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Family Name:   Istileulova
First Names:   Yelena (Aleona) Izimovna
Date of Birth:   2nd of November, 1966
Nationality:   Kazakh
Address:   Almaty: Jibek joly, 54, Apt. 25 , Kazakhstan, 480002
Contact details: Tel: +7 (3272) 73-05-79 (home); 8-300-361-3432 (mobile); alena_ist
Education: (1) Economist, Department of Environmental Economics (Excellence Diploma), Institute of Irrigation, Land Reclamation and Construction, 1990
 (2)  MBA degree: KIMEP (Kazakh Institute of Management Economics and Strategic Resources), 1994
 (3)    Post-graduation courses, Macroeconomics’ Department, Kazakh State Academy of Management, 1996;
 Legislation course (by correspondence learning, 1999-now)
Languages: Russian – native, English – fluent, Kazakh – general understanding,
Computer skills:  Excel, Microsoft Word, Power Point, web-design, Access

Fulbright Scholarship at the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, DC (2000-2001)
OSI/FCO Chevening Scholarship in the Oxford University/Linacre College, UK (2001);
International Research Fellowship Program by Open Society Institute/Center for Policy (2003)

1. Training on Gender Economic Studies, CARANA Corporation, February,2003
2. Bureau of Labor Statistics/Division of International Cooperation, Washington, DC, US: International Seminar on Analysis and Use of Labor Statistics: August-September 22, 2000+8 month Fulbright Program at BLS
3. Minnesota Department of Economic Security, US: Use of Labor Statistics Information for policy Formulation in Developing countries, August 28 – September 1, 2000
4. The Central European University, International Training Courses on Labor Market issues, Budapest, Hungary, July, 1998
5. Study tour of Tacis project to Holland, UK, Belgium: Policy formulation for NGOs and professional Associations, July-August, 1998
6. Tacis project (Italian/French Consortium) “Post-privatisation support to Kazakhstani enterprises”: issues of Marketing and Management , March-April, 1997
7. Salem College, USA: Study and Research program on comparative analysis of Labor Markets,  January-July, 1996
8. USAID-funded evening training program for the lecturers of Macroeconomics: September, 1995 – January, 1996 at KIMEP
9. University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK: a three month Tacis Training program
program on small business;  September - December,  1993 UK

Date:                  Nov, 2002 till now
Location: Almaty/Kazakhstan
Company: Center for Research and Development, KIMEP (Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economic and Strategic Research)
Position:            Research Fellow
Description:     Preparing projects, Conducting economic research: labor market issues (including gender aspects), SMEs, migration; organizing International Conference on Statistics (2003, June) as a Chair of Conference Secretariat); Fund-raising activities, publishing papers for the Conferences, supporting external relations with donor agencies, Foundations, other Research Institutions and governmental organizations/
Teaching Economics, UIB evening program
Company: UNDP
Position: Coordinator of Report on Microfinancing (Microcredit) in Kazakhstan
Description:  Monitoring and coordination of all experts involved, policy and SWOT analysis, preparation of Introduction and Conclusions of Report; dissemination of information

Date:                  Jan to Nov, 2002 (9-month contract)
Location: Almaty/Kazakhstan
Company: Pragma Corporation, USAID-funded project Trade and Investment
Position: Business Adviser, “Removal of investment’s constraints” component
Description: Organized/conducted meetings and roundtables with all parties involved, prepared Minutes of the meetings, conducted independent projects: defined constraints, prepared the Plan of actions, prepares Reports in English/Russian, provided an international experience on some issues for partners, developed Policy recommendations; maintain liaison with the Department of Small Business, work with different professional Associations and NGOs, Ministries

Date:  August, 2000 to April, 2001 (8-month scholarship)
Location: Washington, DC, USA
Company: Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Division of International Technical Cooperation/Office of Productivity and Technology
Position: Fulbright Scholar
Description: Prepared Report and methodology on unemployment and poverty indicators for the countries of Central Asia, studied projections of employment by industry/occupation, participated in the seminars organized by the World Bank, ILO, IMF; international conferences on Metadata system and International Migration; attended the course at GWU on Poverty&Development (by Prof. Michael Kuchinsky, the Bread for the World Institute)

