Latvian Gender Problem Center "GENDERS"

Reg. No. 000800352
Address: A. Čaka 91/93 - 10, Rīga, LV-1011, Latvia
Phone/Fax: +371 7315 899; e-mail:

The Latvian Gender Problem Center "GENDERS" is a non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in 1994, in Riga, Latvia. Legal NGO status earned in 1996. One of the main aims of "GENDERS" are to develop preventive strategy and measures against AIDS/STD among prostitutes, trafficking in women, lobbying policy makers for improving legal situation for women. In all activities, from management training and organizational development to mobilization on a grassroots level, "GENDERS" recognized the differences between women and men.

Gender differences are used as a tool for change and for constructive, efficient, quality improvement. "GENDERS" influent men and women at all levels in society, governmental, non-governmental and the business sectors, to look through gender glasses. "GENDERS" has also elaborated and initiated new forms of civil society co-operation with these sectors.

Since the beginning, "GENDERS" has developed non-traditional, forefront methods, which successfully have been implemented in many national and international projects on gender issues. Communication and information creating public awareness of the existence of prostitution and trafficking is also a part of our aim.

We often get enquiries from pupils, students and the media wanting general information or asking specific questions regarding law issues, human rights, etc. Students are welcome to visit our organization, reading materials in the library and talking with one of our social workers. Then "GENDERS" also publishes leaflets and articles sometimes aiming at the public, sometimes aiming specific at the prostitutes - e.g. information on safe sex. We are trying to be as visible as we can in the public space.

The aims and objectives of "GENDERS" are:

The main activities of our organization at present:

training workshops,
membership of professional bodies,
communication with mass media representatives (cooperation with society).

Seminars: every year our organization participates in different local and international seminars, which are connected with our work in the issue of trafficking prevention. Our organization every week organizes training seminars for the street workers. The most important thing is that our organization not only participates but also organizes seminars for the local NGO’s and organizations, official bodies and   Latvian Government officials, who are dealing with the trafficking and local and international prostitution prevention. Our organization is UNAIDS Theme group member.  The seminars for members are organized once a month.

Training workshops and lectures: every year our organisation participates in different local and international training workshops, which are connected with our work in the issue of trafficking prevention. The most important thing is that our organisation not only participates but also organizes training workshops for the local NGO’s and organizations, official bodies and   Latvian Government officials who are dealing with the trafficking and local and international prostitution prevention.
Exhibitions: every year our organization participates in Latvian Exhibition “EROTS”! Also we take part in all exhibitions in Latvia, which are connected with the theme of trafficking, and international and local prostitution.

Membership of professional bodies:
In head of president the Latvian Gender Problem Centre "GENDERS" is a member of the European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) and UNAIDS Team Group, we also a member of the following networks International Network against Trafficking of Women: and European Network for HIV/STD Prevention in Prostitution: or


Communication with mass media representatives (cooperation with society):
Regular cooperation and society’s information about our work and achievements throughout TV,
Radio and newspapers.

Our projects:

1998 - Project "Anti-AIDS Marathon'98"
"GENDERS" carried out a three-day action in the border region, which included informational campaign and providing free HIV tests. We have organized safe sex education for businessmen at their working places. We have organized together with Czech organization "R-R" working in the field of prostitution night party "Condom evening". We provided two-day HIV testing for vocational students by free.

November 1998 - November 1999 - Project "Crossing borders against Trafficking in Women and Girls"
The project was carried out in partnership with Kvinnoforum (Sweden), Monika - Multicultural Women's Association (Finland) and Latvian Gender Problem Center "GENDERS" (Latvia). The European Commission's DAPHNE Initiative and the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs funded this project. The aims of the project was to build a network of NGOs in the Nordic and Baltic States working against trafficking in women with focus on preventive and rehabilitative work. Now the network is open for other interested parties such as research institutions, government organizations and individuals that are currently working in trafficking related areas or interested in incorporating the issue in their work/research. The role of "GENDERS" was to provide expertise and knowledge on situation of trafficking and prostitution in Latvia and measures to prevent trafficking, locate NGOs and others in Latvian and Lithuania, who work against trafficking or are interested in the issue, gather and spread information on trafficking and NGOs in the region of the project, act as a regional information point for the project, act as a link between NGOs and Project Manager/other NGOs, participate in the one-week training in Stockholm, take part in the planning of the travels of the expert group, setting up a meeting program for the expert group in Latvia and Lithuania and take part in the documentation of the meetings.

