HIV/STD Prevention Among Sex Workers

Financed by Family Health International

1 April 2002 - 31 March 2003

AIDS Information and Support Center
Kopli 32, 10412 Tallinn ESTONIA

Goal, Strategies and Activities  


Prevention of HIV/STI among sex workers, reducing the number of STDs among sex
workers in Tallinn, increasing the level of safer sex knowledge.

Voluntary testing on HIV/STD, treatment of STD, distribution of condoms and lubricants; peer education of sex workers; consultations; informal everyday services for sex workers; outreach work; work with mass-media


Confidential, anonymous, culturally and linquistically appropriat services for sex workers:

Monitoring and Evaluation Plan


Regular information (on monthly basis) will be collected the about number of project visitors, their location, time of involvment in the sex business, age, nationality, educational background, condom use, alcohol, drug and tobacco use etc. For monitoring the use of services and to better understand the needs sex workers, a questionnaire will be administered in two phases: mid-way through project implementation and at the end of the project.  
At the end of the year comparative statistic data about age, education, ways of involvement , sex work conditions (violence, sexual abuse questions), drug use, alcohol use, condom use, location etc of the women in sex business will be collected and analysed.
Also the epidemiological data concerning HIV, STD will be collected and analysed, comparing first and multiplyed visits (influence of safer sex education, condoms use)
The project should will be supervised by Dr Nelli Kalikova from AIDS Prevention Center and Dr Tatjana Kurova from GENDERS center from Riga. Activities with trafficked women can be coordinated by Kvinnoforum from Sweden.
Project team together with involved volunteers and specialists come together once in a 2 month to discuss about development of the project and possible correction of the activities.


Health care delivery and management of support system for sex workers will have been integrated within the services offered by existing NGO-s and governmental institutions; A network of social and health services which provide sex workers with non-discriminatory health promotion programs will have been created; - the number of referrals.
The risk of HIV/STD infection among sex workers in Tallinn will have been reduced. The level of STD-s among sex workers, especially after safer sex education and multiply visits to focal point will be decreased. - results of testing and treatment among first time and multiple visits.
New and innovative instruments for health promotion activities for sex workers (adequate information, drop-in center, outreach work, peer education, community based organizations with direct involvement of sex workers) will have been created - results of the questionnaire, including condom and lubricants use, increasing number of service users during the year.
The awareness and information about trafficking and possible risk of working abroad will be increased considerably.

Responsible Project workers:

Irina Mironova - outreach worker, medical nurse, 3 years working in Meretaht-Seastar I, project leader of Harm reduction Project among Sex Workers IDU-s
Lidia Rozuman - outreach worker, medical nurse,, 3 years working in Meretaht-Seastar I, 1 year in Harm reduction Project among Sex Workers IDU-s
Liivi Melesko - doctor, therapist, 3 years working in Meretaht-Seastar I, 1 year in Harm reduction Project among Sex Workers IDU-s
Toomas Vessin - doctor, dermatologist-venerologist, 3 years working in Meretaht-Seastar I, 1 year in Harm reduction Project among Sex Workers IDU-s

Scientific Advisor:
Nelli Kalikova, doctor, epidemiologist, Director of AIDS Prevention Center

Project concept developed in partnership between:
GO AIDS Prevention Center
NGO AIDS Information and Support center