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DATE OF BIRTH April 13, 1957
PLACE OF BIRTH Moscow, Russia
TELEPHONE (+007) (+095) 173 53 63
FAX (+007) (+095) 125 64 19


November 1995 -July 1996 Training Course on Labor Sociology at the Centre d’Etudes de l’Emploi (Marne-la-Vallee, France.
Sept.- Oct. 1995 Training Course on Labor Economy at the Centre for European Labour Studies, University of Goteborg (Sweden). Grant allocated by SWEDISH INSTITUTE.
Oct.1993 - July 1994 Training Course on Labor Sociology at the Centre de Sociologie Urbaine, l'Institut de recherche sur les societes contemporaines (IRESCO-SNRS Paris). Grant allocated by the Programme DIDEROT (France).
1991- 1993 Doctorate thesis (Ph.D. Economics) on the subject: "State Employment Policy for Women in Russia under the Transition to the Market Economy". Awarded by the Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population, Russian Academy of Sciences.
1990-1991 English Course.
1987-1991 Post-Graduate Course at the Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences.
1974-1979 Moscow State University. Department of Economic Geography of Foreign Countries. Diploma of Honour.


French -  fluent; (Professional Diploma))
English – reading and writing on professional issues.


January 1997 – present day Associate Professor at the Faculty of Sociology at Higher School of Economics (State University) Course of Labor Market Sociology and Employment
Since 1999- present day Associate Professor at the Faculty of Sociology at Higher School of Economics (State University) Course of Gender and Economics
Since 1997- present day Courses on Gender and Economics (for educators from province universities, policy makers etc.) — Sankt-Petersbourg (1999), UNDP (2000), Moscow Center for Gender Studies (1999,2000.2001). Armenia (October 2001, 2002), Uzbekistan (2002), Foros (2002)  etc.

1992 - present day Senior Researcher at Moscow Center for Gender Studies.
1992 - present day Senior Researcher at the Institute for Socio-Economic Studies of Population, and  Moscow Center for Gender Studies.
1993-1995 Senior Researcher at the Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences (part-time).
1989-1992 Researcher at the Department of Labour Problems at the Institute for Socio-Economic Studies of Population. (Russian Academy of Sciences).
1982-1989 Researcher at the Department of Well-being Problems of the Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics. Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.
1980-1982 Junior Researcher at the Department of Well-being Problems of the Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics. Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.

? Gender and Economics (Theoretical Issues and Practical Applications)
? Gender Division of Labor and Economic Estimation of Unpaid Work
? Professional Strategies and Professional Mobility of Men and Women in Transitional Society.
? Gender Aspects of Employment and Unemployment


Actually Co-ordinator of the Educational Project “Gender Issues in Socio-Economic University Disciplines” (Sponsored by Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation/Russia)
2000-2002 Co-ordinator of the Project “Gender and Economy: International Experience and Expertise of Russian Reforms”. (Sponsored by Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation/Russia)
1999-2000 Co-ordinator of the Operational Project “Gender and Economy: International Experience and Russian Perspectives”. (Sponsored by Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation/Russia)
1999 Co-ordinator of the Research Project (Sponsored by Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation/Russia) “Professional strategies and professional mobility of men and women in transforming Russian society” Research based on qualitative methodology (84 in-depth interviews). Sponsored by Higher School of Economics
June 1997-February 1999 Towards a variety of  family models economical contributions of spouses and family power. (Russia- Czech Republic: a comparative study)”. Research  sponsored by Soros Foundation.
November 1996 July 1998- Coordinator of the topic “Social and Economic Rights of Men and Women” in the collective Research Project “Women Rights in Russia: Research into the State of Public Opinion and Right’s Observance in Real Practice”. Research Project, sponsored by J. And K. MacArthur Foundation.
October 1994-October 1996 Coordinator of the Russian part of the Research Project "Gender Relations and Employment: A Cross-National Study". A comparative Research based on qualitative methodology (in-depth interviews) on the situation of women in high-level occupations in five European countries: Britain, France, Norway, Russia and the Czech Republic. The Director of the Research Project  - Professor  Rosemary Crompton (Leicester University).
January - September 1995 Research Project "Professional Mobility under the transition to market economy" (Tver, Solnetchnogork, Moscow); survey on gender differences of professional mobility under economic crisis and labor market formation. Sample: 700 persons. Research Project sponsored by Russian Ministry of Labor.


