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Programme "Building Gender Awareness"



Through our programme "Building Gender Awareness", which has been implemented since beginning 1999, we want to:

* advance relations between men and women,
* promote development of knowledge and skills through non-institutional educational programmes,
* promote values of non-violence, tolerance, solidarity and gender equality.

Besides that, through different educational activities, education of educators, providing information, conducting researches and campaigns, we aim at:

* encouraging young people to work with young people on volunteer basis
* increasing professional knowledge and skills of professionals working with young people
* informing the public on young people's issues regarding sexuality and violence
* developing networking and active co-operation among institutions, non-governmental organisations and citizens.


* Through trainings for trainers, 60 professors and adolescents have been qualified for conducting programme Building gender awareness and education for human rights in their schools, and they do it on volunteer basis.
* Through lectures and workshops, 2847 young people have received additional information and increased their knowledge on sexuality, reproductive health, dating violence.
* In April 2002, CESI has created web page "SEZAM - Sexual Education for Young People", which provides complete and tested information on complex issues related to sexuality, dating violence and protecting their rights. The page has won the first award at the EMC festival "Media and Health", held under Ministry of Health patronage.
* Brochure "You have right to know - sexuality and reproductive health from A to Z" has been published in 34 000 copies, and distributed to high school students.
* The Initiative for Introducing Sexual Education to Schools has been founded. At the meetings, conception and strategy for introducing sexual education to schools has been agreed on, and these ideas have been presented to Ministry of Education and Sports, as well.
* The final report of the research based on the questionnaire "Men, Women and Sexuality" has been prepared. In this research, we have tried to establish ways in which opinions and attitudes that young people have on gender issues and sexuality affect sexual behaviour. Report also contains recommendations for including research results in process of education of young people on sexuality.
* The co-operation with institutions has been advanced. The broad public has been informed on young people's issues related to respecting their rights, violence, and sexuality.



At the beginning of 2001, CESI has started conducting two-year research based on the questionnaire "Men, Women, Sexuality", which has already been used by Nordic Institute for Women's Studies and Gender Research, within "Living for Tomorrow" project. The final goal of the questionnaire is not only to establish ways of influence that young people's opinions and attitudes on relations between men, women and sexuality have on risky sexual behaviour, but also to include those results in real process of education of young people on sexual health.
From October 2001 till April 2002, the questionnaire has been applied on representative sample of 995 young people, 16 to 17 years old, coming from 12 schools, in Zagreb, Osijek, Rijeka and Split. The questionnaire is divided into four parts, in which young people are asked to express their opinions and perceptions on:

- gender system and gender differences in Croatian society;
- boys' and girls' expectations within sexual relations context;
- risk and responsibility issues within sexual encounters / relationships;
- participants' personal experiences and expectations in sexual behaviour.

The report on the research, entitled "The Significance of Gender in the Attitudes and Sexual Behaviour of Croatian Adolescents", in Croatian and English language, will be available in early 2003.
We hope that the results will be used as basis for creating gender sensitive programme of sexual education, and therefore the final chapter contains concrete recommendations for creating draft programme, which could be applied at schools.

Education and Informing

* Education of Educators

- Education of educators "Building Gender Awareness" - follow up
- Education of educators "Building Gender Awareness" - seminar for professors coming from all over Croatia
- Human Rights Methodology - seminar for primary and secondary school professors from Sisak - Moslavina County
- Peer education

Continuous education and support for girls from Administrative School, who conduct programme "Building Gender Awareness" in their school.

* Seminars

Two seminars "Human Rights and Gender Awareness", in co-operation with CARE International were held for members of youth NGOs, coming from Eastern and Central Croatia, and from Dalmatia and Istria region.

