5/2 Zankovetska St., Ap. 20

01001 Kyiv-1


tel. (044) 229-4203 (h)

228-2606 (of)





Gorky Literary Institute                                       specialist (honour degree) in Philology,

(Moscow, Russia)                                                1988


Polytechnic Institute                                           specialist in Electric Engineering,

(Lviv, Ukraine)                                                      1977


Other professional training


Green College (Oxford)                                        Reuters Foundation Programme, 2000


East-West Centre (London)                               Young Leaders Forum, 1997


Stefan Batory Foundation                                  International Summer School in

(Warsaw, Poland)                                                Political Science, 1994


University of Warsaw                                         Eastern Summer School, Studies of

(Poland)                                                                 Eastern Europe and Eurasia, 1993


Salzburg Seminar                                                  International Seminar "Ethnicity,

(Austria)                                                                Cultures and the Making of Nations," 1993


Atlantic Council                                                   International Seminar on Defense and Security

(Garmisch-Partenkirchen)                                   Issues, 1993


University of Edinburgh                                     International Summer School,

(United Kingdom)                                                Social History, 1989


Charles University                                               International Summer School,

(Prague, Czech Republic)                                    Czech Language, 1988


University of Bratislava                                      International Summer School,

(Slovakia)                                                              Slovak Language, 1987


Professional experience


1996--present                        Research Associate, European Humanities Research Center at the                            University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”


1997--2000                             Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Krytyka, a Ukrainian intellectual magazine                        (, patterned on the New York Review of Books


1995–1996                              a Lecturer at the University of Texas at Austin (USA): teaching the                          courses on Ukrainian Culture & Civilization, and Political History of                                         Eastern Europe since 1770


1994-1995                               a Fulbright Research Fellow and a Lecturer at the Pennsylvania State                      University (University Park): teaching the course on Ukrainian Culture                                    & Civilization


1985–1994                              an Editor, Section Editor, the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Vsesvit

                                                (The World), journal of international affairs (Kyiv, Ukraine)


Part-time and occasional involvement


2000-2001               the Head of the Program Council of the International Renaissance Foundation

1997-1998               an Expert, a member of the Program Council of the Renaissance Foundation


1996–1999             a Columnist of Den’ (, the quality newspaper published daily in both Ukrainian and Russian, and weekly in English


1992-1993               Editor of the Ukrainian Section of the East European Reporter (Kyiv-Budapest)


1990-1992               Lecturer at the International Summer School of Ukrainian Studies (Kyiv)


1971-1985               a Samizdat  author and activist (Lviv, Ukraine)


Itinerary lectures


Two Ukraines: Trumps and Traps of the Metaphor

Institut fuer die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Wien

5 June 2002


“Kuchmagate”: Ukraine’s Political Crisis

School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London

14 March 2001


Russian Cultural Influence in the ‘Near Abroad’: The Ukrainian Case

Centre for Russian and East European Studies, University of Birmingham

7 March 2001


La literature Ukrainienne aujourd’hui

Institut d’etudes slaves, Universite de Paris-Sorbonne

7 decembre 2000


Ou se termine le jardin de Metternich? L’Integration europeenne vue de la peripherie ukrainianne

L’Institut Polonais de Paris

6 decembre 2000


Not So Free At Last: Mass Media in Post-Soviet Ukraine

Green College, Oxford

2 November 2000


Also, over twenty presentations in 1992-1999, at the Universities of Michigan, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Valparaiso, California at Los Angeles, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchevan, Toronto, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Maryland, Texas at Austin, Harvard, Wane, Penn-State, Columbia, Rutgers at New Brunswick, RAND Corporation, RL/RFE Research Institute (Munich), Woodrow Wilson Center, New School for Social Research (New York), Shevshenko Scientific Society (New York), etc.


Grants and fellowships


Research on Governing Diversity: Ethnolinguistic Cleavages in Ukraine and Challenges of Modernization. – Central European University (Budapest, Hungary), February–August, 2002


Reuters Foundation fellowship for the research on ethnic identities and problems of multiculturalism in the U.K. and Ukraine, in comparative perspective. — Green College (Oxford, UK), October 2000—April 2001.


