Tatjana Kurova

Date of birth: 
  9th July 1953

Nationality:   Russian
Civil status:  Divorced

Institutions :

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in London, England
Date:  20th January 1999 - 15th February 1997
Degree(s) or diploma(s) :
Diploma of Intensive Training Course for AIDS/STD Control and
Family Planning Programme Managers

Institute for Practical Psychology in Riga, Latvia
Date:  September 1990 - June 1992
Degree(s) or diploma(s) :  Practical Psychologist

1st Moscow Medical Institute of I.M. Sechenova in Moscow, Russia
Date:  September 1971 - June 1977
Degree(s) or diploma(s) :  M . D . of Hygiene and Epidemiology

Secondary school Nr. 33 in Riga, Latvia
Date:  September 1960 - June 1970
Degree(s) or diploma(s) :  School leaving sertificate

Language skills: (Mark 1 to 5 for competence, where 5 is the highest)

Language Reading Spoken Written
Russian 5 5 5
English 5 5 5
Latvian 5 5 5

Membership of professional bodies:

Since 1996 a member of the European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG)
Since 1996 a member of UNAIDS Team Group in Riga, Latvia
Member of the International Network against Trafficking of Women:
Member of the European Network for HIV/STD Prevention in Prostitution:

Present position:  President

Years within the company:  7

Professional experience record:

Date :  September 1994 - pres.
Location  Riga, Latvia
Company  Latvian Gender Problem Centre "GENDERS"
Position President

Date :   October 1992 - 1997
Location  Riga, Latvia
Company  Health Support Centre "SEMMES"
Position  President

Date :   October 1990 - March 1992
Location  Riga, Latvia
Company  Latvian National AIDS Prevention Centre
Position  Dermatovenerologist M.D.

Date :   September 1980 - March 1990
Location  Riga, Latvia
Company  Training Centre for Foreign Marines
Position  Dermatovenerologist M.D.

Date :   August 1977 - September 1980
Location  Riga, Latvia
Company  Sanitary-Epidimiologycal Station
Position   Chief of Department


• Article "Prostitution in Riga, Latvia - a socio-medical matter of concern" by Dr. Tatjana Kurova from the
   Health Support Centre "SEMMES", Latvia and Per-Anders Märdh from the Institute of Clinical Bacteriology,
   Uppsala University, Sweden. In the Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1998; 77: 83-86. © Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand
   1998 - Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica ISSN 0001-6349. Printed in Denmark - all rights
• Article "Health care of female commercial sex workers" in The European Journal of Contraception and
   Reproductive Health Care 1999; 4: 165-180
• Article "A Survey about Prostitution in Latvia" by Dr. Tatjana Kurova and Inna Bro?islava Zari?a. In the
   book Gender Equality in Latvia at the Threshhold of the New Millennium. Publishers: Latvian Women's
   Studies and Information Centre/LSPIC with Institute of Economics Latvian Academy of Sciences support.
   UDK 316(474.3)(082)+342.7(082)-165. © LZA Institute of Economics, 2000. ISBN 9984-9255-6-0. Printed in
   Latvia - all rights reserved.
• Article "The MoonLight project in Latvia" by Dr. Tatjana Kurova in a newsletter Research for Sex Work,
   No. 3 (June, 2000) for XIII AIDS World Conference in Durban.

Professional skills

• Post-Graduated Training Courses for Doctors in St. Petersburg, Russia, 4th September - 28th October 2000
• Certificate of the Latvian Dermatology Association, October, 1994
• Certificate of Ministry of Public Health of Latvia, December, 1991
• Certificate of St. Petersburg State Institute for Post Graduate Education "AIDS and Associated Diseases",
   April, 1990
• Certificate of Dermatovenerology of Belorussian Medical Institute, May, 1987
• Certificate of Dermatovenerology of Riga Medical Institute, March, 1980

