Emese Ibolya

Date of birth: 12.06.1976
Address: 1028 Budapest, Aszu u. 59/B
Telephone: (06) 30 470 8812
E-mail: mseibolya@yahoo.com

09/2001 - 06/2004    Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science
MA Degree: Roma Educational Policy in Hungary before Entering the European Union

09/2000- 06/2003    Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Faculty of Humanities, English - American Institute
MA Degree: Intercultural English Language Learning with Roma Youngsters

Courses, trainings:
08/2003        Antiracist Youth Meeting, Reggio di Calabria, Italy
International youth event for European youth organisations

08/2003        ’Include Yourself,` Zakopane, Poland
International contact making event for European youth organisations

05/2003        Open Space Training, Weimar, Germany
Attaining Open Space training method

04/2003    Conflict Resolution Training, Partners Hungary Foundation, Budapest
Training for acquiring conflict-management techniques with disadvantaged and marginalized social groups

02/2003    Tolerance Training, ELTE, Department of Psychology, Budapest
Training for improving tolerance towards disadvantaged and marginalized social groups

10/2002        ’Knowledge in Society II.’ European Youth Centre, Budapest
 Training for trainers

09/2002        Contact Making Seminar, European Youth Centre, Budapest
International contact making event for youth groups

09/1999- 12/1999    Preparation for the TOEFL Exam, Harvard University, Boston, USA
English language training

Work experience:
04/2004 - 07/2004     Nonprofit Enterprise Self-sustainability Team (NESsT), Santiago-San Francisco-Budapest
Project co-ordinator of International Social Enterprise Exchange (ISEE) Event
07/2003 - 06/2004     Drug-Preventory Program, Budapest
Trainer and project co-ordinator of drug-preventory, skills and personality development program for disadvantaged youngsters
Participating organisation: Maholnap Foundation

01/2003 - 12/2003    Intercultural Training Program, Budapest
Trainer and project co-ordinator of intercultural, skills- and personality development program for Roma and non-roma youngsters including international youth exchanges and events in the framework of YOUTH 2000-2006 Program
Participating organisation: Hungarian Roma Parlament

09/2001 - 06/2002    Józsefvárosi Schooling Foundation, Budapest
English teacher and youth worker in PHARE Roma educational program

01/2001 - 09/2001    Flóra Foundation, Budapest
Therapist with autistic children, employing Dr. Banfi therapy

01/2001 - 08/2001    Hungarian Roma Parliament, Budapest
Cultural assistant of realisation of art exhibitions and performances

09/1999 - 05/2002    Eötvös Loránd University Student Self-Government, Budapest
As elected president of English Self- Government Body organiser and co-ordinator of cultural workshops and summer camps for university students with support of USAID and the British Council

Languages spoken:    native Hungarian advanced English, conversational French

PC knowledge:    MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Internet

Hobbies:    exploring cultural diversity through intercultural interactions, gastronomy, travelling

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