2002 Gender and Economics: International Experience and Expertise of Russian Practice. (editor)/ Moscow. Russkaya Panorama, 2002.
2002 Gender Dimension in development programmes: analysis of international  practice. – in: Gender and Economics: International Experience and Expertise of Russian Practice. (editor)/ Moscow. Russkaya Panorama, 2002. pp.38-71.
2002 Social Justice, Welfare State and Gender. – in «Economics and Social Policy: Gender Dimension ».Moscow, “Academia”, 2002, pp. 188-204.
2001 Gender Issues in Economic Theory. In: «Introduction Course in Gender Studies» (Edited by Irina Zherebkina). Sankt-Petersbourd, Aleteya, 2001. 35 p.
2001 Economics of Gender: Theoretical Issues and Practical Applications. – in «Theory and Methodology of Gender Studies». Moscow Center for Gender Studies, 2001, pp. 109-163.
2000 Economics of Gender: Theoretical Issues. Voprosy Ekonomiki (Economic Issues) ? 3, 2000.
2000 Professional Adaptation of Men and Women Having Jobs in the non-governmental Enterprises (interviewing people working in new commercial banks). – Narodonaseleniye (Population), N3, 2000 35 p.
1999 Women in banking Institutions: professional adaptation in new social environnment. – in: Men and Women in Modern Society: Changing Roles and Representations. Moscow, Institute of Ethnology and Antropology, 15 p.
1998 Outsiders in the Labour Market: Russian Men and Women Facing new Realities of Unemployment. - in: “Central and Eastern Europe: Assessment and Management of Transformation Risks”. Monograph published by Bulgarian Institute of Sociology and UNESCO-MOST Committee, Sofia, 1998...
1998 Labor Rights in Modern Russian Context (gender aspect). - Women’s Rights in Russia: Mass Consciousness and Real Practice. Moscow, MCGS, 1998, pp.167-217.
1997 Women-professionals in the new banking institutions: strategies of professional adaptation under market transition – Narodonaseleniye, N 3? 1998, 35 pages
1997 Donne e uomini nella formazione del mercato del lavoro: il caso della Russia. // Rassegna Italiana di Soociologia. anno XXXVIII, N1, Marzo 1997, pp.93-109.
1996 Le politiche dell'occupazione femminile in Russia fra ideologia ed economica. - Altraragioni, (Milano, Italia), n 5, 1996, pp. 81-99.
1995 Moscow Center for Gender Studies. (Editor). - MCGS, Moscow, 1995, (Russian, English).
1995 "State: "Housemaids in search of work should not be too optimistic" - Interview for "Echo Planety", N 5, 1995.
1995 "Renaissance patriarcale" et transformation de stereotypes de l'emploi feminin en Russie moderne." ("Patriarcal Renaissance" and transformation of stereotypes of female Employment in modern Russia) - Cahiers du GEDISST, IRESCO, Paris, N 12, pp. 103-115. French.
1995 "Employment Policy for Women in modern Russia: between ideology and economy." - - "Altreragioni" - Milan, Italy,.Italian.
1994 "Renaissance" des Patriarchats in Russland nach der Perestroika. Weg zur sozialen Harmonie oder Ideologie erstarrter Formen?" - Berliner Debatte Initial, N 4, 1994, pp. 36-44. German.
1994 "What Does the Future Hold? (Some Thoughts on the Prospects for women's Employment)." - in: "Women in Russia. A new Era in Russian Feminism." Ed. by Verso, London - New-York, 1994, - pp. 74-85. - English.
1994 "Equal Opportunities or Protectionist Measures? The Choice Facing Women."- in: "Women in Russia. A new Era in Russian Feminism." - Ed. by Verso, London - New-York, 1994, pp. 109-123. English.
1993 "Staff Policies of the Enterprises and Perspectives of Women's Employment." - in: "Working Women Under the Transition to the Market Economy in Russia." Ed. by Dr. L.Rjanitsina. - Moscow, 1993, Institute of Economics, pp.95-113.
1993 "High-Educated Women in the Intellectual Occupations." - in: "Working Women Under the Transition to the Market Economy in Russia." Ed. by Dr. L.Rjanitsina. - Moscow, 1993, Institute of Economics, pp.151-184.
1992 "Frauenbeschaftigung beim Ubergang zur Marktwirtschaft."(Women's Employment under transition to market economy)." - Berliner Debatte INITIAL (Zeitschrift fur Sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskurs). N 3, 1992, pp.19-27.
1992 "Equal Opportunities in Employment or "Protective Measures": Women Facing Choice." -  in: "Women and social policy (a gender aspect)" - Demography and Sociology Series, Moscow, Institute for Socio-Economic Studies of Population, pp.36-54, Russian.
1992 "Women in Manufacturing Industry: An Experience of analysing career histories." - in: "Women in Changing Society", Moscow, Nauka Publishers, 1992, pp. 74-84, Russian.


