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Link to the web page of Memorial Saint Petersburg

Link to the web page of OSI Roma Initiatives


Kelderari Roma communities usually consist of several hundreds or even thousands of people living all together in (self-built) houses in compact settlements. Kelderari Roma are the most noticeable of Russian Roma, with their traditional way of living in large communities, their traditional professions based upon the principle of craftsmanship and their rich and colorful cultural life. Their name relates to their traditional lifestyle and occupation, couldron mending, the trade by which the Kelderash earned their living for centuries (the Romanian word “caldar” means “a pot”).

It is important to see Kelderari,  Kotlyari as they are called in Russian or Kelderash in Romanian, as a particular minority, they insist on that themselves and some of them even do not register as ethnic “Tsigan” (Roma) but choose for the non-existing national identity “Besarabian” ( Besarabia - part of modern Moldavia and Romania).

Unfortunately, Kelderari Roma are also the most segregated, they always face discrimination and exclusion. They are frequently refused housing, education, health care and even the right for personal identification papers ad registration.

There is a lack of a clear and effective policy tackling the burning problems of this large and quickly growing minority. It is neccessary to develop a realistic action plan in order to improve the situation of Kelderari Roma communities and to guarantee the basic human rights to the every member.

  KELDERARI ROMA SETTLEMENTS MAP (choose the place on the map)

Kelderari Roma settlement by Arkhangelsk city Kelderari Roma settlement by Saint Petersburg city, Peri village.
Dukoni, Gymbyoni, Chychoni, Chymoni Kelderari Roma settlement by Novgorod city in Chudovo town,
Mikhaeshti (Dukoni) Kelderari Roma settlement by Tver city, Savvatyevo village.
Mikhaeshti Kelderari Roma settlement by Moscow city in Klin town.
Demoni Kelderari Roma settlements by Tula city in Kosaya Gora and Plekhanovo villages.
Dukoni, Mikhaeshti Kelderari Roma settlements by Vladimir city in Usad town, Glubokoye, Novaya Bykovka and Snovitsy villages.
Toshoni, Benetsaya Kelderari Roma settlement by Ryazan city in Dyagilevo city.
Chukuroni Kelderari Roma settlement by Lipetsk city in Pasechki village.
Chaykoni, Zhuishoni Kelderari Roma settlement by Nizhniy Novgorod city in Novinki village.
Seuloni Kelderari Roma settlement by Tambov city in Kalynychi village.
Chekuroni Kelderari Roma settlements by Voronezh city in Maslovka, Nikolskoye, Podgornaya and Yamnoye villages.
Burikoni, Bolosoni, Dobruzhaya Kelderari Roma settlement in Penza city
Dukoni Kelderari Roma settlement by Taganrog city.
Koloni Kelderari Roma settlements by Rostov-na-Donu city in Mokriy Batay, Shakhty villages and Temernitsky sovkhoz.
Seuloni, Koloni, Moshoni Kelderari Roma settlements by Volgograd city in Maximka and Verkhnyaya Yelshanka villages.
Demoni Kelderari Roma settlements by Saratov city in Dubki and Storozhevka villages.
Toshoni, Toloni, Molokoni Kelderari Roma settlement by Chyboksary city.
Ioneshti Kelderari Roma settlement by Yoshkar Ola city.
Ioneshti Kelderari Roma settlement by Kazan city.
Ioneshti Kelderari Roma settlement.
Ruvoni Kelderari Roma settlement by Tyumen city.
Mikhaeshti (Putsoni, Denoni) Kelderari Roma settlement by Omsk city in Stariy Kirovsk village.
Seuloni, Demoni Kelderari Roma settlement by Krasnoyarsk city in Solontsy village.
Burikoni Kelderari Roma settlement by Kemerovo city in Topki village.
Seuloni Kelderari Roma settlement by Barnaul city in Vlasekha village.
Dobruzhaya Kelderari Roma settlement by Abakan town.
Burikoni Kelderari Roma settlement by Novosibirsk city.
Bobokoni Kelderari Roma settlement by Kaluga city in Zhukov town.