Research on the Nativist/Westernizer Controversy in Contemporary Ukraine and Prospects for Modernization. — The Kennan Institute (Washington, USA), January—May 1999.


Comparative Study of the Ethnic Minority Problems and Government Policies in Ukraine and Slovenia. — The Open Society Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia), October 1998.


Research on the Polish Emigree Journal Kultura  and Its Impact on Polish-Ukrainian Reconciliation. — Maison des sciences de l’homme (Paris, France), July 1998.


The Renaissance Foundation (Kyiv) grant for the group research on Ukrainian Popular Culture (part-time involvement). — Institute of Cultural Politics at the Center for Cultural Studies and European Humanities Research Center at the University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”(Kyiv, Ukraine), July 1997—June 1998.


Open Society Institute (Prague) grant for the research on civil society and independent mass-media in Ukraine. — (Kyiv, Ukraine), July 1996—June 1997.


Fulbright fellowship for the Research on Civil Society and State-Nation Building in Post-Colonial Countries: The Ukrainian Case. — The Pennsylvania State University (University Park, USA), August 1994—August 1995.


Research on the Policy of Multiculturalism. — University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, Canada), October—December 1993.


Research on Civil Society and National Emancipation in the USSR. — University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, USA), March—May 1990.


Professional honours and awards


2001        “The Book of the Year” award (Kyiv) in one of ten nominations (“Political Science & Sociology”), for the book Vid Malorosiyi do Ukrayiny (From Little Russia to Ukraine: Paradoxes of the Delayed Nation-Building. Kyiv, 2000; 304 p.)


2000        “Berezil” (Kharkiv) award for the best article of the year


1999        POLCUL Foundation (Sydney/Warsaw) award for the significant contribution to Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation


1988        "Ukrainska kultura" (Kyiv) award for the best article of the year

1987        "Ukraina" (Kyiv) award for the best article of the year

1985        "Literaturnoe obozrenie" (Moscow) award for the best review of the year


Professional membership


Ukrainian PEN-Club

International Association of Experts on Ukrainian Studies

Editorial board of Krytyka and Vsesvit monthly (Kyiv)

International Advisory Board of Index on Censorship (London)




Ukrainian (native), Russian, Polish, English (fluent)

Czech, Slovak, Belorusan (working knowledge)


Participation in international conferences and seminars


Nationalism, Identity and Regional Co-Operation: Comptibilities and Incompatibilities (Forli, University of Bologna, 5–9 June 2002): a paper delivered on "Perilous Way to Freedom: Independent Media in the Blackmail State" (to be published in Journal of Ukrainian Studies);

and a panel discussion on "Ukrainian Nation: Building Identities between Separation and Integration"


L'Ukraine et le monde exterieur dix ans apres l'independance (Paris, Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Internationales, 5 avril 2002): a paper presented on "Ambivalence or Ambiguity? Why Ukrainians Remain Undecided?" (available in the CERI web-site; German translation is forthcoming in Transit, Polish in Przeglad polityczny, Ukrainian in Suchasnist)


Voice or Exit? Comparative Perspectives on Ethnic Minorities in 20th Century Europe (Berlin, Humboldt-Universitaet, 14–17 Juni 2001): a paper delivered on “Who is the biggest fish in the Ukrainian pond? Redefining minority-majority relations in a post-Soviet country” (available on the conference web-page; password <ethnic>); Russian translation forthcoming in Diaspora


Ukraine, Poland and the EU Enlargement to the East (Lviv–Przemysl, May 22–25, 2001): a presentation at the workshop on the Transborder Co-operation: Universities, Mass Media, Cultural Programmes


Europe 2021: Beyond Visible and Invisible Borders (Cracow, April 26-28, 2001): a panel discussion.


The EU and Ukraine (Brussels, April 23-24, 2001): a roundtable discussion.