Date:  May, 2001 to August, 2001 (3 month scholarship)
Location: Oxford, UK
University: Oxford University/Linacre College
Position: Chevening Scholar
Description: Prepared Report “Introduction of an Internationally Accredited National Bank Training Standard to the Republic of Kazakhstan”

Date:  Jan, 1998 to June, 2000 (2,5 years contract)
Location: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Company: GMA Capital Market Ltd., (England)
Position:  National Adviser/Coordinator  to EC Tacis project “Support to the commercial banking sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan” for the Banks’ Association/its Training Center
Description: prepared Plan of Action for Capacity building of BAK/Training Center; provided a link with the business community; coordinated the project activity between BAK, British Bankers’ Association and European Bankers’ Associations; prepared Reports on macroeconomic situation to the Senior Adviser; liaised with multinational projects/donor organizations, contacted with governmental authorities, organized Roundtables; prepared financial budget.

Date:  4-month project on poverty from October, 1997 to January, 1998
Position:  Senior Officer, Department of Sustainable Development
Location: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Company: Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of RK
Description:  conducted a 4-month Labor Market’s project on Unemployment and Poverty and prepared Report how to improve the quality of data collected and Policy recommendations

Date:  3 weeks assignment, September 1997
Position: International Polling Supervisor in the Municipal Elections
Location: UN Mission in Priedor, Bosnia &Herzegovina
Company:  UNDP (approved by UNV Geneva and the OSCE)
Description: Supervised the elections outside Priedor (agricultural district), prepared Report
Date:  July 1995 to January, 1996 (in January went to the USA for research fellowship)

Position: Junior Consultant
Location: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Company:  Tacis project “Banking Advisory Services”
Description: wrote the manual for “Kazcredsotsbank” for credit procedures together with the Team; classified the loan portfolio in the branches of Kazcredsotsbank (Chimkent, Jambul) with Expert; negotiated with the Banks’ Association of Kazakhstan on the issues of cooperation;
assisted in the needs’ assessments of banks; translated related documents

Date:  1993 to1997
Positions: Macroeconomist/Marketing Consultant; Deputy Director of the Private Management School, Regional Coordinator of Jambul oblast (USAID)
Location: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Companies:  Italian/French Consortium on Post-Privatization support to Enterprises, Sema group  (Spain), Tacis “Agricultural Machinery and equipment”, USAID funded project on entrepreneurship’s support, Abay’s Private School of Management
Description: prepared Report with economic analysis, conducted marketing surveys, delivered lectures on Business planning; recruited staff of the School of Management, liaised with mass-media
Member of Fulbright Association, ACTR/Accels, member of Editorial Board of the Research Papers of the Scientific Council of Human Rights Conflict Prevention Center, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Playing on piano, saxophone, guitar; going to the Opera Theater, mountains

1. “Proposals for the new measurement for unemployment and poverty indicators in Kazakhstan – myth or reality?” - article for the journal “Economics and Statistics”, Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, N 3/2001
2.  “CPS (Current population survey) and the possibilities for its adaptation” – article for the First National Conference, 1997, February
3.  “Unemployment and the Social Security System in Kazakstan” - article for  “Kazakstan Economic Trends”, European Expertise Service, Fourth Quarter 1996
4. ”Influence the Government policy on the labor market’s features and enterprise development”- article for the Second AIDEA Giovani International Conference “Business, government and society” in Bocconi University - Milano, Italy, 1996
5. “Analysis of structure of Kazakstan’s Labor Market and its features”- Academy of Science, 1995
6. “Scenario of Labor Market’s Development”, Academy of Management, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 1995
7. “Business planning”, Deloitte&Touche, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 1994
8. “Review of Labor market, models of unemployment – book of articles of the Pedagogical Institute, Karaganda, 1992
9.  “Formation of Labor Market in Kazakhstan”, Ministry of Education, Kaz. University, 1992
LETTERS OF REFERENCE: 1) Oliver de Baer, Seniour Advisor of Tacis project “Support to the commercial banking sector”; 2) Mark Shiman, Regional Adviser of USAID project on “Trade and Investment”

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