: Ilia Stojanov ILIEV

Date of birth
: April 27, 1966

: Bulgarian


Address:                       Department of Ethnology

                                       Faculty of History,  room 26A

                                       Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"                                                                                               
                                        15, Tzar Osvoboditel blvd.                    

                                       Sofia 1000, Bulgaria

                                       tel. (+3592) 930-8356

                                       e-mail   <>





1993 - 1999 - Ph.D. student at the Department of Ethnology, Faculty of History, University of Sofia

 1994 - 1995 - DEA in Social Anthropology, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Toulouse



Since 1997 - Assistant Professor at the Department of Ethnology, Sofia University

Since 2000 - Director of the Bulgarian office of the Project on Ethnic Relations, Princeton, USA (

 1992 - 1997 - Journalist, junior editor, and columnist in the daily newspapers Express, Bulgarska armija, and Standard


Scholarships and Fellowships:


November 2000 – August 2001 – Associate Nexus Fellowship, Centre for Advanced Studies, Sofia

 January 2000 - June 2000 - Volkswagen Junior Visiting Fellowship at the Institut fuer die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna



1. "Representations of vitality in the Bulgarian tradition", Letopisi, 3-4 (1993), 178-93 [in Bulgarian].

2. "The material of love", Letopisi, 11-12 (1993), 174-8 [in Bulgarian].

3. "Representations of passions",  Bulgarski folklor, XIX, 2 (1993), 30-8 [in Bulgarian].

4. "Progress as a Reconstructed Past in the Texts of Rakovski", Letopisi, 7-8 (1996), 215-37 [in Bulgarian].

5. "Ethnographic metamorphosae", Leteratura (Lettre Internationalle - Sofia edition), 14 (1997) [in Bulgarian].            

6. "Somebody Like You: The Image of Gypsies and Yoroks among Some Bulgarian Muslims", in: T. A. Acton (ed.), Gypsy Politics and Traveler Identity (University of Hertfordshire Press: Hatfield, 1997), vol. 1, pp. 54-60.

7.  "The Proper Use of Ancestors", Ethnologia Balkanica, 2 (1998), 8-17.

8. "La Purete Eloignee", in: Denis Cerclet (ed.), Patrimoine, environement, tourisme, developement (Lion, 1998), pp. 21-6.

9. "Village Specialists of Tradition: Erudites, Grand-Fathers, Dissidents", Sociologicheski problemi, 3-4 (1998), 64-74 [in Bulgarian].

10. I. Iliev, P. Kabakchieva, J. Konstantinov, Bulgaria: Consultations with the Poor, prepared for Global Synthesis Workshop, September 22-23, 1999, Poverty Group, PREM, World Bank.

11. "On the History of Bulgarian Genealogy", Institut fuer die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM) Working Papers, September 2000, on CD.

12. "The Social Construction of a Bulgarian Saintly Woman", IWM Junior Fellows Seminar, 2000.

13. "Familie, Ideologie und Politik: Die Grossmutter in der stadtischen Familie nach 1945", in: Ulf Brunnbauer, Karl Kaser (eds.), Vom Nutzen der Verwandten. Soziale Netzwerke in Bulgarien 19 und 20 Jahrhundert (Bohlau Verlag: Wien, 2001), pp. 89-114.

14. "Purity Lost", in: Nikolaj Aretov and Nikolaj Tchernokozhev (eds.), Balkan Identities (Sofia, 2001), vol. 1, pp. 149-65 [in Bulgarian].

15. Ilia Iliev, Petia Kabakchieva, Yulian Konstantinov, “Bulgaria. Reeling From Change”, in: Deepa Narayan and Patti Petesch, eds. “Voices of the Poor”, Oxford University Press / World Bank, 2002, 239-274

 16. “Der Wundertater Angelus. Eine Geshichte aus den Jahren der Modernisierung Bulgariens”, in: Harald Heppner und Rumiana Preshlenova, hrsg., Offentlichkeit ohne Tradition, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2003, 37-52

 17. "Grand-mothers and Children in the Official Ideology of Socialist Bulgaria", in: A. Kiossev (ed.), The Symbolic World of Socialism, forthcoming.

 18.  “The Division of Labor between Small and Large Farms in Bulgaria: The Future of Bulgarian Agriculture”, in: Janos Kovacs and Rumen Avramov (eds.), After the Accession, forthcoming.



Marcel Mauss, Essai sur le don, from French to Bulgarian (Kritika i Humanizum: Sofia, 2001).