Second Annual Foreign Policy Conference of the Heinrich Boell Foundation: European Limits ­ the Future Shape of the EU Borders (Berlin, November 23-25, 2000): a paper delivered on “Must It Still Be ‘the West Against the Rest?’ Some Dilemmas of EU Enlargement and Prospects for Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation”.


6th World Congress for Central and East European Studies (Tampere, July 30 ­ August 4, 2000): a panel discussant.


Ukrainian Politics in the Twentieth Century (Yale University, New Haven, April 8-9, 2000): a paper delivered on “Dysfunctional Culture in a Dysfunctional State: Is There Any Way Out?”


Ukraina po wyborach – Ukraine after [presidential] elections (Warsaw, December 10-11, 1999): a roundtable discussion.


Polsko-ukrainskie relacje kulturalne, literackie, historyczne 1890­1990 (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, December 6-8, 1999): a paper delivered on “Ksenofobia kresowa ­ przyczyny i skutki”


Partner Ukraine. Aussenpolitische Optionen, gesellschaftishe Entwicklungen, Perspektiven der Zusammenarbeit (Evagelische Akademie, Berlin, 22-24 Oktober 1999): Podiumdiskussion “Perspektiven der deutsch-ukrainischen Beziehungen in Europa”.


Elections and Mass Media in Transitional Democracies: The Ukrainian Case (Kyiv, September 24, 1999): a panel discussion


Teufelszauber — Kultobjekt: Goethe, Gogol, Schevtschenko & Co (Goethe-Institut, Kiew, 27-28 Mai 1999): a paper delivered on “The Poet and His Daemons: A ‘Cosmopolitan’ Goethe and Early European Nationalism”.


Towards a New Ukraine II: Meeting the Next Century (Ottawa, October 2-3, 1998): a paper delivered on “Behind the Talks on ‘Ukrainization’: Laissez-Faire or Affirmative Action?”


50th National Convention of American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (Boca Raton, September 24-27, 1998): the roundtable on “The Russian-Ukrainian Encounter Project: Summary and Agenda for the Future”.


Ethnic Minorities and Problems of Democratization in Central and Eastern Europe (Kyiv, May 24-27, 1998), the roundtable on “Xenophobia and Anti-Semitism in Central and Eastern Europe”.


Shaking Hands, Making Conflicts (Stokholm, April 22–28, 1998), panel discussions.


Culture of the Time of Transformations (Poznan, March 9–12, 1998): the paper delivered on “A Future Ukraine: One Nation, Two Languages, Three Cultures?”


Also, over thirty presentations at earlier conferences, in 1990-1997:


Poland—Ukraine: Past, Present, Future (Lublin, June 1997)

Historical Myths in Contemporary Ukraine (Poltava, May 1997)

Jerusalem in Slavonic Cultures (Jerusalem, December 1996)

New Ukraine and New Europe: a Time of Rapprochement (Lviv, November 1996)

Congress of the International Association of Experts on Ukr Studies (Kharkiv, Aug 1996)

Soviet to Independent Ukraine: A Troubled Transformation (Birmingham, June 1996)

47th National Convention of American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (Washington, October 1994)

Ethnic Minorities in Ukraine (Urbana-Champaign, June 1995)

Security Issues in the New Ukraine (New Haven, April 1995)

Russia and Its Periphery (New York, April 1995)

46th National Convention of American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (Philadelphia, November 1994)

Central-Eastern Europe: Culture of Boderlands (Sejny, Poland, June 1994)

45th National Convention of American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (Honolulu, November 1993)

Congress of the International Association of Experts on Ukr Studies (Lviv, August 1993)

Nations and Stereotypes (Cracow, June 1993)

Ukrainian-Jewish Relations (Jerusalem, May 1993)

Democracy in Ukraine: the Past and the Future (Kyiv, March 1993)

Nationalism and Civil Society in Eastern Europe (Ann Arbor, October 1992)

Ukraine and Russia (Moscow, March 1992)

