Kopli 32, 10412 Tallinn, ESTONIA
phone/fax +372 6413165

AIDS-i Tugikeskus (AIDS Information and Support Center) is a social non-profit non-governmental (NGO) organization, which was founded 01.02.1994 as by group of volunteers in Tallinn, Estonia. For implementation of AIDS service organization we use the model of Finnish AIDS Tukikeskus (now Finnish AIDS Council).

AIDS Tugikeskus has a branch in Tartu, which was opened in 1995.
AIDS Tugikeskus in Tallinn have two departments:
1. Kopli 32, 10412, Tallinn
 In those rooms we provide reception for the general public. Also the project among sex-workers and project against trafficking in women and girls works here.
2. Erika 5a, Tallinn
This department was created for the projects among intravenous drug users – consultations of narcologist-psychologist, therapist, needle exchange, methadone treatment etc.

Our basic field activity includes:
• counseling, pre- and post testing, AIDS/HIV consulting and consulting about STD-s for public in general and youth;
• possibility of anonymous HIV/STD testing;
• counseling of safer sex;
• provision of literature of safer sex and warning about HIV/STD (the last examples: leaflet for parents “How to speak to children about AIDS, sex and drugs” with collaboration of specialists of state AIDS Prevention Center; the manual for people, living with HIV/AIDS “Positive Development” - joint with ESPO etc.)
• work with target groups: sex-workers - project SEASTAR 1996-1999, concerning migratory prostitution, project against trafficking of women and girls in Baltic Sea region (with co-operation with Kvinnoforum, SWEDEN and Likestilling Centeret, Norway) and projects for i/v drug users - Needle Exchange Program, Harm Reduction program among sex workers IDU-s (IHRD); HIV/AIDS Prevention in prisons. rehabilitation country houses
• creation of a gay sensitive atmosphere and testing/preventory work with gays; work with group of young gays
• psycho-social support of people, living with HIV/AIDS, co-operation with organization Estonian HIV-positive People Society – ESPO (rooms for drop-in activities, charity dinners, medical consultations, medication etc.)
• participation in mass events, concerts, musical festivals, youth events – spreading literature on safer sex, condoms, leaflets etc.

At the moment in Center are implemented and works following projects and activities:

AIDS Tugikeskus has developed healthy international relations with other ASO (AIDS Service Organizations), Finnish AIDS Council in Helsinki, Finland, GENDERS, Latvia, HIV-positive groups in the Baltic countries, Finland, Sweden, STAKES from Finland, Kvinnoforum from Sweden. We are the members of EuroCASO, EATG, ILGA. In Estonia our partners are US Baltic foundation, Open Estonia Foundation, AIDS Prevention Center.

The Head of AIDS Information & Support Center is Jury Kalikov
The running board of the center include 3 persons, the head of center Jury Kalikov, social worker and medical nurse Grete Lehtla and doctor, epidemiologist Nelli Kalikova.
At the time it is more then 20 volunteers and 14 specialists involved in work in different projects.