Initial Work and Advocacy Plan

May, 2006

Regional movements in Serbia

– Sources of conflict or part of the solution?


 Aim of the project

The objective of the project is to analyze the situation of ethnic minority communities in Serbia and to examine how decentralization of Serbia would benefit minority groups and reduce ethnic tensions. The project is particularly interested in looking at how decentralization should be carried out in Serbia if the interests of ethnic minorities are taken into account. The paper will develop policy recommendations for the European Parliament delegation on the Balkans, Enlargement DG of the European Commission, Member States delegations and Serbian political decisions makers and experts.

My research will consist of:

– Analysing the general situation – including the main grievances and demands – of three minority groups in Serbia that constitute a majority in some municipalities. These are: 

·         Hungarians in Vojvodina,

·         Sandzak Muslims,

·         Albanians in Southern Serbia.

– Examining the current situation of local governments in Serbia and looking at the ongoing internal debate about decentralization.

– Mapping the different models of decentralization available in Europe with the aim of finding some applicable examples. The purpose of such analysis would be to develop policy recommendations with regards to how municipal self-governments should be strengthened and which additional authorities they should be endowed.

– Looking for instruments that could foster local democracy and which could be applicable in the Serbian context.

– Developing policy recommendations regarding decentralization in light of potential security threats and the situation and interest of ethnic minorities.

Identification of OSI network programs that may serve as partners and the expected benefits from the cooperation:

Advocating my research findings:


Interviews, workshops and meetings


Policy paper  


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