Present and future Challenges in Lithuanian Mental Health Policy:   shifting from deinstitutionalization towards independent living

 2004 Fellowship 
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This page is created and maintained within the framework of the International Policy Fellowships - Budapest, Center for Policy Studies, affiliated with the Open Society Institute and Central European University. My IPF project is related and devoted to the issues of reforming mental health system in Lithuania. 

Dovile Juodkaite
Vilnius, Lithuania

2004 International Policy Fellowship Topic area: Public health - Mental disability advocacy Program.
2004 International Policy Fellowship project title: Present and future Challenges in Lithuanian Mental Health Policy: shifting from deinstitutionalization towards independent living 

My group mentors are: Judith Klein - Program Director of Open Society Mental Health Initiative
                                CamillaParker - Legal and Policy Consultant at Mental Health Initiative

My Individual mentor is Arunas Germanavicius - Psychiatrist, Head of the Research and Training Centre for Social Psychiatry at Clinic of Psychiatry of Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University.
Mentor's CV


updated 2 August 2004   located at
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