Inter-Ethnic Conflicts in Eastern Europe (Warsaw, February 1992)

Nations and Nationalism  in Eastern Europe (Geneva, June 1991)

Ukrainian-Jewish Relations (Kyiv, May 1991)

Cooperation in Eastern Europe (Kazimierz-on-Vistula, March 1991)

Ukraine and Russia (Kyiv, December 1990)

Reemergence of Civil Society in Eastern Europe and Soviet Republics (Austin, April 1990)




“Culture and Cultural Politics in Contemporary Ukraine,” in Taras Kuzio and Paul D’Anieri (eds.), Nation Building, Identity and Regionalism in Ukraine (Austin: Texas A&M University Press, 2002).


In Bed with an Elephant: Cultural Wars and Rival Identities in Contemporary Ukraine. Reuters Foundation Paper, no. 65. Green College, Oxford, 2001. 42 p.

Also, in Dutch (an abridged version):


The two-volume study on Civil Society and State-Nation Building in Ukraine:

³ä Ìàëîðîñ³¿ äî Óêðà¿íè: ïàðàäîêñè çàï³çí³ëîãî íàö³ºòâîðåííÿ. Kyiv: Krytyka, 2000. 304 p.

Äèëåìè óêðà¿íñüêîãî Ôàóñòà: ãðîìàäÿíñüêå ñóñï³ëüñòâî ³ “ðîçáóäîâà äåðæàâè”. Kyiv: Krytyka, 2000. 288 p.


“Ukrainian Case to Ukrainian Cause” [a featured review of Catherine Wanner’s book Burden of Dreams. History and Identity in Post-Soviet Ukraine], The Harriman Review, vol. 12, no. 1 (Fall 1999), pp. 19-25.

Also in Ukrainian: “Íåñòåðïíà âàãîòà ìð³é,” Krytyka, vol. 3, no. 4 (April 1999), pp. 6­10.


“Íåá³æ гëüêå ³ ñèí Òàðàñà” [Vasyl Stus as a hero of Ukrainian popular culture], in Oleksandr Hrytsenko (ed.), Ãåðî¿ òà çíàìåíèòîñò³ â óêðà¿íñüê³é êóëüòóð³ [Heroes and celebrities in Ukrainian popular culture]. Kyiv: Ukrainian Centre for Cultural Studies, 1999, pp. 216–233.


“Behind the Talks on ‘Ukrainization’: Laissez-Faire or Affirmative Action?”, in Iren Makaryk (ed.), Towards a New Ukraine. U. of Ottawa Press, 1999, pp. 135­142.


“Óêðà¿íñüêà ïðåñà: ì³æ ïðîñâ³òíèöòâîì ³ ìàñ-êóëüòîì” [“Ukrainian press: between propaganda and mass culture”], Krytyka, vol. 3, no. 5 (May 1999), pp. 8­16.

Also, in Polish: “Historia najnowsza na lamach ukrainskiej prasy,” in Piotr Kosiewski and Grzegorz Motyka (eds.), Historycy Polscy i Ukrainscy wobec problemow XX wieku. Cracow: Universitas, 2000, pp. 206­239.


“Ñàìâèäàâ” [Samizdat as a phenomenon of Ukrainian popular culture], in Oleksandr Hrytsenko (ed.), Íàðèñè óêðà¿íñüêî¿ ïîïóëÿðíî¿ êóëüòóðè [A History of Ukrainian Popular Culture]. Kyiv: Ukrainian Centre for Cultural Studies, 1998, pp. 579–600.


"Çà îãîðîæåþ Ìåòåðí³õîâîãî ñàäó” [Beyond the Fence of Metternich's Garden. A Ukrainian view on Central-Eastern Europe], in Óêðà¿íà òà ªâðîïà: ºäí³ñòü ó ðîçìà¿òò³. Lviv: Centre for International Cultural Initiaves, 1998, pp. 30­41.

Also in English: “The Fence of Metternich's Garden,” in Ukraine and Europe: Unity in Diversity. Lviv: Centre for International Cultural Initiaves, 1998, pp. 30­40.

