curriculum vitae

Liisi Keedus


Date of birth: 04. 12. 1977


• Doctoral Studies, Department of History and Civilization,
  European University Institute, Florence                                                                    2005 -
• MA, Nationalism Studies Program, Central European University,
  Budapest                                                                                                                   2001 – 2002
• BA, Theology and Studies of Religion, Tartu University                                         1996 – 2000

Professional and research experience

International Policy Fellow, IPF Programme, Open Society Institute,
Budapest, Hungary                                                                                                      2003

• The policy project title is ‘The Role of Media in the Integration of Estonians
   and Russian Speaking Minorities: Towards and Inclusive Public Sphere’.

OSI Junior Public Policy Scholar, Woodrow Wilson International Center
for Scholars, Washington DC, USA                                                                            2003

• During the three months of research, a set of policy recommendations was
  drafted on the basis of research into Estonian media regulations,
  minorities’ protection measures, their compliance with EU legal instruments,
  and on the basis of interviews to determine the major obstacles that hinder the
  access of ethnic minorities to the mainstream media.

Lecturer, Estonian Art Academy, Tallinn, Estonia                                                      2002

• lectures and seminars by the title "Presentation of Minorities in
  Audiovisual Media: Narrative Analyses"

Lecturer, Nord University, Tallinn                                                                                 2002

• Lectures and seminars by the title "Multiculturalism in the
  Context of Estonia"

Chief Specialist, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Estonia, Department of
Regional Development                                                                                                   2002-2003

• Responsible for EU Community Initiative Interreg III strand B preparations
   for programme implementation in Estonia in 2004
• Co-ordinating the work of Baltic Joint Co-operation Committee for
   Phare Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Programme in the Baltic Sea Region

Lecturer, Nord University, Tallinn                                                                                   2000-2001

•  Two lecture/seminar series: History of Christian
   Thought and Contemporary Ethics

Director’s assistant and translator for F-Seitse,
film-production company, Tallinn                                                                                   1995-2000

• Translating Estonian documentaries into English
• Drafting and editing grant applications and reports

Academic awards

2005-2008 Doctoral grant from the Estonian Science Foundation

2005-2006  1-year doctoral research grant from DAAD (Deutscher akademischer Austausch Dienst, granted but not accepted)

2004 Junior research fellowship at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

2003-2004 Policy research grant, 1 year, Open Society Institute

2002-2003 Full grant for MA studies at Central European University

2000  1.-2. place award for the best BA thesis in humanities given annually by Estonian Ministry of Education

1996-2000 Undergraduate Student Grant from Tartu University


2009 Entries on Isaiah Berlin, Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss in TEA filosoofialeksikon, an encyclopedia of philosophy, Tallinn: Tea, 2, 5 and 5 pages, in Estonian
2008 “Hannah Arendt’s and Leo Strauss’s Retrospects on Constitution. Dissent and Beyond,” in East-West Studies, Journal of Social Sciences of Nord University, Nr. 1 (36), May
2004 “Ethnic Minorities and Access to Mass Media: The Case of Estonia” in Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars East-European Studies Newsletter, January
2003 "The Role of Media in the Integration of Russian-Speakers in Estonia: Towards an Inclusive Public Sphere", available here online as well as in the archives of Public Policy Center at CEU
2003 ‘What if I remember it in my Dreams’ - a film review in the quarterly culture magazine of Estonian Institute, available also online
2003 ‘Estonian Russians - expensive and unnecessary?’ - a column in Eesti Päevaleht, a national daily, on Estonian public broadcasting policies, April, in Estonian.
2001 The Religious Identity of The Estonian Borderland People the Setus, CEU SUN 2001 Papers, Central European University Press

Additional research experience

Since 2005, I am working on my doctoral dissertation, tentatively entitled ”Preliminaries for a Critique of Modern Concepts of Political Science. A Study of the Intellectual Formation of Leo Strauss and Hannah Arendt.” The title of my MA thesis defended at CEU was "Cultural Diversity as a Value? Revisiting Debates of Liberal Culturalism". I wrote my BA thesis on "Free Decision and Necessity in Augustine’s De libero arbitrio".
I have additionally conducted independent field work in the south-eastern part of Estonia in 2001. The project was a part of a comprehensive research project on Estonians’ religious and national identity conducted by the director of Estonian National Museum, Dr Jaanus Plaat.

Language skills

Estonian (native), English (fluent), Russian, Finnish, German (some working experience in all), French (reading experience)

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