Participation in the International Conferences

• 2nd Baltic Region Conference "Together against AIDS", Szczecin, Poland,  March 23 - 24, 2001.
• Regional Workshop "Trafficking in Women in the Baltic States: Challenges and Remedies  Riga  Latvia 12-13 March 2001
• EATG (European AIDS Treatment Group) meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia September 2000.
• Regional Conference “TOGETHER AGAINST AIDS” in Malmö, Sweden March, 2000.
• Training Seminar in the framework of the project “Moon Light. Safe prostitution” TAMPEP International
   Foundation (the Netherlands) & The Latvian Gender Problem Centre “GENDERS” in Riga, Latvia February, 2000.
• 3rd European Conference on the Methods and Results of Social and Behavior Research on AIDS “Towards better
   practice: Europe in the fight against HIV/AIDS” in Amsterdam, Holland February, 2000.
• “BREAKDOWN OF BORDERS” International Conference on Trafficking in Women in Copenhagen, Denmark
   December, 1999.
• 4th FEMINA BALTICA Conference “Women and Power” in Turku, Finland September, 1999.
• Facilitator of the Nordic-Baltic-Russian summer school in gender/feminist studies in Jurmala, Latvia August, 1999.
• Facilitator of the First Interregional Conference “Baical Region Women Initiative” in Irkutsk, Russia June, 1999.
• Seminar "Sexual abuse and violence" in Riga, Latvia May, 1999.
• Simposium on Trafficking and Child Pornography in Legionowo, Poland May, 1999.
• Seminar Joint Project Between The United States And Finland On The Promotion Of The Status Of Women in Riga,
   Latvia March, 1999.
• Seminar on Trafficking in Women in Strasberg, France June, 1998.
• Seminar on Trafficking in Women in Budapest, Hungary June, 1998.
• European AIDS Treatment Group in Lisbon, Portugal October, 1998.
• Women and Men in Dialogue, Baltic-Nordic Conference August, 1997.
• European NGO Conference on Trafficking in Women in Noordwijkerhout, Holland April, 1997.
• AIDS & medication'96 in Helsinki, Finland September, 1996.
• Seminar Problems of prostitution in Central and Eastern Europe in Szczecin, Poland June, 1996.
• Seminar "How to help HIV positive people" in Jurmala, Latvia  June, 1996.
• International Lesbian and Gay Association Regional European Conference in Riga, Latvia  December, 1995.
• Conference HIV and Migrant Minorities in Utrecht, Holland September, 1995.
• Seminar HIV/AIDS: Social Work in Copenhagen, Denmark August, 1995.
• Seminar Prostitution: changing face in Helsinki, Finland May 1995.
• Intarnational Lesbian and Gay Association Regional European Conference in Helsinki, Finland December, 1994.
• World AIDS Conference in Berlin, Germany September, 1994.
• Nordic Women`s Forum in Turku, Finland August, 1994.
• Intarnational Lesbian and Gay Association Regional Conference for Eastern,   Central and Southern Europe
   in Palanga, Lithuania April, 1994.
• Annual Congress of Swedish Physitions in Stockholm,Sweden December, 1993.
• Denmark-Baltic Seminar "Women & Democracy" in Copenhagen, Denmark  August, 1993.
• Investment in Health - Conference of Health and Finance Ministers of Eastern and Central Europe in Riga, Latvia April, 1993.
• Intarnational Lesbian and Gay Association Regional Conference for Eastern, Central and Southern Europe in Vienna,
  Austria April, 1993.
• Conference: Psychological Support for HIV Positive People October, 1992.


Peter Norman
Council of European Union
Justis Lipsius Buildings
Bureau 10 MN 17
B-1048 Brussels
Phone: +322 285 67 67

Jan-Olof Morfeldt B.Ed. B.A. M.D.
Vice President
Director International Programme Prevention and Care
The Noah's Ark
Red Cross Foundation
Drottninggatan 61
S-111 21 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 8 700 46 50
Fax: +46 8 700 46 51

Nelli Kalikova M.D.
AIDS Prevention Centre
Narva mnt. 48, Tallinn
10150 Estonia
Phone: +372 641 08 08
Phone: +372 627 35 00
Fax: +372 627 35 10

Carolina Johansson Wennerholm
Project Manager
Stiftelsen Kvinnoforum
Foundation of Women's Forum
Kungsgatan 65,
S-111 21 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 8 22 56 22 88 00
Fax: +46 8 22 56 22 88 50

Licia Brussa
General Co-ordinator
Tampep International Foundation
Transnational AIDS/STD Prevention among migrant prostitutes in Europe/project
Westermarkt 4, 1016 DK Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 624 71 49
Fax: +31 20 624 65 29