May 1999 - November 1999 - Project "Trafficking of Women: A New Threat in Latvia"
Matra Small Embassy Projects Program the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Riga funded this project. The aims of the project was to educate and increase awareness among the population of Latvia about the trafficking issue, to gather statistics on the numbers and circumstances of trafficking victims in Latvia in order to further educate young women their friends and family members, to reduce the potential AIDS and other STDs. In the frame of this project we have a few important meetings with Latvian television and mass media, Ministries of Welfare and Alien's Police, Human Rights Bureau and Women's Rights Institute, Riga Police Department, Interpol, IOM International Organization for Migration, and with other NGOs. We also have an opportunity to travel to Russia and visit two Russian towns Moscow and Irkutsk. The goal of this trip was to study ways of trafficked women from Siberia to Latvia and abroad through Latvia, including national minorities, who live in Siberia. We shared of experience and collected information about trafficking of Latvian girls in Russia. We met and talked with 16 non-governmental organizations, which are working in the field of youth and women's rights, health education, lifestyle, and crisis management. We spoke with local mass media representatives. We also have an opportunity to participate in a Russian television program "Актуальное Интервью" ("Urgent Interview") on the topic of trafficking in women. We participated in two Siberian conferences: First Interregional Conference "Women's Initiatives of Baical Region" and Internet Conference on the issue of trafficking. We have meeting in Moscow with Eric Batsie, Chairperson of Russian Office, NGO "Project Harmony" to discuss the very large problem of trafficking in Russia. More than 12 articles have been published in Latvian and Russian newspapers regarding problem of trafficking. 4 Radio programs featuring Dr. Tatiana Kurova on the subject of trafficking were aired on Riga Radio stations. More than 146 telephone calls have been received by our newly installed answering machine from young women or family members and friends of young women who want to receive information about trafficking. "GENDERS" also presented informational materials about trafficking at the First tree-day International Sexual Exhibition "EROTS'99".

November 1999 - November 2000 - Project "Training and Capacity Building against Trafficking in Women and Girls in the Baltic Sea Region"
The project was carried out in partnership with Kvinnoforum (Sweden), Monika - Multicultural Women's Association (Finland), Latvian Gender Problem Centre "GENDERS" (Latvia), PRO-Centret (Denmark), AIDSI TUGIKESKUS - AIDS information and Support Centre (Estonia) and Lithuanian Women's NGO "PRAEITIES PEDOS" (Lithuania). The European Commission's DAPHNE Initiative and the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs funded this project.

The general aims of the project was to enhance the capacity of work related to trafficking among local NGOs interested and working with women at risk of being trafficked or victims of it in the Baltic Sea Region and to develop the network between these organizations in the Baltic Sea Region.

Being the Nation Focal Point (NFP) for Latvia "GENDERS" carried out the following activities:

November 1999 - October 2002 - Project "MoonLight. Safe prostitution"
This project is carrying out in partnership with TAMPEP International Foundation (Holland) and the Latvian Gender Problem Centre "GENDERS" (Latvia). The Matra Programme Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs financially supports this project. The project “Moonlight” combines research and prevention work, actively involving sex workers. It is a model of cooperation between NGO’s and state institutions. Project objectives are:

August 2000 - February 2001 - Project "LightHouse - Shelter for prostitutes and women victims of trafficking"
This project was carried out by "GENDERS" and financially supported by AIDS Foundation, Foundation Fondsenwervingsacties Volksgezondheid and Queen Juliana Foundation. The aim of contribution was the towards the costs of reconstruction & renovation and internal design & equipping of the First Shelter. A variety of services will be offered in women's refuge: informational service, educational service, and social service, medical and psychological service, legal assistance. The main purpose of Shelter is to support, protect, and treat the victims of trafficking.

First Shelter in Riga, Latvia.

The aims of the refuge are to support, protect and treat the victims of trafficking and prostitutes.
A variety of services already offered by Latvian Gender Problem Center "GENDERS" in a refuge such as:
Informational service.  Here women can receive all possible information about human rights, the social system as it pertains to women in Latvia, publishing, printing and distributing booklets, organizing public campaigns, co-operation with mass media and government authorities
Educational service (Library & Seminar room). Here we provide lectures on health and gender issues both on site and I schools, holding seminars and training courses on women's rights and reproductive health and current threats as trafficking and violence against women
Social service (Refuge meeting room). Here the professionals of "GENDERS" and other institutions provide social support for target group such as young women, single mothers, victims of trafficking and violence, sex workers, HIV-positive people and their relatives.
Medical service (Doctor's office & med. nurse's room). Here medical specialists provide consultations and medical examinations including professionals such as gynecologist and dermato-venerologist. Their service will be available for victims of family violence, sex workers, victims of trafficking and sexual harassment. Family physician services for general health evaluation also are available here.
Psychological service (Consultation room). Here we provide psychologist consultations including diagnosis and practical psychological methods for helping individuals as well as a group therapy. Professionally trained moderators will led psychological service.
Short-term housing service (Refuge room & Refuge kitchen). Here we provide temporary bed and board for victims of trafficking. (Search funding)
Administrative activities (Head office). Here is the heart of the Latvian Gender Problem Center "GENDERS". The main activity of "GENDERS" is carried out here. It is the general co-ordination and international network, projects accounting, co-ordination and implementation, data analysis and evaluation, report preparation, printing and distribution is carried out from this office.
Searching group

