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A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Website

Creating Basic Web Pages from Scratch

Basic Principles
(or, "Key things to remember, that will save you problems later on!")

  1. Create a Folder for your Web Site


  2. Open Netscape Communicator to Create your first index.html page

    1. In Composer, open a New Blank Page
    2. save this page as index.html inside your WebWork folder
    3. type in the text for your home web page
      - this page should introduce you and your project
      - it should contain links to your other pages which will have more detail on your project and related sites
    4. create at least two lines of text that will be links to your other pages
      for example:
      - My Resume
      - My Research Project
    5. save the page


  3. Create Other pages

    1. while still in Composer, open a New Blank Page
    2. save this page in your WebWork folder
      - you may give the file any name you wish, but it must end with .html
      - do not put any spaces in the file name, file names are case sensitive
      - for example, name the page: resume.html
    3. type, or copy and paste text into this file
    4. at the bottom of the page include information about the date the page was created/modified, who created it, and
    5. type a line that says something like: Back to My Home Page
    6. open another New Blank Page and follow steps 1 to 5, but save this file under a different name like: project.html
    7. save the page


  4. Make Links between your pages

    1. return to your index.html page
    2. select (highlight) the line where you wrote "My Resume"
    3. click on the Link (looks like a chain) button, or select Insert -> Link from the menu bar
    4. click on the Choose File button
    5. in your WebWork folder select the resume.html file, and click Open
    6. click the OK/Save button
      - you have now successfully created a link between your index.html page and your resume.html page
      - all other links that you create will be done in exactly the same way
    7. repeat steps 1 to 6, this time creating a link to your project.html page
    8. save the page


  5. Link back to index.html and testing the links

    1. While still in Composer, open one of your other pages, like resume.html
    2. select (highlight) the "Back to my Home Page" text you wrote earlier
    3. using the same method described above, make a link to your index.html page
    4. save the page, and repeat this for any other pages you have created
    5. open Netscape Navigator, you can do this one of 3 ways
      - from the Communicator menu, select Navigator
      - from the File menu, select New -> Navigator
      - click on the Preview (ship's wheel) button on the button bar
    6. in Navigator, open your index.html file
    7. click once on the colored text that says My Resume
      - this should take you to the resume.html page that you created
      - Note: with Web pages you only need to click once to activate a link, you do not need to double-click
    8. click once on the colored text that says Back to my Home Page
      - this should take you back to your index.html page where you can follow any other links that you have created
    9. Note: If changes you have made to your page do not appear in Navigator, try the following:
      - make sure that you have saved your changes after working in Composer
      - make sure that you have opened the correct version of your page, and that it was saved in your WebWork folder
      - click on the Reload button, or hold the shift-key and click the Reload button


  6. Congratulations!! You now have a working web site!


  7. Use SFTP to put your pages on the Policy.hu server

    1. open your copy of the SSH client, or another SFTP client
    2. establish a connection over the Internet to the Policy.hu server
      - Host Name (remote server): www.policy.hu
      - User ID/Login: YourFamilyName
      - Password: the password you set when you first accessed your account
    3. in the left column (Local System) of the SSH client, locate your WebWork folder on your local computer
    4. in the right column (Remote System) of the SSH client, locate and open the public_html directory
    5. select your newly created or modified web files on your local computer
    6. transfer these files to the Policy.hu remote server by clicking on the -> button
      - Note: whenever you transfer files with SFTP, they will replace any files of the same name that are already in the destination folder
      - when you return home, you can use the same process to transfer files from the server to your personal computer by clicking on the <- button
    7. Remember: you must use SFTP to upload any changes you make to your web site in the future.


  8. Test your Web site on the Internet

    1. open Netscape Navigator
    2. type www.policy.hu/YourFamilyName/ in the location bar
    3. Viola! your Web site is on the Internet for the rest of the world to see.
    4. Now, keep your web site regularly updated :-)

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Created Tuesday, 6 June 2001
Merrill Oates Oates@policy.hu Last Modified 15.Mar.2004 URL: <http://www.policy.hu/inetclass/StepstoWeb.html>
