Project “HIV/STD Prevention Among Sex Workers”
supported by Family Health International

interim report

01.04.2002 - 30.11.2002

Service provider:
NGO AIDSi Tugikeskus (AIDS Information & Support Center)

Project leader:
Juri Kalikov - the Head of AIDS Information and Support Center

Responsible Project workers:
Irina Mironova - outreach worker, medical nurse, 3 years working in Meretaht-Seastar I, project leader of Harm reduction Project among Sex Workers IDU-s (2001)
Toomas Vessin - doctor, dermatologist-venerologist, 3 years working in Meretaht-Seastar I, 1 year in Harm reduction Project among Sex Workers IDU-s (2001)

Project started in April 2002 with creating of system of voluntary testing on HIV/STD: pre- and post consulting, treatment of STD, confidential, anonymous, culturally and linguistically appropriate services for sex workers, referrals to other service providers - both governmental and NGOs.

Medical advice, necessary testing on all STD and HIV are free of charge, but we prefer before the testing propose to the sex workers receive professional consultation from our doctor-venerologist or other specialists (for avoiding overspending of resources).
We immediately start with referrals to other necessary specialist: for legal consultations we collaborate with Legal human Rights Center (Lilia Ivanchenko, Larissa Semjonova), for psychological consultation, consultation of family doctor (Liivi Melesko), for appointments as necessary with gynecologist, narcologist. In the first 3 months we used also additional consultation services of dermatologist, because of growing number of sex workers, visited our project and restricted reception hours of our dermatologist-venerologist. Altogether during 8 months 52 hours of gynecologist; 30 hours of psychologist; 38 hours of narcologist; 47 hours of therapist and in first free month 31 hour of dermatologist consultations were provided.

Everyday services were organized in premises of AIDS Tugikeskus:  in October we opened additional venue: in two separate small rooms daily service center for sex workers (working now 3 hours in day) with wide range of services (shower, coffee/snacks, safer sex literature/condoms).

We copy and distribute special literature on safer sex, condoms and lubricants, provide safer sex education, promotion the use of safer sex techniques for girls. At the moment work out (text, translation, adaptation) on pocket-size brochure “How to stay safe” (Russian and Estonian languages) but the printing and dissemination still delay because the Tallinn City government taking financial responsibility for this action don’t fulfil they promises. We receive the promise of health department to print it in January 2003.

The contacts with possible peer-educators from the sex workers were created with the aim in future create some small self-help groups. Trainings for peer educators and peer education events are made on base of the center (in future in drop-in center). Once a week our team (project leader, med. nurse and volunteers) goes on outreach work. We visit well-known brothels, saunas and clubs where we are already accepted and also try to create contacts with new places. It is really very difficult, cause our prostitution scene is totally criminalized. The finding of constant peer-educators is also very problematic because of very short time, which the girls usually stay working in sex business. The fluid body of prostitution, several changes in location (moving to capital, in short term to Parnu, going for the working abroad) makes working with per educators not very regular, but the opening of drop-in center probably improve this situation.

We continue to work with mass media:

Newspapers, magazines  
TV :
Radio interviews:

To identify social and health service providers and to make services available, appropriate and accessible to sex workers we make referrals to anti-trafficking project STOP II (AIDS Information & Support Centre), Methadone treatment program, needle exchange and rehabilitation centre (AIDS Information & Support Centre in Tallinn - in Narva to NGO Rehabilitation centre of Alcoholics and Drug Addicts - director Tatiana Magerova), Institute of Human Rights (NGO - director Merle Haruoja), Legal centre for Human Rights ( project leader L.Ivantchenko), AIDS Prevention Centre (if the clients need only HIV tests), IOM (International Organization of Migration (trafficked women - The Head of Estonian Office Kristina Mauer), Tartu Child Support Centre if needed.

We participate actively in International Conference against trafficking of Women in Tallinn 29-31 of May, organized with support of Nordic Council of Ministers, meeting with governmental representatives, NGOs, police of Sweden in Stockholm in November 2002.

For changing experience in April 2002 project leader visited Prague, makes visits to NGO R-R (Risk Without Bliss) - doctor Hana Malinova, specialised on work with sex workers (shelter, mobile car unit for testing, social assistance, drop-in centre), centre for child prostitution, LIGHTHOUSE - 24h services house for HIV positive persons, including sex workers.
Two visits to Narva (main recourse for sex business, city of original of nearly 35% of sex workers) and Parnu (summer destination of foreign clients and prostitutes) was made for informational campaigns, dissemination of condoms, lubricants, stickers, leaflets for sex workers and clients in.

For monitoring the use of services and to better understand the needs sex workers, an anonymous questionnaire was administered and implemented - both on Estonian and Russian language (final analysis should be included in final report).

The questionnaire consist of data about age, education, ways of involvement, sex work conditions (violence, sexual abuse questions), drug use, alcohol use, condom use, location etc of the women in sex business will be collected and analyzed.

Also the epidemiological data concerning HIV, STD is collected with aim of analysis at the end of the project, comparing first and multiplied visits (influence of safer sex education, condoms use). From the sex workers, for the first time visited our project in 8 months nearly 35% has been founded even one STI, from the multiply visitors only 5% has some STIs.

Regular information was collected about number of project visitors, their location (mostly from Tallinn 60% and Narva 30%, time of involvement in the sex business (from 1 month to 1,5 year mainly, age (16-25 y.o - 50%), nationality (85% Russian speaking), educational background, condom use, alcohol, drug and tobacco use etc.

During first 8 month of the project we have 164 first time visitors and 104 multiply visits that receive even one medical procedure. Total number of contacts with sex workers was closely to 350 including not only medical services but also safer sex education and condom, literature, lubricants distribution and visits for drop-in. For sex workers during reception, drop-in center open hours, outreach work and using peer-educators the total number of 4500 condoms were distributed (2300 - covered by project costs; 2200 - from other resources); 450 lubricants (covered by other resources).

With the aim to find additional resources for the services for sex workers we take following measures:

The project supervised by Dr Nelli Kalikova from AIDS Prevention Center and Dr Tatiana Kurova from GENDERS center from Riga - doctor Tatiana Kurova visited our center and project in May 2002. Activities with trafficked women coordinated and supported by Kvinnoforum from Sweden and Caritas Diocesana di Roma.
Project team together with involved volunteers and specialists come together once in a 2 month to discuss about development of the project and possible correction of the activities.