General aim, objectives and activities of the project
The general aim of the project was two folded: Firstly
to enhance the capacity of work related to trafficking among local NGOs
interested and working with women at risk of being trafficked or victims
of it. Secondly to develop the network between these organisations
in the Baltic Sea Region.
This aim was reached through fulfilling the following objectives:
Creation of national
focal points (in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia)
which works now as resource centres and co-ordinators in the national NGO-work
against trafficking, as well as communicate their activities to other focal
points, the media and the general public.
Designing and executing
a workshop, in each participating country, for NGOs providing important
methods and facts when working against trafficking in women.
Establishing task force
groups which will facilitate the capacity building of NGOs working against
trafficking in women.
Creation a network consisting
of an e-mail lists on specific topics concerning trafficking. This
network is linked to the European Network (i.e. the network established
during 1999).
The needs of training and
capacity building vary for each participating country. Therefore, each
NFP was analyse the needs fore each country and suggest accordingly focus
for their work.
Compulsory activities:
Training workshops.A two-days workshop in each of the Baltic countries
and a one day workshop for each of the Nordic countries were organized.
The first day in the Baltic countries was devoted to training and the second
day to workshops. The workshops in the Baltic States were held during the
same period (one after the other) . In the Nordic countries the one-day
workshops were focused on developing strategies. The details of the
workshops such as the content, which experts will lead the workshops, the
participants for each country and other were discussed and defined during
the starting-up meeting. These was respond to the analysis of the country
made by each NFP.
Networking. The NFP were network with other NGOs and organisations locally
and regionally.
Maintaining contact with the project co-ordinator ( Kvinnoforum )
Optional activities:
According to the needs of each country the NFP focus their work on other
activities throughout the year. These activities are optional and may include
lectures, contacts with media, lobbying among politicians and decision-makers,
writing articles or other.
Results of the project
We achieved the following results:
Good capacity of several
NGOs to work against trafficking.
Increased awareness
among NGOs and the general public about the mechanisms and problems of
trafficking and its unbalanced gender aspect.
Functioning Focal Points,
which will be responsible for the sustainability of the co-operation, and
networking among NGOs working against trafficking.
Improved co-operation
among NGOs.
Continuos exchange of
ideas, methods and strategies through the electronic forum, e-mail lists
and the European Network.
Documentation on ideas,
methods and strategies concerning trafficking of special interest and value
produced by FWF, distributed electronically to participants and on the
Qweb (managed by Kvinnoforum).
Time schedule
A schedule for the project was follows:
Year 2000
February 7th Inception of budget and short
description of focus of activities
March 2-3rd Starting up-meeting in Stockholm
for all NFP. Presentation of situation in each country, brainstorming on
national working plans, discussion on methods, defining time schedule.
March-April Preparation of national workshops
May Workshops held in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
June Workshops held in Denmark, Finland and Sweden
July-August Evaluation of workshops
September 5-6th Summing Up- meeting and
internal evaluation in Riga. Report written on out-come of the national
training programmes
October Mailing lists for e-mail forum set up
November 30th Inception of NFP’s report and
economic report
December 15th Final report compiled by Kvinnoforum