Elena Jileva



“Do norms matter? The Principle of Solidarity and EU Eastern Enlargement,” Journal of International Relations and Development, March 2004, pp. 3-24

“The Europeanisation of EU Visa Policy” Helsinki Monitor, 15(1) March 2004, pp. 23-32

“La mise en oeuvre de Schengen : la délivrance des visas en Bulgarie,” Cultures & Conflits, numéro 49-50, automne 2003, pp. 31-49

“Larger than the European Union: The Emerging EU Migration Regime and Enlargement.” In Sandra Lavenex and Emek Uçarer (eds.), Migration and the Externalities of European Integration
Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2002,  pp. 75-91.

“Insiders and Outsiders in Central and Eastern Europe: The Case of Bulgaria.” In Elspeth Guild and Kees Groenendijk (eds.), In Search of Europe's Borders: Article 62, Visas and European Community Law , The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2002, pp. 273-288

“Visa and Free Movement of Labour: the Uneven Imposition of the EU Acquis on the Accession States.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Special edition: “EU Enlargement and Migration in Central and East Europe,” Adrian Favell and Randall Hansen (eds.),  28: 4 (October 2002), pp. 683-700.

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars,
“New Borders and Old Neighbors in Europe."
EES Newsletter, March-April 2002, pp. 5-7.


European Consortium for Political Research
2nd Pan-European Conference on European Union Politics, Bologna, June 2004

International Studies Association Convention, Budapest, July 2003

European Consortium for Political Research
1st Pan-European Conference on European Union Politics
Bordeaux, September 2002

University Association for Contemporary European Studies,
Workshop 3: Internal and External Dimensions of EU Burden-Sharing, LSE, London, April 2002.

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars,
Washington, DC, December 2001.

European Consortium for Political Research,
4th Pan-European International Relations Conference,
Canterbury, September 2001.

La Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques and the Association for the Study of Nationalities,
Conference on “Nationality and Citizenship in Post-Communist Europe,” Paris, July 2001.

University Association for Contemporary European Studies,
Workshop 1: Solidarity, Responsibility & Levels of Integration,
LSE, London, June 2001.

International Studies Association
42nd Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, February 2001.

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