* Workshops

* "Sex and Gender", within Miramida 10+, for participants from Serbia and Macedonia
* "Dating Violence", four workshops for Geodesy School students, in Zagreb
* "Violence", for Administrative School, Zagreb
* Series of workshops for girls from Administrative School with topics: gender identities, violence, empowerment, feminism
* Workshops on sexuality for several groups from Administrative School, Zagreb
* Workshop "Sexuality" in co-operation with the local library for elementary school students in Dvor
* "Human Rights" for professors of secondary school in Hrvatska Kostajnica and "Dating Violence", for secondary school students in Hrvatska Kostajnica
* "Gender and Sex", workshop for trade unions, political parties and non-governmental organisations representatives, within MIRamiDA Partnership in Jastrebarsko
* workshop "Gender and Sex" for Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia representatives

* Regional Workshops

Training for trainers "Building Gender Awareness" for NGO members from Serbia and Montenegro

* Lectures

Lectures with topics: introduction to reproductive health, contraception, sexually transmitted infections and sexuality were held in 15 schools in cities, as follows: Zagreb, Slavonski Brod, Sisak, Nova Gradiška, Hrvatska Kostajnica, Pula, Dvor and Osijek. Lecture on sexuality for parents has been held at the Centre for Social Care Medvešcak.

Web page

Web page SEZAM - Sexual Education for Young People ( has been created in April 2002, and presented at art net club MAMA in May 2002.
At the EMC festival "Media and Health", organised by School of People's Health "Andrija Štampar", under Ministry of Health patronage, web page SEZAM has been awarded in competitive part and voted the best in web page category. In strong competition, SEZAM has been recognised by the expert judges commission as a visually attractive source of positive, clear and punctual information on sexuality and relations between sexes for adolescents.

Advocacy and Public Policy

*Advocacy for introducing sexual education and education for gender equality into schools through public discussions, round tables, working discussions, continuous monitoring of work of competent state institutions, formulating recommendations and media promotion
The initiative for Introducing Sexual Education to Schools has been created, and conception and strategy for introducing sexual education to schools has been agreed upon at the meetings. These ideas were presented to Ministry of Education and Sports in November 2002. The Ministry of Education and Sports has offered patronage for the round table with topic of introducing sexual education to schools, and the Minister has asked the Bureau for Advancement of School System to appoint its representative in the Initiative.
* Through media, we have introduced public to special needs and problems of young people. There were articles on the programme and publications published in Vecernji list, Novi list, Jutarnji list, and Slobodna Dalmacija daily newspapers. We were guests at radio shows on Croatian Radio, Family Radio, and Radio Samobor, as well as in Croatian television shows "Good Morning Croatia", "Every Day Events", OTV show "Hello Zagreb", and Croatian television magazine for young people "What is happening to me?"
* We have participated in number of round tables and public discussions with topics of violence, sex / gender inequality, human rights.
* We collaborate with experts, institutions and service providers on issues of interest for our organisation. We have participated in meetings of AIDS Committee when preparing project proposal for Global fund for fighting AIDS.


Educational brochure for adolescents "You Have Right to Know - Sexuality and Reproductive Health from A to Z" has been published in 34 000 copies. Most of the print run has been distributed. AWT has organised distribution of the brochure to secondary school students in following cities: Zagreb, Rijeka, Split, Osijek, Slavonski Brod, Zadar, Šibenik, Vinkovci, Pula, Bjelovar, Varaždin, Karlovac and Sisak. Brochure presentation has been held in April 2002 in Europe House, Zagreb.
The postcard "I have right to know - education on sexuality and gender equality to schools" has been published in 8000 copies.
The postcard "I am not feminist, but..." has been published in 5000 copies.
Distribution of the manual "Sex and Gender Under Magnifying Glass", which is being used in working with young people in the whole region, has continued in 2002, as well.

Donors and supporters:

Government of the Republic of Croatia - Office for Associations (Human Rights Office, Ministry of Education and Sports)
Mercy Corps
WHO (World's Health Organisation)
American Embassy, Zagreb
Academy for Educational Development
Embassy of the Norway Kingdom, Zagreb
Embassy of Canada, Zagreb
COMPANIES: AWT - Libresse, Krka.

January 2003