IHRD - Drug-Related HIV Harm Reduction for Sex Workers

2001 Year  Report

Organization and project information

AIDS Information & Support Center


Name and title of individual submitting report: Irina Mironova

Project address: Kopli 32

City: Tallinn

Country:    ESTONIA        Postal code:    10412

Phone:     +372 6413165        Fax:    +372 6413165        

E-mail:     tugikeskus@hotmail.com

Staff and volunteers in this sex worker harm reduction project

5     How many people (including current and new staff, both part-time and full-time) were paid with this OSI / IHRD funding to work with this sex worker harm reduction project in the six-month period (approx.) August 2001-January 2002?  (indicate the total number of people funded)

8     How many people volunteered (gave their time and effort but were not paid) to work with this sex worker harm reduction project in the six-month period (approx.) August 2001-January 2002?  (indicate the total number of volunteers)

Sex workers reached by your harm reduction project

How many first-time contacts with individuals engaged in sex work did your project make?
during all of 2001?  (please indicate the total number of people who were reached at least once
with any form of outreach or services)

During 1 year of the project approximately 822 first-time contacts with CSW in 8 cities Tallinn, Narva, Parnu (summer months), Sillamäe, Kohtla-Järve, Jõhvi, Ahtme, Kiviõli.

What are the demographic characteristics of this entire population of sex workers reached by your organization? (indicate actual numbers or estimated percentages out of 100% for each grouping; otherwise indicate “NA” for ‘information not available’)

The sex workers IDUs we working with are mostly female sex workers, it is just few cases of male sex workers, it looks that they use previously amphetamines and ecstasy From the previous projects we now that in sex business works nearly 83% Russian-language speaking girls and women. The 26,5% of girls was less then 18 years old. Usually they are 18-24 years old - 46,4%, from 24 to 30 years old - 16% and 11,1% older then 30 years.
45% of sex-workers are from capital, 53% from other places in Estonia and only 2% from other countries. Only 9% do not use alcohol at all, 42% use every week, 19% - every month, and 30% answered that not very often. 90% of sex workers smoking.
On the question about drug use were answered 321 sex-worker and the results are very alarmed - 28% of the girls use drugs. From those, who use (89 sex-workers): smoke - 57%, injects - 45% and use tablets - 45%. (recourse: questionnaire for 382 sex workers - “SEASTAR” project 1996-1999).

But from the working with drug users sex workers we find that the part of the adolescent girls are quite bigger, especially if we talk about this girls, who don’t work in usual locations (bars, clubs, saunas etc), but sell sex for earning money for drugs. In last year the part of Estonian speaking IDU-s was growing, same process was happened among sex workers IDU-s.

60% work mostly on the streets or highways
30% work mostly in bars, clubs, hotels or brothels
10% work mostly in other locations (such as escorts)

70% work alone (without friends or protection)
30% work under the control of a pimp, bodyguard or mafia

35% are under the age of 18 years
65% are over the age of 18 years

100% are from the local area (from within 500 kilometers)
0% is immigrants or migrants from other places

What are the health and drug-related risks of all these sex workers reached by your organization during the past six months?  (indicate actual numbers if you know them or estimated percentages out of 100%; otherwise indicate “NA” for ‘information not available’)

40% of sex workers who report physical violence against them in the past year
35% of sex workers who have, or have had, a sexually transmitted infection in the past year
5-10% of sex workers who know and report that they are HIV-positive.
50% who drink alcohol every day
50% who use any kind of drug every day   (what kind?  30% using heroin or opiate)
35% who inject drugs every day  (what kind?  90% using heroin or opiate)
10% who report a history of drug overdose or health problems related to injecting

30% of all sex workers who now report consistent safer sex, including condom use
30% of all sex workers who now report some safer sex practices
5-10% of all sex workers who now report consistent safer injecting practices
30% of all sex workers who now report some safer injecting practices

Other health and drug-related risks:    
Problems with police, problems with owners of sex agencies, unwanted pregnancy, abortions; HIV, Hepatitis B and C infected children

From the SEASTAR Project data we now that the knowledge of safer sex is insufficient: 6% of the respondents do not use condoms at all, and 26% do not use condoms all the time.
30% was sexually abused in the childhood (under 16 years of age). 40% of sex business employees fall victim to violence and sexual abuse when working.
Totally nearly 35 % of the girls, consulted and examined medically during their first visits were discovered minimum one sexually transmitted disease. Nearly 45% of sex-workers were diagnosed candida and gardnerella.
The corresponding figures among multiply visitors were decreased considerably, especially when the girls come regularly.
Totally nearly 8-9 % of the girls, consulted and examined medically during the multiply visits are discovered minimum one sexually transmitted disease. 18 % of sex-workers were diagnosed candida and gardnerella.            
The reason why multiply visitors are still discovered to have so many diseases is that very often they get infected when not working or because they fall victim of sexual violence when working

Through the contacts with sex workers IDUs we have now quite clear picture about kinds of drug use, the “brothels” sex workers IDU-s use mostly amphetamines, also inject heroin, take tablets, smoke marihuana and other group, working in occasional places, old houses, street, use mostly heroin.

The first group works in saunas, sex clubs, hotels, massage saloons, striptease clubs and use drugs to keep themselves in “working” conditions, the others work in apartments, old, ruined houses, streets, drug users gathering places, cars, toilets etc. and use received payment for immediate acquisition of the drugs.

