The Role of Media in the Integration of Russian-Speakers in Estonia: Toward an Inclusive Public Sphere
by Liisi Keedus, 
International Policy Fellowship Program 

the project
Liisi Keedus, curriculum vitae

The main objectives of the project are to research Estonian broadcasting regulations relevant for the access of ethnic minorities to the media and, hence, to public sphere, particularly their access to public service broadcasting, to assess the role of Estonian media in influencing the processes of national integration so far and to define alternatives to the approach taken on media and ethnic minorities by the governmental institutions today. 

Eesti- ja venekeelse elanikkonna integratsioon Eestis: avalik-õigusliku ringhäälingu roll ühise avaliku sfääri tekkimisel - kokkuvõte ja soovitused

research paper in pdf
research paper
policy memo in pdf
policy memo
ipf home page
final activity report