North caucasus NGO Monitor - 1

NGO Monitor - 1

    1. Peacebuilding program carried out by local NGO along the Chechen-Dagestan border.

    In the fall of 1998 the Hasavyurt Charitable Fund "Salvation" carried out a program aimed to restore ties between Chechen and Dagestan villages along the Chechen-Dagestan border. In order to achieve this objective the "Salvation" Fund had organized a series of meetings for young people from villages which lay opposite each other on both sides of the Chechen-Dagestan border. The centerpieces of these meetings were a set of soccer games played between young people from both sides of the border. The games were preceded by joint prayers for peace in the region, according to local traditions and followed by a feast. These events were welcomed by both the participants and the local authorities on both sides and were covered in the local media.

    The idea of this program was developed during a visit of the head of the "Salvation" Fund to Moscow in the summer of 1998, on an internship program for local NGO peace activists, sponsored by Nonviolence International - Newly Independent States. Its effective implementation had clearly shown a genuine interest among young people in both Chechnya and Dagestan in reestablishing peaceful and friendly relationships.

    Unfortunately, the legacy of the Chechen war and cross border criminal activity including murders and kidnappings continue to be major destabilizing factors in the region. It would be no exaggeration to say that Chechnya and Dagestan today are the most explosive and troublesome areas in the entire Newly Independent States. In these circumstances the Hasavyurt Regional Charitable Fund "Salvation" is an example of a genuine NGO, trying to do its utmost to overcome the problems faced by local people in these difficult times.

    Address: Hasavyurt, Zarechnaja street, 63 368005, Dagestan Republic, Russia Tel. (872310) 41-26. Chairman: Djavtaev Umar Hamzatovich.

    2. Ingush NGOs plan to work as observers on local elections.

    On January 22 a decision was made by the Council of Social Organisations of Ingushetia to participate as observers during the elections to the local parliament, which are scheduled to take place on February 28.

    The Council of Social Organisations of the Ingush Republic was organised in February 1995 with the purpose of developing communication and co-ordinating efforts between different Ingush NGOs. It consists of 12 separate groups. In the past a lot of the work of the Council has been related to the tragic events in Chechnya and in the Prigorodny district of North Ossetia. It lobbied on behalf of the forced migrants from the Prigorodny Region, organised and participated in many actions opposing the war in Chechnya, participated in the negotiation process on different levels between North Ossetia and Ingushetia, took part in various press conferences, etc.

    Members of the Council meet monthly to review their activities and discuss plans for the future. The Council includes such organisations as the Women's Committee of Ingushetia "Almos", the Union of Veterans of World War II and the Union of Veterans of the Afghan war of the Ingush Republic, the Charitable Fund for Social Protection of Motherhood and Childhood and others.

    Address: Council of Social Organisations of Ingushetia Chairman: Bekov Alihan

    3. Chechen Agency for Rehabilitation and Development is beginning an assistance program for widows of the war.

    The new program, starting in February 1999 includes distributing humanitarian aid to a group of 81 women who have lost their spouses as a result of the military conflict in Chechnya. Besides distributing aid (food and clothing) the program plans to send some of these women to other cities to receive medical treatment - surgery, prosthesis, etc.

    The Agency for Rehabilitation and Development was founded in the city of Grozny (Chechnya) in 1995. Its main objective was to assist children - victims of the war. The organization has a number of local rehabilitation centers in various locations in Chechnya (Samashky, Serjen-Yurt, Mahkhety, Hattuny, Tevzana, Chechen-Aul, Duba-Yurt, Vedeno, Shali, Argun, Elistanji, and Shatoi). 3 times a week local psychologists work with small groups of traumatized children in these centers. Rooms for this work are found in schools, organizations or simply in private houses. This work includes giving the children a chance to tell their stories, play games, and participate in different types of activities. After a 3-month course the children are examined to tell if they need a continuation of the treatment.

    Address: Agency for Rehabilitation and Development Demina Street 10, Grozny, Chechnya, 364050 Director: Archakova Luba

    4. "Caritas -North Ossetia" is opening a charitable cafeteria in Vladikavkaz.

    The North Ossetian NGO "Caritas" which is affiliated with the international catholic charitable organization is starting a new program of humanitarian aid in the city of Vladikavkaz - the capital of North Ossetia. A charitable cafeteria will be opened in the building of the first polyclinic of Vladikavkaz for people whose incomes are too low to sustain themselves. These are mainly refugees from various conflicts that took place in and around North Ossetia over the last years - South Ossetia, the Suburban district of North Ossetia and Chechnya.

    On the first stage of the project, that is funded by the Austrian and German branches of "Caritas", 120 people will be getting hot meals once a day and another 250 will receive food packages. In the future "Caritas" is hoping to expand this program to assist up to 1300 people in North Ossetia and some other areas. This program is being carried out within the framework of the anti-crisis program of "Caritas" - "Winter 98/99".

    The local Ministry of Justice registered the Religious Charitable Catholic Organization «Caritas» - North Ossetia on February 11, 1997. So far most of its activities were focused on supporting a medical center for refugees at the first polyclinic of Vladikavkaz, providing them with consultations and humanitarian aid.

    Address: Borodinskaya Street 13 apt. 12 Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia-Alania Tel./fax (8672) 33-1449 Chairman: Basiev Sergei

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