2002 International Conference of Moscow Helsinki Group «Role of Women in Civil Society: perspectives of cooperation of women’s and human rights’ organisations». Paper presented: Cooperation of women’s and human rights’ organisations under neoliberal transformation in modern Russia»
2000 International Conference “Traditional and New Values: Politics, Society, Culture” (Moscow, April 2000). Paper presented: Labour Values and Labour Behavior in Russian Province Context (some results of the survey in Rybinsk)”.
1999 Joint French- Russian Seminar “Construction, destruction et recomposition par l’Etat et ses politiques publiques des categories sociales”. (GRASS-IRESCO, Paris — Institute of Sociology, Russia) Paris, November 1999. Paper presented: “Relations “famille-emploi” modes de construction dams l’espace post-sovietique”.
1999 Women’s World 99. International Conference on Gender Issues. Tromso, Norway. (June 1999). Paper presented: “Women’s professional careers and family power relations in modern Russia”.
1999 Joint Russian-French Seminar on Social Policy in Transforming Society (GRASS-IRESCO, Paris — Institute of Sociology, Russia). March 1999. Paper presented: “Social Mobility and Professional Perspectives of Joung Generation in Russian Province”.
1999 International Conference dedicated to the 90 Anniversary of the First Congress of Russian Women. Moscow, March 1999. Paper presented: “Socail and Economic Status of Women in Modern Russia”.
1998 International Research Conference “Central and Eastern Europe: Assessment and Management of Transformation Risks”. (UNESCO-MOST Committee & Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation). Sofia, Bulgaria, 6-8 February 1998. Paper presented: “Outsiders in the Labour Market: Russian Men and Women Facing new Realities of Unemployment”.
1997 III International Conference on Gender Studies “Men and Women within the Family: Changing Roles and Representations. Moscow, 14-16 October 1997. Paper presented: “Professional Adaptation of Men and Women Having Jobs in the non-governmental Enterprises”
1997 III European Feminist Research Conference. University of Coimbra (Portugal) 8-11 July 1997. Paper presented: “Social Exclusion on the Labor Market: Russian Women Facing Unemployment”
1996 Research Seminar "Gender Rel?tions and Employment" University of Leicester. 22-25 February. Paper presented: Women’s Employment in the non-governmental Sector of the Economy”.
1995 "Gender, inequality and differences" , Giornati di studi. 7-9 November 1995, Milan University, Department of Social Sciences. Milan, Italy. Paper presented: "Women's Employment Trends and Employment Policy for Women in the society under transition to market economy: the case of Russia".
1995 Beijing Fourth UN World Conference on Women (NGO Forum, Huairou, China). 28/08-15/09 1995. Paper presented: "The Infringement of Women's Rights in the Employment Sphere: A Modern Russia's Labour Lagislation analysis." Grant allocated by MACARTUR FOUNDATION (USA).
1994 All-Russia Women's Congress "Labour and Unemployment." - Moscow, 29-30 November 1994. Paper presented: "On the Effectiveness of the Employment Policies Towards Women".
1994 International Seminar "Gender Relations and Employment: A Cross-National Study". Canterbury University, 13-16 September 1994. Paper presented: "The Politics of Women's Employment in Russia: Historical Background and Contemporary Explorations".
1994 Russian-German Women's Seminar "Socio-Economic Transformation and their Impact on Women's Position in Russia and Germany". Berlin, May 1994. Paper presented: "Women's Experts with higher Education on the Labour Market in Russia: Employment Trends and Prospects".
1992 II Independent Women's Forum, Dubna, November, co-ordinator of a workshop "Women's Employment and Conversion of the Defence Industries"
1992 International Conference of East-West European Women's Network (OWEN). November 1992, Berlin, Germany. Paper presented: "Employment of Women-experts with higher Education under formation of Labour Market in Russia.
1992 Finnish-Russian Scientific Seminar: "Gender and Reconstruction Policy: Russian and Finnish Experience", Tampere, October 1992. Paper presented: "Women in the Scientific World: Integration or Exclusion?".
1992 International Conference of Socialist Economists. - London, July 1992. Paper presented: "Women in the Labour Market in Russia: New Realities".