During 1996-1999 years fortunately we don’t find the HIV positive sex workers, but during last 1,5-year situation changed, now we diagnosed more then ten women who are HIV positive drug users and sell sex for drugs. More of that, some man, which were founded infected through the HIV/STD testing in our center for general public (not drug addicts themselves) give us information, that they are sure that they were infected by prostitutes.

Unfortunately the group of sex workers IDU-s from bars, clubs, saunas, brothels is affected by their clients, who ask unprotected sex and are ready to pay 2-3 times more for that. Because in those cases sex workers don’t need to pay this “additional” money for pimps, guards, and other mediators - the girls very often agreed to serve clients without condoms. Other groups of young girls, who sell themselves for drugs or for money to apply drugs is affected by immediate need earn money and buy drugs. Some of them don’t use condoms at all, motivation to buy condoms is very weak, and it looks that for that group extremely important to guarantee free condoms and lubricants.

Sex workers served by your project

532     How many individuals engaged in sex work were served by your project during all of 2001?   (please indicate the total number of people reached more than once with any form of follow-up outreach, harm reduction or services)

During 1 year of the project 532 CSW were reached more then
once (Two or more times multiply visits individuals. In 6 month report we
interpreted the question as number of all visits, not persons, so the figure 648 was
the total number of visits.

In what locations did your organization provide outreach and services?  (check all that apply)

X   streets, highways and other outside spaces
X   bars, clubs, hotels, brothels or other commercial establishments
X   clinics, drop-in centers or other health care or social service settings
__  schools, courts, job training centers or other public places
X   private houses
X   by direct telephone outreach, such as through a hotline or outreach to escorts
X   by indirect outreach, such as media, printed material, working with militia,
     or working with sex worker bodyguards or pimps.

What types of outreach and services did your organization provide?  (check all that apply)

X   one-time information and referrals        X   legal counseling / advocacy
X   follow-up one-to-one counseling / education    __   professional training
__   group counseling / education        X   syringe exchange
safer sex education   other types of outreach and services  (please describe):

How many individuals were reached by your project with syringe exchange?

822   total number of sex workers who participated in syringe exchange through this
         project during the past six months

822 commercial sex workers in 8 cities (approximately 320 in the first 6 months) Tallinn, Parnu (summer months),Narva, Sillamäe, Kohtla-Järve, Jõhvi, Ahtme, Kiviõli. were participated in syringe/needle exchange during 1 year.

31020 syringes, 33542 needles total number of needles/syringes distributed to sex workers through this project during the past six months

In Tallinn, Parnu (summer months), Narva, Sillamäe, Kohtla-Järve, Jõhvi, Ahtme, Kiviõli 31020 (16000 in first 6 month) syringes, 33542 needles (17000 in first 6 month) were distributed to sex workers IDU-s in 1 year.

How many individuals were assisted by referrals?

15 total number of sex workers who were referred to other places for medical
and social services
12 approximate number who succeeded in accessing and using those referrals

What would you say are the greatest outreach, harm reduction and service needs for your clients?  (please add any comments that you think might be helpful for potential funders)

Testing and treatment of STD, HIV; gynecological services; drop-in center services; legal advice; rehabilitation services for drug users (methadone detoxification, methadone maintenance)

Organization and project development

Have you had any successes in building organizational capacity as a result of this sex worker harm reduction funding?  (please check any of the following categories and provide any examples of successes and further needs)

___ new or expanded needs assessments and population descriptions
___   new or more developed programs for HIV harm reduction among sex workers
X      new linkages and referral relationships with other service providers
X      new or expanded fundraising
X      further experience in program and financial management
X      new or expanded project evaluation
X      new staff training and capacity

Examples of successes and further needs:

Cooperation of two projects (Harm Reduction for sex workers IDU-s and grant for support HIV+ People drug users) helps organize groups of support for HIV+ women

As result of harm reduction projects promotion City Government of Tallinn and Ministry of Social Affaires gave additional financial resources for needle exchange in Eastern part of Estonia, which is mostly affected by epidemic of HIV.
It’s allowed us to open 6 additional needle exchange sites for IDU-s in region (May 2001). The staff of opened sites is trained for needle exchange and counseling of IDU-s and CSW particularly. Local commercial sex workers now have possibility to visit these new sites in Narva (additional mobile unit), Sillamäe, Kohtla-Järve, Jõhvi, Ahtme, Kiviõli.
With help of our coordinators and IHRD we constantly have a possibility to train our staff and volunteers:
Training in Bratislava - 2 persons
Seminar in Vienna - 1 person
Training seminar in Odessa - 2 people
We also provide trainings for people, who start to work in 6 new sites in Narva (Mai 2001)
We received partly financing for creation on the base of center Drop-in center for sex workers - the other part applied from Finnish Embassy in Tallinn. We can in future use those rooms in additional hours like drop-in for sex workers group, who are IDU-s but works in brothels and clubs and for peer education activities.

Biggest success is the first signs of acceptance of harm reduction ideology by government and policy makers. As result of this, first time through HIV/AIDS era the state gave finances for needle exchange program, what include particularly services for commercial sex workers too.
During last period some governmental institutions, as Ministry of Justice and Health Department were interested in our activities in field of sex work and trafficking.
Our neighbors in Baltic region, especially in Finland and Sweden began to put more attention for serious situation with HIV, drug use in our country and try to support some our activities.