Shakirova despite scientific works on the theme of gender unequality worked out and published textbooks of gender theory and also curriculums for students of higher Institutions /11/.

But institutionalization of gender research at Kazakhstan is still in embryo condition. At the present moment only two such types of institutions are known - Institute of Social and gender research at Kazakh State women’s pedagogical Institute and non-governmental organization “Almaty Centre  of gender research”.

The aim of the research lies in complex problem research of women’s participation problem in forming and expansion of democratic Institute in Kazakhstsn. The democratization of public life demands introduction of new attitudes worked by world community,   gender modernization of power in particular, gender – sensitive policy in all spheres of society activity and vital activity if society and state and also in wide propaganda of such policy advantages.

Main tasks appearing from the research aim:

-         to analize and generalize overseas and domestic experience in the sphere of gender equality political conception;

-         to investigate the peculiarities of women’s electoral behavior undemocratic and post totalitarian political regimes;

-         to define connections between democratization of society and representation of women in power bodies;

-         to find out major stages of Kazakhstani women’s movement establishing;

-          to find out the reason for low level women’s political activity and existing barriers on the way of women into politics and possibilities of  their overcoming;

-         to work out mechanisms of establishing paritet democracy in Kazakhstan aiming at inserting women  into politics as at the state level as at the level of public opinion.

The subject of my investigation is gender factor at political Kazakhstani sphere.

-         The object of my investigation are the democratic institutes in RK;

-         The scientific novelty of my work:

-         that is the first domestic  complex research of gender factor in representative power structures of PK. Based on this we look upon the reasons of low women’s political representation and mechanisms of its growth at multileveled cross–section where the upper level is represented by the state activity in the sphere of gender politics and lower – by activity of society itself in the sphere of overcoming gender stereotypes, being dependent is also in this  row.

In connection with this the scientific novelty of my investigation is the following:

-         from the position of modern feminist tendencies-political ideology of women’s liberation movement – the genesis of political gender equality conception is analyzed;

-         found out the results of scientific researches in the sphere of woman’s electorate behavior in democratic and post-totalitarian regimes;

-         defined the factors of women’s political representations in modern society;

-         supposed author’s periodization of the women’s movement establishing in Kazakhstan;

-         found out the reasons of low women’s participation in the politics on the basis of general gender analysis of political representation and specific features of women’s electorate in Kazakhstan;

-         worked out legislative, institutional, organization and conceptual recommendations for establishing the gender equality in Kazakhstan.

Methodological and theoretical basis of my investigation comprises the socio-political theories, feminist conceptions and also results of overseas and domestic gender research.

During my research work we apply such methods as sociological (focus-interview, expert and mass questionnaires, content-analysis) institutional analysis, historic, logical, comparative. In my research we apply the methodics of qualitative analysis of the presented in Kazakhstani society barriers in women’s political career based on the results of interview conducted by the author with woman-deputies of Maslihat and the Republic of Kazakhstan Parliament. Also it was conducted with candidates into deputies participated in the election of 1999.

In my research we use gender attitude to the analyzing of public – political Kazakhstani development.

The sources of information. Large quantity of sources and literature used for writing the paper judging by its character, are original. They are grouped in the following way:

-         conceptual and norm legislative the Republic of Kasakhstan Documents;

-         the Republic of Kazakhstan statistic agency literature;

-         data of focus - interview conducted with separate women – deputies in Parliament and Maslihats in the Republic  of Kazakhstan;

-         the materials of sociological investigation of political and social – economic women’s situation conducted by Sociologist association and politologists of Almaty City, women’s association of intellectual labor Central Asia agency of political research, Institute of Kazakhstani development;

-         papers of interstate organizations;

-         scientific monograph literature of researchers from Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, the USA, Great Britain, Norvegia and Sweden;

Periodical papers, information and articles from Internet.

From the point of view of the selected work and tasks or research the priorities are among the presence of different sources – official documents of state power and scientific publication prepared by non-governmental structures. Their complex study allows conducting the whole comparative research.

 Special places are occupied by the data collected by the author  of research work as a result of focus-interview with Parliament deputies and Republic of Kazakhstan  Maslihats because they allow to study the problem more profoundly.

 Among the diversity  of sources  it is necessary to emphasise  the results of great number  national researches in the USA – the only country having conducted questionnaires  on  the results of elections during 80 years, having  analysed  and generalised the behaviour  of different populace groups at elections, women’s electorate  in their  number.

     Practical appliance is determined by the possibility to use general statements and research results of investigation in conducting the further study or gender problems, determining the mechanisms and directions of forming sound state policy in gender relations.

     Major conclusions and statements of the research may be used in working out legislative gender equality base in the Republic of Kazakhstan, special training courses on politology and sociology, gender studies and also in practice of women’s political activity.

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