North caucasus NGO Monitor - 6

NGO Monitor - 2

    1. Social movement "Our Homeland - Dagestan" is trying to ease tensions between various ethnic communities in the republic.

    This organization was formed in 1996 with the goals of protecting the rights and interests of various social groups. It has also been focused at preventing conflicts and developing understanding between different ethnic communities in Dagestan.

    Activities of the organization include:

    · Organizing meetings of the population of different districts of Dagestan with writers and artists.

    · Publications in the local media with analysis of the situation in the republic, including appeals on various urgent concerns.

    · Public opinion surveys, results of which are published in the local media.

    · Practical assistance to people who come with various problems and concerns.

    The movement was developed to a large extent as a reaction to the development of various "ethnic-based" NGOs and movements. It tries to carry out practical activities in order to promote tolerance and mutual understanding of various ethnic communities.

    For example, in August 98 the movement has helped in diffusing tensions that were growing in the Karabudahkentski district between the local population and newcomers - migrants from the mountainous Charodinski district in the South of Dagestan. The movement organized a trip of representatives of the local communities from the Charodinski district including the local administration, to the mountains, from where the people were migrating, thus showing them the real situation in the mountains. This helped the local people in understanding the reasons for migration from the mountains to the plains, thus making their migration more acceptable for the local population.

    Address: Mahachkala, Yaragskogo street, house 79 "a", room 87

    368015, Dagestan Republic, Russia

    Tel.: (8722) 61-32-64

    Members: Davudov Habib, Daganov Abdul.

    We continue to give information about the various ethnic cultural societies, which are members of the inter-ethnic center "Drujba" in Kislovodsk.

    2. "Slavyane" (Slavs) society.

    This society was developed by representatives of Slavic peoples, living in the North Caucasus. The society was created during the beginning of a massive migration flow of the Slavs from the regions of the North Caucasus due to inter-ethnic tensions and military conflicts.

    The society has worked intensively on providing various types of aid and support to refugees and forced migrants, collected food and clothing to be sent to people in conflict regions.

    The society is working on the revival of cultural and spiritual traditions of the Slavic people, on developing and maintaining brotherly relationships with other ethnic groups living in the Caucasus.

    Currently the society has about 2000 members.

    The society helped in developing a folklore dance group "Slavyanka", sports sections, traditional crafts.

    The society participates in many traditional and orthodox celebrations, such as "Christmas games", "Days of Slavic literature and culture", etc.

    Address: Kislovodsk, Saperny pereulok, house 10

    357700, Stavropol region, Russia

    Tel. (86537) 3-26-97.

    Director: Savelyev Vladimir Yurevich

    3. "Nenan-Az" social - charitable fund, Chechnya.

    This organization was created on August 15, 1995. Its goal is to help women play a more active role in the economic, social and cultural life of their republic, as well as to assist widows and children who lost their parents during the war.

    Currently the Fund has a staff of 9 people who are working almost exclusively on a volunteer basis.

    The Fund has carried out extensive work in gathering information about orphaned children in Chechnya. Currently it has a bank of information about nearly 4000 such children and this list continues to grow. Humanitarian aid was provided to nearly half of them.

    The Fund has been actively cooperating with various local and international organizations, including ICRC, "Hungarian Interchurch Aid", "Centre for peacemaking and Community Development", "Women of the Don", Social-Charitable Fund "Berkat", etc.

    The "Nenan-Az" foundation developed a number of programs to support women who became widows during the war. A consultation center was organized in order to assist them. Members of the center visited widows, spoke with them in order to help them psychologically.

    Other programs for which the "Nenan-Az" Fund is trying to get support include:

    - brining 500 children from Chechnya to summer camps in neighboring Dagestan;

    - helping widows in finding jobs and developing small businesses (such as opening small bakeries, barbershops, etc.);

    - publishing a collection of Chechen women's poetry;

    - Collecting and distributing second-hand clothing among families in need, etc.

    Unfortunately most of these ideas remain on paper, since currently the Fund practically ceased to receive support. This is due to the extremely complicated situation in Chechnya and the termination of the activities of international humanitarian organizations, that was caused by continuos assaults against their staff.

    Address: Mayakovskogo street, house 84 "a", apt. 22

    Djohar (Grozny), Chechnya

    Chairman: Sumbulatov Isa.

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