Also in French: “Au-dela de la cloture du jardin de Metternich,” in Echanges sur et par-dela les frontieres. Lviv: Yi, 2001, pp. 9­22.

Also in German: “Der Zaun von Metternichs Garten,” in Gespraech ueber Grenzen. Lviv: Yi, 2001, pp. 10­22.

Also in Polish: “Za ogrodzeniem sadu Metternicha,” in Rozmowy o granicy. Lviv: Yi, 2001, pp. 9­22.


“²ìïåðñüêèé âèêëèê, íàö³îíàë³ñòè÷íà â³äïîâ³äü: ïðîòèñòîÿííÿ äâîõ ì³ôîëîã³é” [“Imperial challenge and nationalistic response: the rivalry between the two mythologies”], Dukh i litera, vol. 2, nos. 3-4 (Fall 1998), pp. 154–166.

Also, in Belorussian: “²ìïýðñê³ âûêë³ê, íàöûÿíàë³ñòè÷íû àäêàç: ñóïðàöüñòàÿíüíå äçüâþõ ì³òàëåã³é,” Fragmety, vol. 3, no. 1 (Spring 1998), pp. 7–20.


"Civil Society and National Identity in Ukraine," in Taras Kuzio (ed.), Independent Ukraine: Political, Economic, and Social Development. (Armonk, N.Y.: M.E.Sharpe, 1998), pp.81-98.


“(Äå)ì³ôîëîã³çàö³ÿ íàö³îíàë³çìó” [a featured review of Andrew Wilson's Ukrainian Nationalism in the 1990s: A Minority Faith. Cambridge, 1997]. Krytyka, vol. 2, no. 5 (May 1998), pp. 10-16.


“Ïîñóâàííÿ íà Çàõ³ä, îçèðàííÿ íà Ñõ³ä: ïðîºâðîïåéñüê³ îð³ºíòàö³¿ óêðà¿íñüêèõ åë³ò òà àìá³âàëåíòíà ñâ³äîì³ñòü óêðà¿íñüêîãî íàñåëåííÿ” [“Looking Ahead and Back: Pro-European Orientation of the Ukrainian Elite and an Ambivalent Attitude of the populace”], in Maria Zubrytska (ed.), Íîâà Óêðà¿íà ³ íîâà ªâðîïà: ÷àñ çáëèæåííÿ [New Ukraine and New Europe: A Time of Rapprochment]. Lviv: Centre for Humanities, 1997, pp. 64–67.

Also, in Polish: “Bycie ‘miedzy’, czyli ambiwalencja spoleczna i narodowa przyczyna niekonsekwentnej polityki wewnetrznej i miedzynarodowej,” in Tadeusz Stegner (ed.), Ukraina: Wschod–Zachod. Gdansk: Instytut Historii, 1999, pp. 138–146.


"Ukraine Without Ukrainians?" in Ralph Lindheim (ed.), Towards an Intellectual History of Ukraine. An Anthology of Ukrainian Thought from 1710 to 1995.  University of Toronto Press, 1996, pp. 400­404.

Originally published in Ukrainian in Svoboda, 20 October, 1995.


“The Nativist/Westernizer Controversy in Ukraine: The End or the Beginning?” Journal of Ukrainian Studies, vol.21, nos.1-2 (Summer-Winter 1996), pp. 27­54.

Also in Ukrainian: “Çàõ³äíèêè ìèìîâîë³. Óêðà¿íñüêèé íàö³îíàë³çì ì³æ çàõ³äíèöòâîì ³ íàòèâ³çìîì.” Suchasnist, vol. 40, no. 5 (May 2000), pp. 79­98.


[A review of] Halyna Koscharsky, "Writing of Lina Kostenko from the perspective of the poetics of the expressiveness", in Journal of Ukrainian Studies, vol.21, nos.1-2  (Summer-Winter 1996), pp. 228–231.


