Gender Glossary

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Feminism ( fr. Feminisme, lat. Femina – a women ) – general name for public movement in observing paritet while giving civil rights to women and men. Feminism practice initiated new political theory – theory of equality. According to definition feminism is : 1) a theory connected with the character of global women oppression and their subordination to men ; 2) sociopolitical theory and practice aiming at women’s freedom from men’s superiority and exploitation ; 3) social movement including in itself strategic confrontation with gender-class system and 4) any ideology being in dialectical contradiction with all misogynist ideologies and actions.


Feminist consciousness – embodies the following aspects: 1) condemn for using of biological sex differences for justifying rigidly subordinate women’s position in family and society; 2) emnity of existence in family and society of rigidly consolidated of men’s and women’s roles; 3) the condemn of public sphere division into male’s and female’s; persuasion that women and men in modern society have unequal possibilities for selfrealization in different spheres and such situation is considered unfair; 5) adoption of women’s image (gender ideal) the main features of which are energy, activity, ensurance in itself, wish to be free and independent, activity in different spheres of public life; 6) point of view according to which women appreciate the high value of professional achievements, career, using own personal possibilities and abilities, aiming at selfrealization; 7) preference of family relations which do not impose on women to take care about everybody; 8) point of view on children’s feeding up according to which the society must extremely aim to equal participation of father and mother in child’s life; 9) condemn to those who treat women as object of sexual harassment ; 10) emnity of double standards to public moral in estimating men’s and women’s behavior in different spheres of life; 11) persuasion that it is necessary for women to recognize their subordinate situation, which  has changes in women’s public role and understanding of practical actions importance in this direction.


Gender refers to the socially constructed roles ascribed to males and females. These roles are learned, change over time, and vary widely within and across cultures. Whereas biological sex identity is determined by reference to genetic and anatomical characteristics, socially learned gender is an acquired identity.

Gender Analysis

Gender analysis involves looking at the sexual division of labour, the access and control men and women have over inputs required for their labour, and the outputs (benefits) of their labour. It also refers to a systematic way of looking at the different impacts of development on women and men. Gender analysis takes account of how factors of class, race, ethnicity or other factors interact with gender to produce discriminatory results.

Gender Awareness

Gender Awareness refers to gender sensitive attitudes and a commitments to pacing women's, as well as men's, needs and priorities at the centre of development planning and programming.

Gender Bias

Gender Bias results when cultural beliefs and structural arrangements favour men over women.

Gender Blind

A lack of recognition that gender is an essential determinant of the life choices available to us in society

Gender and culture

Culture is a way of life and as such can be influenced by change. It consists of social behaviour patterns, attitudes, norms, beliefs, art and institutions. Culture influences our perceptions of the society in which we live, our way of thinking and behaving. Some aspects of culture are good and must be preserved. Others need to be examined and possibly changed.

Gender Disaggregated Data

Statistical information which differentiates between men and women, e.g., 'number of women in the labour force' instead of ' number of people in the labour force'. This allows one to see where there are gender gaps.

Gender and Development (GAD)

A GAD approach focuses on social, economic, political and cultural forces that determine how men and women participate in, benefit from, and control project resources and activities differently. This approach shifts the focus from women as a group to the socially determined relations between women and men.

Gender Division of Labour

Gender Division of Labour relates to the different work that men and women do as a consequence of their socialising patterns, identifying tasks traditionally seen as 'women's work' or 'men's work'.

Gender Equity

Moving beyond a focus on equal treatment, Gender Equity highlights the importance of equality of results. It calls for the differential treatment of groups in order to end inequality and foster autonomy.

Gender and the rule of law

This implies that all men and women are equal before the law.

Gender Gap

The gap between men and women in terms of how they benefit from education, employment, services, etc.

Gender and Governance

The roles played by men and women in the management of the socio-economic and political agenda on behalf of civil society. Governance should be based on agreed rules and regulations.

Gender Impact Analysis

The study of how policy or programme will affect women and men differently.

Gender Interests

Gender Interests are those that women or men may develop by virtue of their social positioning and gender attributes.

Gender Needs

Since men and women have different gender roles, do different types of work, have different degrees of access to services and resources, and experience unequal relations, the needs of men and women may be different. Practical gender needs are the needs women identify in their socially accepted roles in society. They do not challenge, although they rise out of gender divisions of labour and women's subordinate position in society. Strategic gender needs are the needs women identify because if their subordinate position in society. They vary according to particular contexts; are related to gender divisions of labour, power and control; and may include such issues as legal rights, domestic violence, equal wages and women's control over their bodies.

Gender and Patriarchy

This refers to male dominated societies

Gender Perspective

Gender Perspective implies analysing the socio-economic, political, legal, cultural and psychological levels of an issues to understand how the differences between sexes affect, and are affected by policies and practices. It analyses how these factors relate to discrimination based on sex, and how they may impose obstacles to a person's opportunities and self development.

Gender Planning

Gender Planning is the practical application of the skills that have been acquired through gender studies and gender training. The planning approach recognises that women and men play different roles in society and often have different needs.

Gender Relations Analysis

Gender Relations Analysis is a systematic approach for assessing and understanding the different impacts of development on women and men because of their different gender roles.

Gender Relations

Gender relations examines the relative position of men and women in the division of resources and responsibilities, benefits and rights, power and privilege. The use of gender relations as an analytical category shifts the focus away from viewing women in isolation from men.

Gender Roles

Gender roles are the culturally and politically defined roles and responsibilities to which men and women are socialised to conform.

Gender Sensitivity

Gender sensitivity calls for understanding and consideration of the social-cultural factors underlying discrimination based on sex, whether against women or men.

Gender Training

Gender training is viewed as a technical part of the process which involves passing on practical skills for implementing gender sensitive policy, planning and training in specific circumstances. It is done using a variety of methods and approaches and adapted to fit the particular situation.

Gender research – interdiscipline research practice applied for analysis of social transformations and dominating system in society. Men’s problems are also analyzed not only “women’s”. For example if to look through males via gender relations prism then we may see that in our culture a man is discriminated in particular as the father in family sphere.      

      Patriarchal consciousness has several specific peculiarities : 1) persuasion that in public and family relations should exist rigid division of men’s and women’s roles; 2) point of view according to which male possesses the leading active role in family and society and female – is subordinate, passive; 3) persuasion that life values for men and women are different: family and love – major values for women; work, occupation self- realization out of family – men’s values; 4) preference of family relations where a man is the heard of the family making basic deposit into its budget; 5) instruction to women and their main role in society – be mothers, i.e. behavior connected with giving birth to children and taking care after ; 6) the condemn of women’s behavior when she has orientation to selfrealize out of family, for career, professional achievements; 7) persuasion that a girl’s behavior features should be consolidated and developed; 8) impact that patriarchal model of society is natural and provided by biological differences of sex; 9) women are condemned for equal with men rights.

Here we should acknowledge that mass consciousness has domination for patriarchal sets. And major part of women themselves are oriented to gender relations based on patriarchal model. The results of gender researches are the best testimony. These researches were conducted in our country during last years.

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