IPF 2004-2005 fellow Dovilė Juodkaitė
ID number: 1270-PBH-JUO-LT


Present and future Challenges in Lithuanian 
Mental Health Policy: shifting from deinstitutionalization
towards independent living   


Final activity report

(2004-2005 fellowship period)


All the activities that have been undertaken during the 2004-2005 fellowship program were in accordance with an approved Project timetable and Fellowship contract with the extension of the fellowship period until 31 June 2005.


Results achieved during this fellowship period are:

·   Designing and development of the website. Since April 2004 all relevant data has been published and continuously being updated on the website.

·   Meeting with important stakeholders related to mental health and social care systems in Lithuania: Representatives from the Ministry of Social Security and Labor; Committee for Social affairs and labor at the Parliament of Lithuanian Republic; Ombudsmen of the Council for equal opportunities, representatives from the Council for the affairs of disabled to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, mental health system’s specialists (psychiatrists, nursing staff).

·   Analysis of national Lithuanian legislation and government policy on mental health and social welfare, to overview the current situation with regard to deinstitutionalization and providing housing for people with both intellectual and mental disabilities in the community (supportive housing).

·   Collection and analysis of relevant international norms and standards (United Nations’ declarations and resolutions, European documents), various scientific literature and other publications on the issue.

·   Participation in two legal seminars on disability issues: seminar „On Latvian Mental Health draft law “, organized by Latvian Human rights and ethnical studies center and Ministry of Health of Latvian Republic March 19, 2004; and seminar „Fight against discrimination in the daily practice “, review of European Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78, Trier, Germany, June 4-5, 2004, organized by the Academy of European Law „ERA“.

·   Participation in number of seminars, conferences, round tables organized by various stakeholders on the issues of mental health care, social care for people with disabilities, legal aspects of disability status, etc.

·   Visiting of number of big residential institutions (social care homes and psychiatric hospitals) in Estonia and Lithuania for data and information collection during the periods of March-May 2004, October-December 2004, February-March 2005.

·   Two articles published: Overview and description of best practice of US community based supported living programs within mental health system, providing housing services and other support services in the community for people with mental disabilities in the article „USA social security system providing financial support for persons with disabilities”//Jurisprudencija, Lithuanian Law University, Scientific works No. 57(49), Vilnius 2004; overview of the Lithuanian and international legal regulations on the employment for people with disabilities in the article “Lithuanian Laws, Regulating Right to Work for People with Disabilities, Their Conformity to International Norms and Standards//Jurisprudencija, Lithuanian Law University, Scientific works No. 57(48), Vilnius 2004.

·   Organizing of the roundtable with various stakeholders, mainly focusing on equal rights of persons with intellectual disability to access education and employment, social services within the community.

·   Preparing of the draft research paper based on the data collected. Consulting with the group mentors and individual mentor on the draft research paper.

·   Organizing of the international seminar with various stakeholders in the area of mental health and social care systems “Securing of human rights in the closed social care institutions and psychiatric hospitals”. Presentation delivered “Human rights of patients and inhabitants with disabilities specified in the Lithuanian legislation”, November 9, 2004.

·   Giving an interview for the article “Society has to treat its sore by herself”, November 22, 2004, on the rights of persons with mental disabilities.

·   Visiting independent living homes for people with intellectual disabilities throughout the country.

·   Finalizing the research paper in accordance with the comments received from the group and individual mentors.

·   Preparing Policy Paper based on research project and targeting various interest groups (policy makers, government authorities, non-governmental sector, self-advocates, other stakeholders) focused on positive changes in Lithuanian mental health policy.

·   Translating the research paper into Lithuanian language. Preparing the publication – the brochure, which presents the results of research project made during the fellowship program (the whole text of research paper in Lithuanian and in English languages).

·   Organizing the publication of the brochure, editing and proofreading the layout of the publication.

·   Preparing for the dissemination of the publication to various stakeholders, first of all politicians (especially newly elected parliamentarians), governmental and local authorities, professionals and specialist in the areas.

·   Preparing of both written and vocal communications to be presented at various seminars, conferences, events on availability on the results of the research project, conclusions and recommendations.


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