Hanna Pavlivna Chmil


Cand. Sc. (Philosophy), Vice Secretary of State for Culture and the Arts of Ukraine.

Born 20.10.1950 in Zhytomyr Region, Ukraine

Education: T. Shevchenko University (Kyiv), Department of Philosophy, 1972.

Postgraduate studies: Kyiv Institute of Pedagogy 1981 - 1983.



1971 – 1974 – lecturer at a technical college in Kyiv;

1974 – 1985 – film editor, Kyiv studio of educational films;

1986 – 1991 – consulting worker, Department of Culture, Central Committee of Ukrainian Communist Party;

1991 – 1993 – Deputy Chairman, State Committee for Cinematography of Ukraine;  

Since 1993 – Assistant Professor, Kyiv Institute of Theater and Film;

Since 1995 – Vice Minister of Culture; later – Vice Secretary of State for Culture and Arts.


Member, Union of Filmmakers of Ukraine.