
Scientific degree:    Master degree, lawyer’s qualification

Work experience
and pedagogical activity:
2002 – present Lithuanian Welfare Society for People with Mental Disabilities “Viltis”, lawyer, project coordinator
1999 – 2002 Lithuanian Supreme Court, judge’s assistant.
1996 – 1999 Law Firm "Regija", lawyer-consultant.
1999 – 2003 academic years Vilnius Pedagogical University, Department of Social pedagogy
Lecturer (Course “Child rights protection”)
2000 - 2001 academic year    Law University of Lithuania, Department of Criminology
Lecturer (Course in English language "Revue of Juvenile delinquency In Lithuania" for foreign students).

Education and qualification:
2001 – 2002 academic year Columbia University School of Law
                      Position: visiting scholar; Specialization: Human Rights of people with mental disabilities
Starting with 1998  Law University of Lithuania, Department of labor and social security
                     Postgraduate studies (PhD)
1993 – 1998     Vilnius University, Faculty of Law
                    Lawyer’s qualification acquired (Master degree)

Participation in International Projects and Programs:
• April’ 2000 participation in Tempus Phare project “The preparation of state officials for the reform of legal system in Lithuania”.
• 2000/2001 academic year participation in international Erasmus Socrates program and preparation of an optional course “Revue of Juvenile delinquency in Lithuania” in English language, delivering lectures on this object for foreign students.
• 2002-2004 year, Inclusion Europe project “More rights for persons with intellectual disability in Lithuania”, project coordinator.
• 2003-2004 year, EUMAP and MDAP project “Monitoring Access to education and employment for persons with intellectual disabilities”, project coordinator.
• In the framework of PHARE sponsored EDF project “Strengthening capacities of non-governmental organisations in ten accession countries” participation in Lithuanian Disability Forum task group.
• 2003-2006 year European Commission project “Prevention of torture. Support and rehabilitation for persons in closed type institutions (prisons, police, psychiatric hospitals and social care institutions) in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Kaliningrad region”.
• In the framework of Open Lithuanian Fund sponsored project “Creation of psychiatric health system in Lithuania” preparation of part of the report on: Human rights of persons with psychiatric illness regulated by international and Lithuanian Republic legal documents”
• 2004 year OSI Center for Policy studies International Policy fellowship program, fellow.
• 2004-2006 year Inclusion Europe project “Fighting for our Rights: Using non-discrimination law to protect people with intellectual disability”, financed by European Commission under the Community action program 2004-2006 to combat discrimination.
• 2004-2006 year LEV project “Working it out: Using non-discrimination law to protect people with intellectual disability”, financed by European Commission under the Community action program 2004-2006 to combat discrimination.

Participation in international conferences and seminars:
• November’ 2001 participation in study tour organized by Mental Disability Rights International, Washington DC, and participation in annual NARPA conference on Mental disability issues at Niagara Falls, NY with the presentation “Lithuanian laws on mental health in the contexts of international law perspectives”.
• April’ 2002 participation in the Symposium, organized by the New York Law School, New York, International Human Rights Law and the Institutional Treatment of Persons with Mental Disabilities: The Case of Hungary.
• June’ 2002 participation in 25th Annual conference of The National Association of Protection and Advocacy System, Washington DC, with the presentation on “Laws in an area of mental health and situation on advocacy for individuals with disabilities in the Republic of Lithuania”.
• October 17-22, 2002 participation in the meeting and seminar “Lobistic activities” organized by Inclusion Europe within the project “More rights for persons with intellectual disabilities” in Skopje, Macedonia. Presenting of position paper on the work of Lithuanian Welfare society of persons with mental disability “Viltis”, its strategic activities.
• May 8-10, 2003 Europe in action 2003, International Congress “Human rights of persons with intellectual disabilities”. Presenting of the project “Human rights of persons with intellectual disability in Lithuania”.
• June 23-24, 2003 Lithuanian disability Forum conference “Human rights and persons with disabilities: European Union and Lithuanian perspectives”. Presentation “Persons with disabilities and their right to education. Analysis of laws regulating Lithuanian education system”.
• September 25-26, 2003 conference organized by UK Disability rights commission, Leeds university Law school and Disability studies center “Disability rights in Europe: from theory to practice”.
• October 10, 2003, participation in scientific conference organized by Lithuanian Law university “Labor and social security under the Lithuanian laws”. Presentation „Correspondence of Lithuanian laws, regulating rights to employment and social security for persons with disabilities, to international and European standards “
• October 13-14, 2003, participation in Latvian Human rights and ethnical studies center’ seminar „Monitoring of closed type institutions in Baltic countries “.
• October 24-25, 2003, participation in Baltic Forum, organized by Geneva initiative on psychiatry and its Vilnius office “Zenevos iniciatyva psichiatrijoje”. Presentation of project “Monitoring closed type institutions in Baltic countries”.
• November 7-8, 2003, participation in International conference organized by Society “Viltis”, presentation of Inclusion Europe project and Country report “Human rights of persons with intellectual disabilities”.
• December 4-5, 2003 participation in Expert seminar on United Nations Convention on persons with disabilities.
• January 14-16, 2004 British Council conference „Human rights education“. Presentation „People with disabilities and their rights“.
• January 29-31, 2004 EUMAP (European Union Monitoring advocacy program) ir MDAP (Mental Disability advocacy program) project „Monitoring Access to education and employment for persons with intellectual disabilities“ meeting – participating parties discussion of drafting the report process.
• March 19, 2004, participation in Latvian Human rights and ethnical studies center and Ministry of Health of Latvian Republic organized seminar „On Latvian Mental Health draft law “.
• March 22-27, 2004, participation in OSI International Policy fellowship Policy training seminar.

Scientific  publications:
• "Violence in juvenile delinquency", Publication of Pedagogical institute. Problems of upbringing IV (XXXI). Scientific works, Vilnius 1998;
• Curriculum publication “Organization of international prevention of contraband”, Law University of Lithuania, Vilnius 2000;
• Program of an optional course “Revue of Juvenile delinquency in Lithuania”// "Courses in English, German and French languages", Law University of Lithuania, Vilnius 2000;
• “The problem of homelessness of persons with psychiatric disabilities: United States of America’ social support system in the sphere of housing”, Vilnius Pedagogical University, Pedagogic No. 62, Vilnius, 2002.
• Article under publication „USA social security system providing financial support for persons with disabilities”, Lithuanian Law University printing.
• Article under publication „Lithuanian laws, regulating right to work for people with disabilities, their conformity to international norms and standards“, Lithuanian Law University printing.

Other publications:
• “Human rights of persons with intellectual disability. Country report. Lithuania”, Vilnius, 2003.
• Methodological publication “Human rights and social guaranties of persons with disabilities and their family members”, Vilnius, 2003.

• “Don’t rush to mark with disability”, Lithuanian Welfare society for persons with mental disability “Viltis” magazine “Viltis”, No. 2002/2.
• “Between the law and the reality”, Lithuanian Welfare society for persons with mental disability “Viltis” magazine “Viltis”, No. 2002/4.
• “Does the nursing of the disabled persons equals to the work?”, Lithuanian Welfare society for persons with mental disability “Viltis” magazine “Viltis”, No. 2003/1.
• „Social policy on disability issues during the 2003 European year of disabled people“, Lithuanian Welfare society for persons with mental disability “Viltis” magazine “Viltis”, No. 2003/2.

Other information:
Language knowledge    Lithuanian - native, fluent in Russian and English
                                    Rudiments of French
Experienced in use of MS-Word and MS-Excel Programs, Internet, Lexis and Westlaw.
                                    Course in psychology; driving license.

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