Moon Light. Safe prostitution

A short description of a project by the TAMPEP International Foundation in partnership with the Latvian Gender Problem Centre (NGO “GENDERS”) financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Matra Programme).
01.01. 1999 - 31.10. 2003.
Project Nr. LV 98/03

Description of the recipient country where the project is to be implemented:
Latvia is a highly urbanized country: Riga, the capital of Latvia covers one third of all of the republic’s population. There are three big harbors in Latvia.
In recent years, prostitution has become an increasingly emerging social, medical and epidemiological problem in the Baltic States, including Latvia. Therefore there is an urgent need for the creation of an interdisciplinary intervention activity in the field of health promotion and social care among sex workers in Latvia. At this moment there is no structural policy regarding social and health care for sex workers although the phenomenon of prostitution is rapidly growing. This lack of health and social care puts these women into a most vulnerable position. Because of this, these women are seriously being at risk of STD and HIV infection. Above this, the phenomenon of transnational prostitution has been escalating during recent years and there is little experience and skills in HIV/STD prevention among sex workers, nor is there much knowledge of outreach/peer education in this country.

Description of the target group:
Female sex workers who are operating in Riga, Jurmala and Jelgava. They work mainly on the streets, partly in night and sex clubs, hotels, bars and escort services.
According to estimations of the Latvian Gender Problem Center (NGO “GENDERS”), the total amount of women working in this industry is approximately 10’000 to 15’000.

Project’s long-term objectives:

Project’s short-term objectives:

Description of instruments available for achieving the project’s objectives:

There are three groups of instruments:

I. Technical support by TAMPEP:
* collecting data
* intervention methods used in the field
* methods of evaluation concerning the results of the intervention
II. Organization structure formed by project group, operating group and support group.

This organization structure is created in order to ensure the realization of the above-mentioned long-term objectives and in order to create a steady and stabile basis and infrastructure for the maintaining and continuation of the activities and in order to guarantee the commitment of all parties and bodies to the philosophy of the project. It also has a prime task to seek the necessary support, co-operation, contacts etc. with the local GOs.

III. Instruments of execution of prevention activities at the local level:

Description of expected results:

Licia Brussa, General co-ordination and International Networking
Hanka Mongard, Cultural mediatrix for Central and Eastern
European women and International Networking

TAMPEP International Foundation
Westermarkt 4
1016 DK Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 624 71 49 Fax: +31 20 624 65 29

Partner organization:

Tatiana Kurova, Director and General co-ordination

NGO “GENDERS”, the Latvian Gender Problem Center
Caka St., 91/93 room 9
Riga LV-1011 Latvia
Tel/Fax: +371 7 315899