November 2000 - Project focusing on cross border prostitution and trafficking in women.
Financially supported by the Centre for Gender Equality in Norway and Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Norway. One aim of this project is to raise the awareness and the knowledge of cross border in Norway. The financial support was suggested to those NGOs, which are dealing with information work directed at girls and women at risk

UNIFEM Launches Project to Prevent the Trafficking of Adolescents in Latvia
This project is carrying out in partnership with International Organization of Adolescents (USA), the Youth Health Center Council of Latvia (Latvia) and the Latvian Gender Problem Center "GENDERS" (Latvia). This project is financially supported by UNIFEM. The project consists of a nationwide education campaign to raise awareness on the prevalence of human trafficking, as well as the incorporation of a special module on the issue of trafficking into the educational programs of teenage centers through Latvia. Project partners will also work with local NGOs and government organizations to develop a National Action Plan for the prevention of trafficking.

January 2002, "Networking against Trafficking in Women and Girls in the Baltic Sea Region", - the project by Kvinnoforum. One objective of this sub-project is to update the “Resource Book against Trafficking in Women and Girls in the Baltic Sea Region” firstly published in November 1999. The revised edition of the Resource Book will be collaboration between six non-governmental organisations in the Baltic Sea Region, where from Latvian side represented by Latvian Gender Problem Centre "GENDERS".
The Latvian Gender Problem Centre "GENDERS" in this project was done the following: provided the chapter on the situation of trafficking in Latvia and key areas of concern; updated the information on the list of Organisations, Governmental Organisations and Research Institutions included in the Resource Book.
The update of the “Resource Book against Trafficking in Women and Girls in the Baltic Sea Region” were successfully done and published. Now it’s available for the organisations and institutions, which are working in the issue of trafficking prevention.

December 2001 - November 2002. Information to raise the awareness of the public opinion to prevent and fight the trafficking of human beings: dissemination of European approaches to care and to support for victims. This project is by Arciconfraternita del SS Sacramento, Maria SS. e S. Gregorio Taumaturgo - Caritas Diocesana di Roma and carrying out in the partnership with the Latvian Gender Problem Centre “GENDERS”. The main objectives of this project are:
To determine intervention approaches for women victims of trafficking and forced to prostitution, once they turn to public or private services for help. The research will investigate results obtained in terms of behavioural changes of counselling-based actions (including follow up) taken by NGOs and volunteer organisation, whether in collaboration with the institutions or not
To foster co-operation among public bodies (ministries, services, police) and NGOs and volunteer organisations, in the field of support for women victims of trafficking and forced to prostitute themselves, through local seminars to be held in each partner country
To encourage the exchange and dissemination of knowledge and experience through an international conference joining partners in the project, and a comprehensive, exhaustive and easy to access instrument (web portal), suitable to reach the remaining European countries (i.e., other Member States, as well as candidate and third countries).
European Commission financially supports the project.

February 1, 2002 - July 30, 2002. Informational campaign in the frames of the IOM project: “Prevention of Trafficking in women in the Baltic Countries”.
This informational campaign was created for increasing the awareness of the emerging problems of trafficking in women among the general population, relevant authorities and NGOs’ in the Baltic States, and to discourage and prevent future trafficking in the Baltic region. The activities of the Latvian Gender Problem Centre “GENDERS” were:
Societal awareness of the problem of Trafficking of Women was greatly increased throughout this Informational compaign. During the period of February 1,2002 and May 1,2002 we provided advice for the persons going to the abroad by the telephone hotline and by the lawyer's appointed legal consultations for the telephone hotline clients.

May 2002 - May 2003. “Light House”: Information and Social Assistance to Trafficked Women and Girls.
This project is by Latvian Gender Problem Centre “GENDERS”.  The project aims to assist victims of trafficking, to protect women who are in danger of being trafficked and to increase understanding of the dangers and consequences of trafficking among Latvian women and relevant authorities in Latvia, to discourage and prevent trafficking women from and through Latvia.  The project consists of an information campaign that provides objective and credible information to select target groups trough a number of mass and informal media. It also provides a refuge “Light House Shelter” for victims of trafficking returning home. Result of the project: a variety of services will be offered for these women: informational service, educational service, social service, medical and psychological service, short-term housing service and legal assistance. The main purpose of the shelter is to support, protect and treat victims of trafficking.
The Royal Danish Embassy in Riga financially supports the project.