[A featured review of] George S. N. Luckyj, "Ukrainian Literature in the Twentieth Century. A Readers Guide," in Slavic Review, vol. 54, no. 3 (Fall 1995).


"From State-Building to Building Civil Society" and "The Party of Power Between 'Communism' and 'Nationalism'," in Volodymyr Polokhalo et al. (eds.), The Political Analysis of Post-Communism. Kyiv: Political Thought, 1995.

Also, second edition: Austin: Texas A&M University Press, 1997.


“Â³ä ‘Ìàëîðîñ³¿’ äî ‘²íäîºâðîïè’: ñòåðåîòèï ‘íàðîäó’ â óêðà¿íñüê³é ñóñï³ëüí³é ñâ³äîìîñò³ òà ãðîìàäñüê³é äóìö³,” Politolohichni chytannia, vol.3, no. 2 (Summer 1994), pp. 120–144.

Also, in English: "From 'Little Russia' to 'Indo-Europe': The Stereotype of the Nation in the Ukrainian Public Consciousness and Social Thought," in Teresa Walas (ed.), Nations and Stereotypes. Cracow: International Cultural Center, 1995.

Also, in Polish: “Od ‘Malorosji’ do ‘Indoeuropy’,” in Teresa Walas (ed.), Narody i stereotypy. Krakow: Miedzynarodowe centrum kultury, 1995.

Also, in German: “Von ‘Kleinrusland’ bis ‘Indoeuropa’: Das Stereotyp der Nation im Denken und Bewusstsein der ukrainischen Gesellschaft,” in Teresa Walas (ed.), Stereotypen und Nationen. Krakau: Internationales Kulturzentrum, 1998, pp. 136–149.


"Between Civil Society and the New Etatism. Democracy in the Making and State Building in Ukraine," in Michael D. Kennedy (ed.), Envisioning Eastern Europe. Postcommunist Cultural Studies. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1994, pp.125-148.


“Äåìîêðàò³ÿ òà ‘ïàðò³ÿ âëàäè’ â Óêðà¿í³,” Ïîë³òè÷íà äóìêà, 1994, no. 3, pp. 37–43.

Also, in English: "Democracy and the So-Called 'Party of Power' in Ukraine," Political Thought, vol. 1, no. 3 (Fall 1994), pp. 154–160.

Also, in Russian: “Äåìîêðàòèÿ è ‘ïàðòèÿ âëàñòè’ â Óêðàèíå,” Ïîëèòè÷åñêàÿ ìûñëü, 1994, no. 3, pp. 37-43.


Ukrainian Government: Balancing Between Socialism and Capitalism," Ukrainian Newsletter [Moscow], no. 4, 1993 (Postfactum Analitical Series, no. 59).

Ukrainian Opposition: Between the 'National' and 'Democratic'," Ukrainian Newsletter , no. 1, 1992 (Postfactum Analitical Series, no. 42).


"Authoritarianism with a 'Human Face'?" in East European Reporter, vol. 5, no. 6 (November–December 1992).

"Two Ukraines?" East European Reporter,  vol. 5, no. 4 (1992).


"Little Russianism and the Ukrainian-Russian Relationship," in Roman Solchanyk (ed.), Ukraine: From Chernobyl to Sovereignty. London: Macmillan, 1992, pp. 19­30.


“Ãðîìàäÿíñüêå ñóñï³ëüñòâî ³ íàö³îíàëüíà åìàíñèïàö³ÿ,” Suchasnist, vol. 30, nos. 7–8 (July–August 1990).

Also, in English: "Civil Society and National Emancipation: The Ukrainian Case," in Zbigniew Rau (ed.), The Reemergence of Civil Society in Eastern Europe and the USSR. Boulder: Westview Press, 1991.


"We'll die not in Paris..." [The New Ukrainian Writing] in Edinburgh Review, vol. 86, 1991, pp. 95–100.

"The Soviet Republics: A Time for Independence?" The World & I, no. 7 (July 1990).

The Stepping Stone of Perestroika. Kyiv: Ukraine Society, 1989.