Krivoy cul-de-sac, house 24, Yerevan, Armenia 375015
tel: (7906) 045 54 54 (mobile),

International Policy Fellow, Democratic Governance, Transparency, and Accountability, OSI/Soros Foundation, Center for Policy Studies affiliated with the Central European University, 2005-2006 fellowship.
Master of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Dallas, May 2000
Professional specialization: public management, overall GPA 4.0/4.0.
Courses: Microeconomics, Statistics, MIS, Financial Management and Accounting, Decision Tools, HR Management, Organizational Decision-Making, Policy Institutions and Processes, etc. 
Bachelor of English and Political Science
, Yerevan State Institute of Foreign Languages,
Armenia 1998, graduated with Honors (equivalent to Summa Cum Laude)
Employment History

08/2005-06/2006                 Project Coordinator, Court Automation and Skills Transfer Project, Ministry of Justice/World Bank Judicial Reform Project in Armenia, Luxoft-Armenia

05/2005-12/2005                 Project Liaison, Judicial Education and Training, World Bank/Judicial Reform PIU in Armenia, DPK Consulting
09.2004-05/2005                 Human Resources Development and PUblic Administration Consultant, EU Tacis Regional Development Project in Armenia, implemented by Eurecna

                Deputy Chief of Party, USAID/Capital Markets Development Project in Armenia, IBM_Business Consulting Services (former PricewaterhouseCoopers)

11/2002-05/2003                Consultant, USAID/Capital Markets Development Project in Armenia, IBM_Business Consulting Services (former PricewaterhouseCoopers)

02/2002-02/2004               Civic Education Project Fellow, SCOUT Program
                Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Yerevan State Linguistic University
Lecturing “Principles of Management”, “Executive Decision-Making”, “Human Resources Management”, Seminars on “History of Political Thought”; workshop on Resume Writing/Job Hunting Skills, Model UN trainings; member of selection/nomination committee for student conferences; supervising research papers

10/2000-02/2002                Human Resources Expert, Civil Service Reform Project, Tacis/PLS Ramboll Management

05/2000-08/2000                Summer Intern, Congressman Xavier Becerra, Representative of the 30th District, LA, CA

05/1999-08/1999                Summer Intern, Loans & Grants Dept, Empire State Development Corporation, New York

Awards, Certificates, Other
 Recipient of Democracy Commission Small Grant (“Yellow Pages of Armenian Political Parties” project), US Embassy in Armenia, 2004
 Recipient of Professional Conference Travel Award by HESP/CEP, Austria, Fall 2003
 Recipient of the HESP/OSI scholarship for summer/winter schools on International Affairs and European Studies, Ukraine, 2003-2005
 Member of the Selection and Nomination Committee for Hubert H. Humprey Fellowship for mid-career professionals (Fall 2001, Fall 2002).
Recipient of the Support for Community Outreach and University Teaching (SCOUT) Part-Time Teaching Grant, the United States Department of State, Open Society Institute, Civil Education Project, spring and fall 2002, 2003
 Recipient of the Certificate of Training on Recruitment & Selection, Performance Appraisal & Training, UK, 2001
Recipient of the Cal State L.A.'s Pat Brown Institute (PBI) Public Policy Fellowship, placed under its summer internship program with U.S. Congressman Xavier Becerra, 2000
Recipient of Special Recognition in grateful appreciation of a superb work as a PBI summer intern in the district office, U.S. House of Representatives, Member of Congress Xavier Becerra, 2000
Recipient of the Edmund Muskie/Freedom Support Act Graduate Fellowship Program, the United States Department of State, 1998 -2000
Diploma, Yerevan State Conservatoire after Komitas
Professional qualification/specialization: pianist, artist of chamber ensemble, 2001

Languages and Computer Skills

English, Russian, Armenian- trilingual
MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, Word Perfect, Stata 6.0, SAS


Current Situation of Public Human Resources Policies and Changes Envisaged in the New System of Civil Service; author, collection of conference papers, Armenian School of Public Administration, 2001.
European Integration and European Social-Democratic Movement; author,
Yerevan State Linguistic University, 2003.
Policy Paper "Policy Proposals for the Armenian Court Administration Reforms", author, Center for Policy Studies, Polict Documentation Center, April 2006
Research Paper "Court Reform in the Republic of Armenia", author, OSI/IPF, June 2006
"Court Guide", published in local language as a user-friendly informational guide for court users; author, June 2006


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