IHRD - Drug-Related HIV Harm Reduction for Sex Workers

Supported by IHRD

AIDS Information & Support Center
Kopli 32, 10412 Tallinn, ESTONIA
Tel/fax  +372 6413165



During the past 3-4 years the number of i/v addicts has increased drastically in Estonia. Although officially there are about 1000 i/v drug addicts registered, their real number must be at least 10 times higher. They mostly use pure heroin. I/v drug consumption starts at an early age (14-16) and it are practiced very dangerously: needles are shared. The HIV epidemic among i/v drug addicts in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus may also break out in Estonia. A clear indicator of it is epidemic of hepatitis B and C among i/v drug users in Tallinn and Narva.
By the 31 December 1999 there were 95 people who tested HIV-positive. 22 patients developed AIDS and 19 of them died. All HIV-positive persons, more than half of them are homosexuals, acquired the infection through the sexual mode of transmission. HIV epidemic among drug users in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Latvia should put us on the alert.
In 1998 in Estonia two first cases of HIV infection among drug users were diagnosed, but in the course of two years there is a high amount of diagnosed cases of Hepatitis B and C among drug users especially in regions of high unemployment (Tallinn, Narva, Kohtla-Järve).
In 1997 there was an epidemic of B and C hepatitis in Lasnamäe, one district of Tallinn: more than 200 cases of Hepatitis were diagnosed.
This was a clear indicator of the ways of the spread of infection (i.e. proof of the fact that needles are not being sterilized and are passed around between drug users. The first polls conducted by the AIDS Prevention Center in Narva proved that HIV is quite likely to spread among i/v drug addicts.
The most endangered category of i/v drug addicts is 14-16 years old youngsters
In August 2000 the epidemic of HIV among IDU-s in Estonia started: during 3 months 204 new cases were diagnosed, age 15-24, 94% of them in Narva, and 20% of them women.
In Estonia is continuously high level of STD-s. High level of STD-s increases the possibility for spreading of HIV in population. The level of syphilis since 1992 year has increased 20 times.

Problem statement

The growth in prostitution could already be noticed in 1992 when the first sex firms that offered call girls services started to rent property for that purpose. Gradually increasing the phenomenon reached its peak in 1995-1995. Since 1996-1997 the number of these firms has declined considerably. There have been changes both in age and in ethnic background Considerably was growing the part of  IDU-s - women and girls, involved in prostitution (from 1% in 1996 to 18% in 1996-1999).
Today a considerable number of sex workers go to work abroad to Finland, Sweden, Germany, and Spain etc. The changes can be put down to market economy (higher competitiveness of bigger sex firms, satiation of the local market, continual economic problems of non-Estonians etc.) as well as the present legislation. During past 3-4 years the number of i/v addicts has increased drastically in Estonia. Growing number of sex workers -IDU at last two years put as at alert.
The first experience in work with sex workers we have from 1994. First contacts with IDU-s were implemented at 1997, mostly man drug addicts.
Sex workers - drug addicts is quite new phenomena in our society and the number of sex workers -IDU-s increased remarkably at the last two years.
The needs of sex workers - IDU-s are specific, comparatively with others IDU-s, who are mostly man.
Previous activities during last six years in work with sex-workers shows, that during last two years the number of IDU-s among sex-workers increased dramatically from 1% in 1994 to 18% of IDU-s in period 1996-1999.
Experience of the work with IDU-s shows, that the sex workers IDU-s contribute special activities and measures, including not only needle exchange, but counseling about STD-s and safer sex.
Previous work shows, that it is better to provide services to sex workers IDU-s separately from other IDU-s, who are mostly men and have different habits.

Impact statement


Main goal of the project

To prevent the spreading HIV/AIDS infection among sex workers - drug users and in the future to prevent spreading of infection from IDU mother to child.

Aims of the project



Project staff

Project leader, medical doctor, two outreach workers (one of them nurse).
Project leader - Irina Mironova, nurse. Her responsibilities are outreach work, financial and administrative activities, fundraising, supply the equipment, evaluation and reporting,
Medical doctor - Toomas Vessin. He is responsible for medical check-up, counseling, pre- and post test-counseling, treatment of STD-s, collecting epidemiological data, analyses of epidemiological situation.
nurse Lidia Rozuman - all kinds of medical procedures, HIV tests, safer injection training’s in office, outreach work; distribution of condoms, injection materials, leaflets and booklets, needle exchange
Medical doctor Milvi Noode - she is responsible for medical check-up, counseling, pre- and post test-counseling, treatment of STD-s, collecting epidemiological data, analyses of epidemiological situation.

All personal have four years experience of educational and prevention work with sex workers. During those years the staff created trustful relations with sex workers population. AIDS Information and Support Center was achieve the confidence and trust of sex workers, this fact is proved by 1300 visits of sex workers during period of three years 1996-1999.

Our previous experience shows that the main difficulty is stigmatization of such groups in society, like sex workers and IDU-s. So sex workers who are at the same time the drug addicts are double stigmatized. Social support of that targeted group faced with the ignorance and opposition of decision-makers, and finally of all society.
One main measure for changing opinion of society is work with mass media. We have a useful experience in organizing media campaigns and use this method in future for creating tolerance and support.
For these efforts we build co-operation with National AIDS Prevention Center and National Drug Prevention Program. We are the only NGO dealing with problems of prostitutes.
With help of this project we were trying to prove to governmental structures and decision-makers the importance and necessity of such kind of work. After end of project results we hope to apply continuing financing from governmental recourses. Very important side of this project is to take advocacy efforts with aim to guarantee human and sexual rights of young women, involved in sex business and drug use.

Evaluation of the project

Providing questionnaire for clients we hope mapping of existing situation and clarify the needs and problems of sex workers - IDU-s.
We suppose monitor monthly data of distributed clean needles and syringes and used one.  Voluntary testing on Hepatitis B and C, HIV, some STD-s (Syphilis and Gonorrhea) and medical analysis of results.
Interviews with sex workers - drug addicts for clarifying of they needs, they assessment of services and behavior changes after counseling and training’s.
Number of trained sex workers - IDU-s who are able to be “peer-educators”.
Records of the project will be presented like report for IHRD.
Special report will be presented for the Ministry of Social Affairs and National Health Protection Board.
Conclusions and evaluation of project will be reported through mass media.
Experience of the project will be shared with other concerned organizations (NGO and GO) through the existing network.