Internet Client Tools

Internet Client Tools & Services

  Telnet E-mail FTP Usenet NEWS WWW
Mnemonic reminder "telescope" "pony express" "fetch doggy!" "medieval market" "wysiwyg"
protocol telnet SMTP ftp NNTP HTTP
Client Tool telnet

NCSA Telnet
Pegasus Mail
Internet Explorer
Features Remote interactive work 1 to 1 messaging

asynchronous exchange

mailing lists

file downloading

remote file placement

anonymous ftp
public newsgroups

popular news and conversation

HyperText Markup Language

Server Program telnetd sendmail ftpd ANU-NEWS DNEWS httpd



Internet Clients, What do they do?

Telnet makes a connection between your computer and another remote computer. Both machines must be connected to the Internet. You can use telnet to run commands on the remote computer.
Telnet is good for checking your e-mail from any computer that is connected to the Internet.
Telnet is like a telescope: You can see into a remote computer from the one you are working on.

E-mail allows for sending and receiving messages from one computer user to another.
E-mail messages are plain text files which include a destination address and the sender's address.
E-mail is delivered like the Pony Express: from one computer server to the next, until it arrives at its final destination.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
FTP is used to get or place files, programs, or documents on another computer connected to the Internet.
You will use FTP to "upload" your web page files to the Web server. FTP is also used to get, or "download" large files such as software upgrades or long documents that can't be e-mailed.
FTP is like sending your dog out to get the newspaper: "Fetch doggy!" (sorry for the suburban American cultural references here! :-)

Usenet News are public on-line discussions carried on in thousands of news group topics. News can be "posted" or "subscribed to" from any connected computer. News postings are distributed to news servers all over the world allowing anyone to read and reply. News groups are usually listed by the topics covered, such as: soc.politics.marxism or comp.sys.macintosh and can be useful for establishing initial contacts or getting advice on other relevant resources.
Usenet News is like a Medieval Market: It can be a great place to hear the latest gossip and news, but there is also a lot of garbage you may have to wade through.

WWW (World Wide Web)
This is where you get all of the graphics, sound, and motion and the simple "point-and-click" capability of moveing from one linked document, or page, to another. Each "page" on the Web is simply a text file marked with HTML (HyperText Markup Language) that is downloaded to your Browser (like Netscape or Internet Explorer). A Web page can be "linked" to other pages on the Internet, thus potentially connecting you to other pages all over the world.
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get): The text and images on the screen allow you see what is available and to request information with out any special commands.

[I-net Class Home Page]

Created 24-Feb-98
by Peter Czabala Modified and Expanded by Merrill Oates Csudlik Consulting Last Modified 3.03.98 URL: <> meO