

Final Activity Report


Kazaryan Irina


IPF project

Developing a National Policy in Armenia



Research activity


Literature review

Information collecting via INTERNET

Studying National Drug Policy Papers available at the Department of Essential Drugs and medicines Policy, Headquarters, WHO

Data collecting from unpublished reports in Armenia

Data collecting from official local organization

Data collection from pharmaceutical and medical enterprises

Interviewing/communicating decision-makers and key experts

-         Deputy Minister of Health

-         Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade

-         Head of Department, Ministry of Economy and Finance

-         Chief Specialist, Ministry of Economy and Finance

-         Head of Department, Ministry of Social Assurance

-         Head of Department on households surveys, State Statistical Service

-         Vice-chairmen, Armenian Pharmaceutical Association

-         President, Union for the protection of consumers rights

-         Representatives of local manufacturers (9) and wholesalers (9)

-         Others

Implementing surveys

-         Households (130)

Writing Research paper


Learning activity


Participation in 4 IPF Seminars, Budapest

Participation in the Briefing seminar at the Department of Essential Drugs and medicines Policy, Headquarters, WHO, Geneva


Publications on the basis of this project


Kazaryan I., Amirhanyan A. Access to medicines in Armenia. Research papers of the National Institute of Health, 2002. (in Russian)


Kazaryan I. National performance indicators for comprehensive assessment of the pharmaceutical sector. In Abstracts of  the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) 62nd Congress in Nice in September 2002. (in English)


Kazaryan I. National Policy in Armenia. Policy paper. (in English, in preparation)


Kazaryan I. Pharmaceutical Sector in Armenia. Book. (in Armenian, in preparation)


Presentations on the basis of this project


An abstract “National performance indicators for comprehensive assessment of the pharmaceutical sector“ was presented by the Administrative Pharmacy Section, as a poster presentation at the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) 62nd Congress in Nice in September 2002. (See Abstract at my IPF web page).


Practical Outcome


Documents presented to the Ministry of Health:

Ø      Strategic document on Pharmaceutical Policy in Armenia to be used as a Chapter of the Strategic Document on Health Care what is currently preparing at the Ministry of Health in order to be presented and approved by the National Assembly.

Ø      Detailed Set of Indicators for monitoring Pharmaceutical policy progress.


Recommendation presented for the Armenian PRSP (Poverty Reduction Strategy Program) on fragment related to medicines. Recommendations were presented to the Authorised Person in PRSP Participatory Process and then sent by her to the Working Group.