Address:  480002, Kazakhstan, Almaty, Jibek Joly 59, apt.82
Telephone:  +7 (3272) 33 47 54 (home), 62 31 00(office), 8 300 7665 724 (mobile)
Marital status: married, 1 child
Languages:  Russian – native, English – Intermediate, Kazakh – general understanding

? The training courses and office-trainings for the Pragma Corporation, training in  “ Sales marketing ” for the company “Comcon-Eurasia2”;
? Psychological trainings and trainings on marketing and sales for JSC “Bahus”; “Rahat”, for Brewery “Rosa”, Pavlodar beer-plant, company “Abdi”, plant “Etalon”
? Grants from Eurasia for Unemployed: courses “Marketing of the tourist and hotel businesses”;
?  “Marketing researches”, “Innovation of teaching and learning”, practical experience of  organization and work with clients - International Educational Center “Arman”;
? Consulting: “Marketing researches on the hotels of “Iassaui” company, “Aspan” –pager company;
? Consulting: “Project of marketing research of Kokshetau region for the gold-mining company “Placer&Dome” (Canada)”;
? Seminars on marketing in all region for the owners of small business (Tacis program, the project of  “Deloitte&Touche”), wine production plant “Bahus”

1999 KIMEP, evening program for MBA – Marketing, Sales Marketing
1998 Marketing and Logistics, Certificate, - International Center “Arman”
Psychological training in business-communications, Certificate, - International Center “Arman”
May, 1998 Certificate/training Leader project Management, - The University of Western Ontario, Richard Ivey School of Business
1996 MANAGEMENT of enterprises – training on the Dutch project -Certificate.
1994 Courses for entrepreneurs in the School of Management named after Abay under the participation of Lancashire University (UK). Certificate.
1993 The courses for Sociologists in the Kazakh State University. Diploma.
1983 Ph.D. The degree of the Doctor of Philosophy.
1979 – 1972 Post – graduation in the Academy of Science of RK. Specialization on philosophical issues of natural science. Math’s game theory.
1973 – 1977 Pedagogical Institute, specialization: Math. Excellence Diploma. Simultaneously evening courses of the University on Ethics. Excellence Diploma.

2000 – now Chief editor of marketing magazine “ Marketing of Goods and Services.”
1999-2000 Audit firm «MARSAT». Marketing Chief Manager.
1997-1999 International Educational Center «Arman». Trainer of the courses, then – the Director of Marketing Department
1996-1998 International Travel Agency “Farab”(new structure from “Yassawi”).Tourist Company “Yassawi”- Marketing Chief Manager.
1995-1996 Halyk Saving Bank (Narodny). The Chief of the Marketing Department of Financial markets.
1994-1995 Privatisation Project of “Deloitte&Touche” - Assistance to the owners of small business.  Wrote the chapters in the brochures for the entrepreneurs “How to run business in Kazakstan” and “Accounting for small business”
1982-1994 Kazakh State Institute of Physical Culture. Lector/teacher of Philosophy

AWARDS & MEMBERSHIP: Prestige award of the Academy of Public Sciences – awarded with the title of “Academic”,  member of the Association of Marketing

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